
Saturday, September 21, 2024

GUESSIN' THE FINAL RESTING #ABSOLUTEPERFECTION #TerrestrialInsultsOfUFOs & #EightHoursOfWhiskeyBlues #CacheForCASHcon

In no uncertainty principle ever imagined has there ever been an archangel
As if there ever were any winged beings without any atomic matter of Hell
Complicated simple mind you’ve acquired through the edification of Psyche
Nobody you know is inside your mental awareness, stick a finger in the dyke.

I’m artificially intelligent, intellectually dishonest on a regular basis, put-ons
Staged in every head, in every language, whether orphaned or deep fake fun
You and I will blow your families socks off, just pay them off with bitcoin cons
Which way is up and where’s the next wall to run into, dead meat’s well done.

Punks subtracted and multiplied by the great divide’s addition to the subset
It’s a quantity & range of quality from trash to diamonds & gold without debt
Beginning zygote to the corpse, give me a break, convolute the amazing spirit
It came before me & will be here once again, forever without end, this is all It.

Deduced conclusions ala rational inductions you’ll assume with no choice
It’s the lovers vs. the haters, One is all and Many is some of the girls & boys
To a Time from shadows, darkness silhouetted by blazing, fusion & fission
Void is omnipotent obliteration of all atoms into species’ hyper extinction.

As above, so below means, there’s nothing at all anywhere in eyesight’s see
Call me when you get the urge, number’s unlisted and that’s what it is to be
Crying won’t help you become nimbler at incorporating data bytes, git, Git!
You’ve got to acknowledge your vulgar hunger for It, the Truth as we know it.

Listen carefully to every word I’m going to say, it’s verbatim from a good book
Complicating the cancellation of this thing called Life on Earth, it’s annihilation
Word up, it’s foretold for the ones who emit the photons of haters & dreamers
One becomes the too Many, recede from the stars & enter Black Hole trousers.

Pumping up the power in the empty goat bladder, turn the bounce into a @Wilson
Balls of the Base, the Basket, the Course, the Court & Field & into the blazin’ sun
Mothers of the inventions which both came & went in a wisp of blown north wind
Guys turn the gals who married the mothers of grandfathers they won’t rescind.

Petting zoo, inside of a female blouse in every culture, Way to the species’ survival
All about the mammary glands man, even if you don’t blossom, pregnancy will do
Gitter done dawn until dusk, with a favorite One who needs to replicate the crew
You better shop around too, you need to eliminate the chaffe & keep it aqua blue.

Perks and the penalties are humungous but sometimes Scat happens & we pivot
From the no place you were going to go changed from the place you’ve arrived at
It may be fair or foul when you’re playin’ ball of any sort, the rules are sacrosanct
If you forget the rule & violate spirit of “Man” regulation, you will still be spanked.

Hairy Harry was hot before he turned stoned cold, a cadaver stiff upon a steel slab
It’s why you followed the dots on the page, tracing from One to one eleven on a tab
Kicking balls, throwing & slapping the sticks and stones with all my might, a put-on
For the masses of the people who never open their eyes, I offer the clear light’s gun.

Shot down in flames, as the planes and jets often do, enemies annihilate the hero
It’s the way of the world, it’s narrow & untraveled by most, to get the reward’s glow
Cash, diamonds, gold, land from the mountains to the open sea, border czar funk
Up in my grill, makin’ me blow scorched chunks, all too human, word salad bunk.

Not our fault, the mud & blood mixed with the beer, caused our DNA to bloviate
High or low, the catch phrases and non-sequiturs are my forte, #TheyreGrrrrraeatt!
Caught in the crossfire, not aiming for me but the bull’s eye behind my striped tail
Here & now, heretofore, forthwith the band, the groupies light my fire, it is my pall.

Last gasp, mouth agape, eyes seeing everything & everyone, but they think, I died
I could care less since I would be there for no more than another blink, I’d be fried
On a chemical mixture that mixes with the acid within the membrane, I get so high
Looking up and all around, all matter is all gone, I’m left without a piece of 3.14 pi.

I’ll buy Ferrari if you don’t care to keep the form & function of the Stock’s pig iron
Willing to fly over a hundred miles per hour in one hour, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
Candy, love, sex as the trilogy keeps the DNA pure for the multiplication of the Rock
Earth’s Space, dust in the wind carries a promise, WTF is #What, the Herd’s a flock.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 9-Twenty-One-MMXXIV A.D.
{ Drafted while jammin’ to the song by @Dave_Mason called:  #OnlyYouKnowAndIKnow on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Cn0tnfv0KCc?si=meLelqyawygEkemI & DelaneyAndBonnie lin @https://youtu.be/ecTQjNwYUss?si=0WLBC33Y6kB4nzPP }

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