There comes
a time in every
life (and I suppose even a
Latina woman's life as well...
LOL) at 8:22 PM on 7-14-2009
i believe, i have arrived at
my time, i've hit my stride and
i'm headed for the finish line. Everyday people die, someday you will die as well as i
but if you can get to the end in one piece, you might feel compelled to
appreciate this work of art called, Life. So, every day for the rest of my entire life,
from today until my doomsday i will thank the stars for the sacred ground
i am absolutely and positively graced to walk upon. It is my privilege
to scribble my script upon the mind of all there ever was and ever will be.
Until the next brief moment in time, i leave with fleeting trepidation but
the respite is welcome and nothing will be enjoyed more...LIBERTY OR DEATH
it's time to bleed the heart out ;-) \\
live blog forever hydrocarbon