Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, December 2, 2018 @ 4:55 AM PST
Holding onto the dream, as long as you can when you know you’re onto lies of God’s Ponzis
Too fast to see going by, light and life are animated at light speed, pleased with lying Fonzis
Confederate soldiers and rebels of the Way it always is pretend it’s not that Way, you goon!
Freaks and animated corpuscles movin’ from underground caves to ships on sea and moon.
I know and you know when the show is over, it comes over you like it’s never been bygones
Men in the band of the High Fives and Low Roads, play and sing the dots and lines, bones
Underneath the muscles to move and the skin and blood to keep the thing happy, forever
Never going to get the Truth about the Nature of Being, origin and purpose to serve Her.
My mother, I could hold onto for just a little while until she dropped the baby free
Without the womb in a four cornered room with no food, no water for a bird or bee
Utters full of cocoa milk of everlasting, mortal life’s death, cycled, lapsed infinitely
Before the throne, the subjects are thrown to God’s living horror, placenta in a belly.
Nuts and fruits playing the games with or without all of the rules, night time’s One
Black and blue, reading the lyrics and shreddin’ the frets of a six string’s electricity
Makin’ the jumps from a Time slip to a Space ship, wet-dreamin’ infinite perplexity
Daughters, sisters, wives, lying FedEx Mail Pablo-Picasso in a azure-drenched sky.
r j j stephan, i { *HEADER is @PabloPicasso painting called #SeatedWoman, be edified! }
c. FREEZEMBER 2nd, 2018 A.D. @ 4:44 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to some @KennyWayneShepherd #WhileWeCry Point Pleasant Sumerfest link @ https://youtu.be/R4T14P37eA0?list=RDew5-OhOIPcs & @SamanthaFish @ https://youtu.be/R4T14P37eA0?list=RDew5-OhOIPcs }