
Showing posts with label @FunkyColors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @FunkyColors. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2024

@KidROCK #UpJumpedTheBoogie on FRIDAY THE XIIIIth #ScaredCatsAndDogsOnceBitten #DontEatFelinesFools M.A.S.H. FELIX THE CAT 8THMANDVD.COM


There is nothing more stupid than hooking your hooks into cyberspace, be a fool
Poor kids & old ladies & old men who make the trip without the LSD or dead pool
Topless dancers in the Northern Tier down to the alligator Everglades, Love’s call
Not my call, yours or anyone’s, it’s all about one invisible God Love, evil is back.

Live spelled backward is the thing itself into the crazy fools up your hind end too
Fishin’ where the sun don’t shine hopin’ your battery fails & melts in infamy’s goo
Being nothing responsible for human behavior, random productive sea scum
Comin’ in two-by-two & sometimes skippin’ a beat doubling back for ad infinitum.

Seriously folks, you flow like the river from the mountains to the valleys of dolls
They’re young and they’re old, but they’re the species only hope to survive holes
In the atmosphere or deep in the ground, holes are deep and bottomless dead air
All in One dollop heap of matter that will burn pure energy to soot sooner or later.

Fisticuffs or wrestling with your & 208 bones keeping you up in nuclear arms
You’ve got the fusion and fission dialed in for the atoms, make them the farms
Of the men and mice evolved out of bacteria and viruses without a first cause
Last effect is supernova of a galaxy, the opposite of the Void collapse of toss.

Guns, roses, footballs, goalie nets, hockey sticks and wang dang doodles’ kids
All playing the games of life and death with the morons and idiots who overbid
For the needs & wants of little squirts & old geezers and departed old, tired lies
Born and raised on the bad side of Chicago, ma & pa didn’t know the bad guys.

Mirky milk from the mothers give the offspring notions & delusions of superiority
When they are mostly inferior examples of the species’ form and substance free
Of the Time and Space which we spend doing this & that before sleeping as dead
Every day, every night, you have no choice, fall asleep, you’ll be dead, in the bed.

It all sucked into the matrix without a lifesaver, nothing else but the shock & awe
On the left from the swords and rounds of fire from the guns, as above, below, so
Pig iron and steel to eliminate the threats coming to absolve you of belongings
Denied by idle threat of pain & suffering, termination, results of honeybee stings.

Hot pan-fried and delectable, the food is prepared as a meal for queens & kings
Everything from monk fruit, vegetables, meat, wine, beer, ale, whiskey sour things
All wasted in antibody and mind, nothing left but to exit the stage to the right end
All is empty and one and the same, in a finished game, final gasp, soul gets bent!

Worms comin’ out of the ground, out of the corpses, off of the fish trouble hooks
I read the words and pages of dead tree’s leaves full of ink spots and squiggles
Gleaned the things that past through and the things that will be coming through
Before I die, find out I’m already gone, it’s a matter of Time in Space, so, #BOO!
r j j stephan, i
c. Friday the 13th of September, 2024 Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST
{ crafted while listening to John Cougar #CherryBomb in a loop link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUdbbC3Beo4&list=RD_U1u8-78fRo&index=3 & The Eagles #WastedTime link @ https://youtu.be/rUdbbC3Beo4?si=-Gno2ATcqflVFQPs }

Friday, August 23, 2024

#FeelinSexualHealin #ExceptPriestsAndNuns #CappedWhileCapsized @kIDrOCK

XxxxxxxxxxxxxxCOPYRIGHTED UND CAPSIZEDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX
Whatever you feel inside of your head’s mind may not be reality to all minion-slobs
Think about your future moments after you divulge the Truth in the middle of mad mobs
Be your own conscience, trip along on your suicide mission to live past rigor mortis’ fate
Songs sung but hard of hearing & ultimately deaf & dumb, no idea how to communicate.

