Full of the strikes and balls that don’t get called because there ain’t any fools leftover for RASun god, stars’ gods with the hush puppies on & the rock & roll, come Monday or nevermore
Ugly faced, my grandma called me out when I made faces at her disciplinary actions, baby
I faced the final schism from the divinity, mother’s womb my first time inside of a little lady.
That was a trip waiting for First Cause’s effects to wane, until the final spike’s driven home
Imagine contraction into a Singularity & then before you know it, a blown Big Bang header
See nothing but the foam on the top of your mug of ale, cancer & immortal pirates of sand
Every grain steady during the infinite revolution and wobble around the ecliptic, Oh Man!
Adios & via con Dias is all I leave you with in your secret pocket, you can cash it in on Never
It’s all just a little adios before I can’t speak or hear a thing anymore, I need a cheeseburger
Maybe two or three of ‘em… fries & ketchup too, pickle & a warm bun, my chief target’s eye
Bulls or men in every case, walking on the water when it’s ice, that’ll be coast-to-coast tie.
I have one big idea that came out of nowhere & I’m passin’ it on to you & my uncle crackers
Don’t even know anything before birth, know a little about a lot, I guess the minions’ fears
More than I knew before my conception as well as more than I’ll know, I’ll die with pie in sky
Seers attempted to give the clues to the mystery, it’s Unknown for a reason, scared to fry.
Fight until we’re dead, live until we die, free choice leads to no choice at all, all our demise
Flap wings, animate legs, hand signal until you can’t keep yo’ trap shut any longer, roll dice
Snake eyes or seven-eleven, you roll ‘til it’s all over, they’ll annihilate your stench in a trench
In your last will & testament, End finalizes the finale, without even one encore, it’s a cinch.
Cheeseburgers and margaritas in paradise is just fine with me, I’ll just do rhumba babies
Bums and junkies who were raised by this culture, in schools from K-12 & beyond, freebies
Pies in the sky, cherry, peach & pistachio cream or was it key lime, can’t recall The Dawn
Fine with me and not so much with you, there’s a finale in the wings, ready, set, I’m GONE!
Exchange your brothers and sisters for immortality of the butterfly, pretending it is so true
When it’s further from the Truth than any other lie from the lips of human beings, so blue
Upset they are from birth to death, crying & laughing all the way to the underground grave
It’s been a long way to the top, I wanted to Rock & Roll, necessary & sufficient, Last Brave!
Mosquitoes bit past the flesh into the capillaries flowing from the heart to the rubber soul
Height and weight more or less than zero, it’s preface & prologue to the finality of the hold
Being head to toe, a mystic and critic of perfection as it was & never will ever be ever again
Marked on the forehead ‘til the rigor mortis triggers the Divinities of the Cosmos, Mortal sin.
Obey kill commands or pay the price of disobedience, incarcerated body-mindful, forever
Staying alive in a cage, awaiting the independence of Life, no sheriff will let bad guys sever
You knew when you cried like a baby, saved the box tops, you created the lyrics to be vaped
Suddenly, the fun begins & ends as quickly as it appeared, I’m left alone, spherical shaped.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, BLOVEMBER IIIrd MMXXIV Anno Domini @911 AMPST
{ Creaking bones blasted this little ditty out while jammin’ to @CurtisMayfield #WePeopleWhoAreDarkerThanBlue on youTube link @ }