Laughin’ because it smells like gunpowder in the air, again a battle to avoid a reaper
No peace for longer than a New York Minute, it’s the nature of the battling soulmate
Burden is no more nor less than the future well-being of the Earth, mundane ecosystem
Presence regurgitated from the historical past of Time and Space, omnibus in a meme.
I’m not laugh-in’ just so you know, when I say something I think is funny, I won’t grin
Join in the stupefied mirth and recollect your function on this back stage for a thin fin
In heaven, your soul sheds your material thing, what you thought you were, you weren’t
Don’t look happy yet don’t look sad or lonely or uncomfortable, look like you do, gent.
Dropped a dime on me and you when we weren’t lookin’ and the grim reaper procrastinated
Needed to take one of ours into the inner circle where only the chosen few are initiated
Secrets divulged as if they assuage the fear and angst at the bottom of the holy cherry pit
You can’t see it but you can kill it if you just conjure up the right spell for hocus pocus.
Firewood burns but it’s not like that smell, like gunpowder burning, maybe napalm dust
Blinded and muted without hope to regain the power lost to the agent of fallacious rust
A moronic manifestation of the original Adam, first dude before every other who birthed
Twisted and burned, nothing to hold together the pain and suffering or the shock or awe.
An arrow clean through the heart’s left ventricle began the leak, life evolved to be Love
Omen of the alpha and omega in the system of this ups and downs, a round trip so easy
Raised hands, feet up on a rest to make sure the black panther feels the growl of the dove
I am what I’ve been since day one, no name for it except, lil ole me, so below, as above.
r j j stephan, i { “Hunter of Invisible Game” -- #BruceSpringsteen }
c. August 24, 2018 Friday @ 1:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to the #JerseyDevil @Springsteen #HighHopesCD & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/KYEg8K5HKzM }