Placed dead last in Infinity’s dark place, atomic negation of omnipotence by germ DNA
Now or Never’s the Time in Space, can’t miss the one & only chance to be able to be It
Perfect timing is required 24/7, Earth doesn’t cease to wobble around the ecliptic, growl
As the stomach generates acid to transform matter, you grab the sandwich of high RNA.

Alive moment, dead in an unknown progress of animated development & degeneration
Of all men, all living things, plant and animal, there’s this star dirt to manufacture the sin
Original, mortal and venial violations of commands and theorems of the calculus’ matrix
Deduce, induce, conclude with confidence or a fair deception to trick Mankind’s l’il dicks.

Now then, this is no time to cast aspersions to the appropriate bulls’ eyes, yet we must
Do what needs to be done whether we like it or not, there’s no free will involved in dust
All we are, all we’ve been & all we’ll ever be is what even blind and deaf men can see
Bless the irreverent for the opportunity to double check certainty, we’ll cover the fee.

Just the two of us know the difference between the Truth and the fabrication of reality
Keeping the secret information on file for recollection of your dreams of the nitty gritty
Who & what, why & when are good questions with answers you need to know right now
Without answers you’ve no leverage on bad guys who mean harm to you & y’all gents.

You have crimes & misdemeanors to hide behind as the wayward winds’ blow me down
Beating your con is a matter of time, confidence in the lies as blinded faith is overblown
Cram the data into One hard drive, stuff the mother board with squeaks of men in debt
All gods everywhere in the universe, in every galaxy, every solar system, every planet.

Roll the die, you’re on a cliff and you’re all alone, there’s no help to assist a sorry arse
It doesn’t matter if you beg, borrow or steal everything everywhere on Earth, not a bit
You will die, sooner or later, working hard for a pension or larceny reward in the Penn
Where bad boys & girls go to succeed at absurdity, that God is indeed, all too human.

Equation between known measurements of Time & Space is quadratic or nothing at all
Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry & the advanced Calculus let’s the gods fall
Down here to the top of the dirty planet’s rocks that provide a place for cosmic dust rest
Always ready at any moment to either atrophy or gravitationally collapse in on my chest.

Fairness has no reality in the nature of any beast, only the strong not weak will survive
Be a survivor or be annihilated but either way, our lives are transitory, you’ll take a dive
Sprung a diving board high dive, jumping over 20 feet above the surface, down 16 feet
Could this be all there is? No heaven, purgatory or hell, it’s been a ruse of pope sheet.

Many have already come and gone before this day, more will come & go as mortals do
No free will on that account, the hope that your idea of who you are is immortal is true
But a hope isn’t proof of existence, here & now on any planet in any galaxy’s gold dust
Controlling your mind is as easy as starving-feeding your head, it’s a white rabbit fuss.

Black curtains around us all down under or up yonder, laugh or cry matters, gonna die
Y’all don’t like it but you’re lucky you got this 1 chance at the transitory consciousness
Smelling the roses, trippin’ on sunshine, drinkin’ water, eating plants & animals to shyt
No other reason for the recapitulation than I can only win, there’s no loser in my byte.

Angelic arpeggios attracted demonic morons & idiots, ‘I’ survived abortion ladder rungs
They’ve come and gone in a whisk of polluted air, it goes in & out of your silly ass lungs
Where can you prove on paper that you say nothing but the truth? You can’t, it’s all BS
You’re a lame duck and you can pass no law, you’re a dictator, you’re a fool in distress.

Pin cushion to stick points you’ve made into one spongy, ball of super soft sponge stuff
Dreams came true yesterday, it’s how I got here & now today, I’ll be gone in a pot puff
Popping and annihilating every atom from the beginning to the final Singularity of pi
3.14 is a number, so is zero, one & two but the difference is you know is the third eye.

Fathers of the mothers and sisters are totally responsible for the creation of Earth’s ilk
Accidental monkeys now write down the Truth in encyclopedias in the biblioteque milk
Once you know like I know, attempt to share & you’ll be destroyed by an ignorant droid
High life can’t be down above & below what’s far beyond the way out there in The Void.

