A little cover for my back y’all, don’t rap ‘bout me when I’m right here and now, front’s center
I know you stopped before you got on a roll, wherever y’are, where you’ve been, smoked ear
Walkin’ and hidin’ in plain sight where you can’t see me, in back, in front, on the side roads
In the twilight zone of the modality where the stoned move for the rocks and boulders of fear.
Thinkin’ about less than the things that I thought about ‘fore my zygote achieved a cold beer
Those gametes run around like crazy, like they’re stoned, drunk and ready to move over here
Pleasing Presence of gold, dirty water, from mountaintop flow to Davey Jones' Locker meat
Inside the hillbillies and the whiplash honkies who drove the Devil to his grave of solar Heat.
It’s just a thing itself and it’s all good, nobody I know fears the Evil, opposite of Live, Dead
Just a spelling of a word, it could have been different but it ain’t, backwards Live-Evil head
Bad and ugly isn’t as bad as it could’ve been if the matter didn’t coalesce into the holy Word
Stones and rocks rolled, settled in the backwoods’ creeks, down in the #Holla of a little Bird.
Out of the warm womb now young to move in Time through Space, salt and pepper with glitz
All of the muscles’ blood, cooked and boiled in the burning lightening of an atomic fusion fizz
For the sake of a chance that a Cause could show it’s face at random, natural selection loans
A voice saying nothin’ in the shed but ham bone, American stories of #TheDeadHead bones.
You had a moment and so did I, we survived past our mother and father totems, holy erected
Teased and now full of regret that messin’ around led to twenty years of #HardLabor selected
Rather than being One and all alone in daylight and night, on the sofa without regard for God
Blind faith with old 20/20 vision struggle, gave me the #HeadStart but I ran out of blood hot.
Approaching the limit at where infinity meets my conscious mind’s open end, surprise Jones
It doesn’t matter if you are crazy or sane, you’re one and the same, Unmoved Mover of stones
Orbiting, spinning, burning mass, transforming a Thing Itself into the zipper that keeps it in
Immaculate concepts, drunk here, now, we’ve bitten @Apple of Eve, All is One #Trump skin.
r j j stephan, i { #ThatAintWorkin’ #WeGottaMoveTheseRefrigeratorsAndColoredTVs }
c. July 22, 2018 @ 9:11 AM PST { header is my favorite sexagenarian #rockerChick, Stevie Nicks }
{ written while listenin’ to a cornucopia of randomly arranged notes on an octave scale of Do, Re, Mi on youTube JAMZ Dire Straits & #HITS link @ }