#BallsToTheWall and it means nothing at all to anyone but my mother and father, all dead
Therefore, I am all there is that’s left of that deposit of centuries of struggle to survive here
On Earth as it is in Heaven or whatever floats your boat, climbin’ mountains, surfin’ to a stop
From the Alpha male and Omega female we have become this here and that there, right pop?
I don’t know anything about movies or talkies or neon moons but I know nobody cares a bit
About you or me or what we do or how long we live or when we’ll die, nobody G.A.F. as yet
But it’s inevitable if you live past the age of reason, more or less than seven orbits ‘round Sun
So that you’ll comprehend the facts of life, you come alive by intent or accidental aberration.
Regardless of the actual Truth regarding Holy Grails and Golden Chalices, it will return
With the pressing of a key or a button, opaque or lit up like a glimmering signal to mourn
For the final curtain a song has been muted but can be whispered in the darkest #Deep
It sounds like the rock and roll, the jazz, the blues, the soft rock of the monster and creep.
Nobody is gonna get out of this predicament of the desperate men and sanguine women
Meeting together in a small room to speak to one another with smiles and body signals
Very polite and full of the proper manners to be civilized in the culture we buy with gold
Try to get some of the pleasure and love without the cash, no money, no honey, just old.
All you get is the time you spend waiting to move to the unknown ‘x’ on your own worst day
Here we go again, hot fire never knows and it’ll never tell, lovin’ drinks on a pontoon today
Here’s some #Presence to sprinkle on your liquid fuel for your intention of being human
Go revolve a hundred times ‘round @Talladega key to get lost, give it up, right here man !
Bums and refuse of the DNA fountain creepin’ and day drinkin’, recur overtime free-will
Nobody wins, crazy people SHOOTING you straight in your pockets, you’re in free-fall
Drink as much as you can, smoke what won’t make you sick and tired, cancer bleed-out
Last time just like the first, hidin’ in a mirror and at the bottom of a whiskey jig, gods do-lie.
r j j stephan, i {Thanks GOD for all of the Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey I recycled! }
c. September 7, 2018 @ 9:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Toby Keith #CallAMarine & COUNTRY #HITS on youTube link @ }