All good or a little bit evil or much beyond good and evil, in any case, it’s mortality
Fine or not, accidental or planned parenthood, you’re here & you’re gonna die too
High or low, in or out, about or around, hair grows, inherit your DNA, extinct to be
Or not to ever be again, scared reincarnated atom, free ride to the gods’ dam, Boo!

Screaming inside of our skull like a buzzing sound, same frequency all 24/7 daily too
Moody in ultraviolet blue or infrared scarlet, a spectrum display, infinite god in a zoo
Highlight to remind you what you heard, what you have faith in that suspected truth
Secret is out, high is lower than you think, it’ll end in a whisper of an ol’ spooky tooth.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, August XXIInd MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST

{ Cracked this out of the crust of the Earth while jammin’ to @KidRock link @ https://youtu.be/LMKfIXdxh-U?si=s_yGnGzd2ctNkEQD } 

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

#KeptItSimpleForStupid #SelfSufficientScatForTheVOID #RollTheGDdice


No whining when you have good bread to eat with your vino for suppertime, all ye faithful
Big grandmas & absentee fathers ruling the paper or plastic roosts given to the vengeful
High lights shining above and dimming down under, below the center of the apple’s core
Nobody alive with eyes and ears gets to see or hear the Truth but you can read all about it.

Massive tumors have been found in the Earth’s oceans, mixing cancer with H2O from gods
They left something created out of nothing, let’s be honest, let’s be real here, crypts’ bloods
Nobody ever gets out of this world you see here and now ALIVE, nobody with skin and bones
No dead human with linguistic skills in any tongue of language came back to spill the beans.

There’s one condition that you’ll ever find out the purpose of Life on Earth, you will find it too
Stop the heartbeat for a tick, commitment to stabbing pains in the derriere is tock 23 skidoo
Beware of the dog is what the sign said, big as life right there on the gate of ‘do not enter’ flip
Loud barking scared you from walking up the front steps to the door, loud and clear to skip.

Idiot between the ears above your neck, you do know I’m referring to the one reading it now
Reading it which is this and that encyclopedic of golden books, a compendium of who to blow
Here’s your soul, here’s your body, you’re lucky beyond cosmic origins, a star of Adam’s dent
Nothing more nor less than your parents are responsible for your life choices, you’re innocent.

Of the brains called the place where the minds reside, consider dissecting a cadaver in a lab
As you would expect, just like a worm, a house rat, a gym rat or any other swamp denizen flab
My god, your mom and dad, if you found them alive after being an oblivious toddler, they lied
You remember they promised to love you forever, they never said they’d leave but they died.

Surprise at the mortuary and the nicest people to take your treasure & bury it in gold caskets
Precious charity and the faith that you hoped would carry you to cross to the other side of It
But well, you know, if I told you the Truth, I’d have to terminate your existences of happiness
Totally oblivion is never a welcome contribution to the happiness of 208 bones, yet, I digress.

Nostalgia will be forgotten & will be recollected when your Life flashes before your very eyes
In 182 blinks every single day, you know what I know, since the origin of Time, mankind pies
The Jig is Up, nothing is going on undercover, it’s all above board, only you know like I know
Fun facts are actually just entertainment for those who are aware that Life’s but a wet dream.

Sea of unknown diversity, speaking in Tongues or just loving the tower of Babel, clearly heaven
On Earth, this is how it’s got to be, Catholics, non-Catholics, the Pope, monks & priests of Zen
Quiet is Way, no Way is the Way to go, C.O.W. clips of the week, stipulate extinction, on ‘Man’
As this all turns out above the surface’s ground of being, it’s life or death, in the lioness’ den.

You’ll come around because you’ve got no free choice to break away into all Outerspace deep
Vitamins and minerals will be your full ape shape, bone marrow being the crème of the heap
Of hating love due to bad news from world about love stinking to high heaven, fire up a blunt
Not for a small reason, a big reason is to keep people who hate smoke, far, far away from fun.

