Alrighty then, let’s ride this bike until I hit the horizon at the Tequila sunset without sunrise
Everyday I clean every inch of the heavy metal and oil up the tread gittin’ ready for blacktop
I may not be a flying object unidentified, have mercy, but I am what I am, purple Kush highs
With or without you, I’m going to the end of the line and when I get there, slobs will slop.
Spirits without the two hundred eight bones, head to toe, mythological pretensions of gods
In and out of their invisible minds, evidence of reality just a hope and a dream of psychics
But when Jesus left Chicago for Mississippi or New Orleans, drove the mother of all hot rods
Comatose from Springfield to Wakahatchee, ridin’ high, ridin’ dirty blacktops n’ turnpikes.
Pouring the water and keeping it inside the envelope of spirit’s H2, O2, N2 and burned ash
From the sun the Earth used to be, the son of the Sun, the son of God, the Way to the Matrix
Nowhere that you’ve ever been or even have ever been informed exists in this world’s cache
That is where the diamond in the rough resides, out of sight, out of touch with the fuzzdicks.
Apparently the appearance of the things themselves are confusing to the analytical method
Chopping the words away, meaning by meaning, nuance by nuance, come to Buddha n’ God
Or, if you choose, you’ve freedom of choice after all’s said, One n’ Many are in empty prisons
Let your self’s form get stabbed/pricked by the ‘Insane Many’ drones of god’s seventh sons!
It’s all gonna be alright, as I said, the grass smoke,, the rocks will fly, even God above will die
One thing for certain is you can’t say you didn’t know the deal because I’m spillin’ beans, fly
Climbed out of an egg and a sperm just to fly high into the space between planes, Id’s Thing
Microscopic and macroscopic one and the same, it’s the same above as as below us, Nothing.
r j j stephan, i
c. July 29, 2018 @ 11:11 AM Dimanche { ‘thinkin’ ‘bout the time in #Memphis, I thought I was in heaven!” -- ZZ Top LIVEBonaroo2013 }
{ drafted as the paradise in California burns down to the ground due to a Car Fire, Smoke is everywhere in the air and on the water!}