Monkeys aping in the trees until the plateaus and plains cleared of the running dozens’ herds
On the porch, on the corner, on the block like Jenny, moves were made on all four corners’ glue
Passing out and passing away were close to the same phrase, word up or word down, it’s woke
Reality claiming fantasy as concrete as your mother and father in the coffin or casket basket.

Cream of the crop, all I have & all I need, what the others in the dust storm crave in perpetuity
End of the edge of town, it turns pitch black, between the city and a country of foolish breeds
Like the DNA of dogs, cats and bipeds who rule the world, everything is going away, as I bleed
A holy hole in my skin, punctured and wounded my system, repaired, scarred for one third eye.

Circle around the squares who allow blather to replace the silent secrets only the gods know
That is assuming this is not just a random collision of rocks with no personality, as a no-show
So, therefore, in the end, finally, hence I roll on a slippery ice cube’s slippery slope, smear pap
But it’s a repetition of the same old story, over again ad infinitum, it’s a gravitational collapse.

Conceive of your conscience without guilt, innocence from the gods to waste in the bad taste
Of evil backward livers of life, consequences of wisdom is knowledge of Truth, in due haste
Nevermore the raven, the crow or bird of paradise setting the entry bar to high to roll the Dice
Paradise invisible to third eyes’ evolution, you are happy, you lose it, I am the trap of all mice.

Blood from the sun, the star too hot to get near less than 90 million miles, give or take it all
Third stone from the sun, the Son of God, it’s obvious that this is a parody of the Eden Fall
From grace, holy obedience to the Law to be ignorant of the trees full of apples and iHearts
Come along applied, anyone invited, especially mean tweeters of @Twitter, bullseyes’ darts.

Now then, I remember you & what’s going on here, never forget about it, we’re flees on walls
Heard everything everybody has ever said, encapsulating it into a finale end, philosophy calls
Stop, halt all judgements, flow like water down a river full of rocks, boulders of Pebble Beach
Onto the seven seas from the apex of the volcanoes’ snow caps, H2O, I am no son of a niche.

Freaking out and assimilating to the petri dish of agar, freedom of choice is nobody’s option
Kinship & friendship be damned, sell your soul since it’s an imaginary tool of clear, thin skin
Hurricanes live here, it’s a panhandle, it’s the last stand at the Alamo of Davy Crockett’s kin
Cousins, brother-sisters from other mothers, Walk, Run, Collide, animate it Jane, Dick’s in.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, July IXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST

{ Created from the Void while jammin’ to yo’ mama’s apron @ https://youtu.be/K0XCoX8malU?si=m73HmbgFSLnUFjYE }

Friday, June 07, 2024

It was six six yesterday but I got your six today! @Jim_Rome persuasion! #XplatformRockin'


Heavy weight to carry on Earth, nearly weightless once gravity grooves the rest
Nothing remains the same when there’s chaos and order fighting rich & poors
Y’all will get over it in the old school with the mean teachers & aloof professors
All gave some & some gave it all if they could front me, I knew they did the best.

Boots and cowboy hats were for the ranch & the herding of the cows & horses
Been smack down in the middle of that & the barn dancin’ on Saturday nigh
We did what we could to stay normal, drunk-high as a kite, we ended the fights
Been around the blocks a few times, all around the world twice, Nam to Chi.

Bit up by varmints and bugs, they just needing the sweet meat of my holy feet
Been walkin’ and runnin’ wild for seven decades of mercy and words in the red
I’m in the black on the financial side of survival, couch potatoes mashed to eat
It’s a tight, solid pounding on the 16 penny nails head, framed my room & bed.

No heaven or hell in my eyes sight, insight or oversight built into the blueprint
DNA ordered RNA for the cellular nuclear fusion to eventually make you squint
Singing and moving to and fro, ridin’ in my sled for a spell out to the county line
Ready to go faster, AM radio blastin’ some Boss & ZZT, smokin’ watermelon rind.

Slowed down by the county mounty doin’ 90 in a 40, but only for a ¼ mile or so
Had the cherry tops poppin’ for mother & father to ban my driver’s license faux
Slim, slick & cool or large, Podunk or tiny, the facts of life have no full disclosure
We the people who pretend to follow a golden rule, regulation of the roar & purr.

Barking and meowing as above it happens without going down below a sleepwalk
Who is the real idiot behind the morons who get a smoking gun of cracker chalk
Hey man, you’ve nothing more than everything the planet left from the big bOng
If you don’t know that, you know nothing at all, person to person, sceptic’s song.

Prayed on knees at the age of reason, to be forgiven for some ancestors’ errors
Dead men & women can’t payback the debt, therefore the edge of night’s terrors
Haunt with spiritual, mentally in error, malfunctioning thinkers of logic & reason
To be or not to be alive is the main function, Live Free or Die in an idiotic season.

Common knowledge is uncommon wisdom, that you know you’re silence is gold
Speak at will, you’re free speech will be held against you whether you jest or not
You are always held to your original sin, the Word is made flesh by a drug cartel
From monkeys & nekid apes who’ve evolved to be all too human, almighty hell!

If the beatniks and the mighty hippies of the 50’s & 60’s didn’t clear the acid trip
Then it’s up to ones who’ve descended from them all, all seven continents adrift
Gods of the dead & gone left the Word, symbolic alphabet soup of a ship’s slip
High or low, above or below the hull, it’s this old man and staying off of the sea.

I played One, nick-nack on my drum, bad boy who brought the light to thunders
Copycats love the rules to break when it’s necessary to follow the hero blunders
Corpus dillecti will seep into the soul of you & magnetized mates of the nonsense
Think that this is thinking, you’d think so but probably means proof of existence.

Sixteen innings & the tie gets broken, the Away team beats Homer, son, oh son
Sift through the chaffe and find the diamond in the rough, it’s serious double-duh
Up for a dunk-jam, got wood on a slider, caught The Pass from Joe, etc., etc., etc.
Pardon your son, fallout father can’t pardon the son, ask God, he’ll let it be done.

Here’s the final precipice, ain’t nothing left behind butt-nekid, drugged ape-elves
Look at yourself in a full mirror reflection, no clothes on the bones, all yourselves
All you are, before you die, it stands up tall up to plus or minus six, shape-souled
Tom Thumb to the Green Giant, atoms to galaxies of treasured rocks that It rolled.

Pro is for and Con is not for, there’s no poll taken that’s accurate, just sayin’ this
Projection of the funk and wagging fingers, all up on the silver screen, smut pizza
Losers win nothing but the release from the pain & suffering, all got holy halos
Not far below the core of Earth, it’s a mental/psychological tool for the Randos.

Insurance has no function in this calculus, it’s not in the function, it’s robbery
Those careful who never file a claim pay for the careless yet justifiable usury
Common wisdom hidden, know occult mortals live as if there’s no tomorrow
You have become a national security risk, yet it is indeed, #TooBigToRig blow.

I can see neither the reason nor the rhyme, yet the irrational moves into mate
Check yourself, your next move could be your last, it appears you’re locked in
Your choices are limited to either one bad move or another causing of a resign
Busted up the whole thing, the cell self-contained the mode of a Braille sign.

Heavy water gone from the moon, the planets, everywhere but the wetland dirt
Earth, mother of animation of matter, Earth, Wind & hot flames of Fire T-shirts
Short or long-sleeved with logo & photo frontside, concert venue itemized rear
Swag heals the problem of maximum charge for LIVE concert seats, Rock clear.

Hey man, just cough up the cash, musicians and poets don’t work, so play ball
Get up to bat for a pinch hit, walk-off grand-slam homerun, gods are the goons
Keeping the human behavior in check, out of control due parental abuse tunes
From Woody Woodpecker to Bugs Bunny & A Road Runner, Gee Zuz loves y’all!

Pretend you don’t know what you’re doing if you’re caught breaking a holy rule
God and the all too human men and women, use logic & reason to devise a mule
One that keeps all the punks in check, creating One thing, too big to rig, the point
From One man to another woman or man, you’re an idiot of science, as I anoint!
r j j stephan, i

c.  Vendredi June VIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMMST

{ Blasted out the Void while listenin’ to the #PulseOfThePulsar @Armstrong_GettyRadio @kste650AM }


Tuesday, June 04, 2024

#HaveNoMercyNoLordFlatbush #NoGaylords #UpDown #Gaylords #GrammasHand #Everlast #Everclear #TheLifeAcoustic #GoodUglyAndBadArse

HOOKEd on ups & Downs
Contents of the Cosmos is teaming with life both as we know it, virtually bacteria & nucleic acid
Monkeys know no more nor less than the naked apes who developed civilization, tamed beasts
Nurtured by Nature or unnatural orphanages that house the accidental conceptions of all moms
Mission is impossible to ascertain without a deep dive into lower echelons’ embedded bombs.

Zip your lip and your barn door to keep the secrets undivulged by any living being, man or alien
Facts of Life are vague, about the One & the many on the way to a black hole’s Singularity within
Timeline of infinity imagines a never ending pattern of numbers you named Fibonacci sequence
Nature from the neutron, the proton, the atom in geometric forms full of Platonic living on Ice.

Aristotle’s Socratic koans appear as draconian attempts at Platonic dialogue ‘tween blind bones
Believers & sceptics put all hands on deck for the beginning of anchors away my boy, Zen koans
Woe be tide you if you pay no attention to all pending doom ahead & behind your elderly knees
Killer scroll down through the nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs & adjectives of the slaves’ pleas.

Necessary condition for the conclusion’s validity is using logic for the key to the predication sign
Premises assumed lead to deductive or inductive arguments pro or con, settle Nothing, it’s fine
Nobody cares when you die that you’re dead and gone, it’s nothing personal, just the fax of life
You get a new car, all of you all get a new car, no trade-in required, it’s tax-free like a new wife.

Completed a free ride you never knew you were on until the excitement dried up a wet dream
Knowledge & wisdom with the ignorance & moronic idiocy of the masses yields God’s scheme
Algebra & Trigonometry fill this Void with an infinite number of recombinant DNA more or less
Any way you look at it from above or below the timeline, there’s nothing else at all, atomless.

The human pound just like the dog pound, fatherless and motherless bitches and puppy scat
Everywhere gravity allowed, the dropping of the ingested mush and flushed H2O for the shat
My mistakes to have allowed the dogs to be bred and raised to be champions, stud fee 2 grand
Best job in the dog’s world of seeing, hearing, barking, eating & filling holes nobody can stand.

Civil suit & tie, with or without the vest, depending on the game of cards at a table of felt
Shadows come over the kitty, the pot is full of everyone’s chips, I pulled four aces, I dealt
High as the lower deck of the outfield where homers all fall from the sky, batter got wood
Timing is everything before or after the exact moment of Will to Power, late show’s good.

Happiness is the happy ending that sometimes conceives & sometimes shoots blank shots
Like jello shooters of vodka on a Popsicle stick, you think it’s cool candy until you’re soused
Beyond the good & evil you consider when sane, to the high spirit’s insane drunks we salute
It’s always for those about to rock, last gasp of air, see a golden ratio, give up the ghost root.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Mardi, June 4, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 222 PMPST

{ Cranked this #GoldenRatio gem out the Cosmic woodwork all day today while jammin’ to @ZZTop / @LynyrdSkynyrd 2024 link @ https://youtu.be/zxvzJozYaUg?si=vvlifPqdLadM_3cJ  }

