
Monday, December 03, 2018

#Blues @Rhythm & #WarriorsHeroesDraftDodgers #RIPGHWB


What you did and what is remembered and recollected by the not yet dusted history book
Where your legend is bigger than your wheelchair or your walker, it is time in space’s look
What you’ve seen is what you’ve gotten from the first to the last breath in and out the trap
A pie hole that must do and work with something when not chewing the fruits of the CLAP.

If you can’t believe that the death of the species is two steps away, VD being the species’ foil
Hundreds or thousands of millions, a star’s empty dollars, backed by silver & gold, gas & oil
Culture of your ancestors taught to the empty-headed corpuscles of muscle, a mindless sister
Gutless brothers, fathers of #War’s mothers, expletive deleted, Auburn god’s Dam scammer.

Take a knee and bow your head in honor of the sunset, just a rotation of the spin, it’s all over
A little more quick than one was led to believe, immortal life offered after this mortality lover
Honorable discharge or the General separation of the warriors from the wars, dead teenagers
Alive or dead but wanted by the living, memorial on a rock, scratched grooves, fired embers.

Poor, poor pitiful me, oh whoa is me, I am such an unfortunate ROOT of the tree’s branches
Leaves from the sprouts which produce fruit and nuts, ad infinitum as far as eyes forever see
Nothing left after the being leaves the bones, no proof of any after the facts in the Void of me
Compared to a being in ignorance, an enlightened being is Energy’s Matter of ‘for instance.’

Adam and Eve are the two at fault for this whole shebang of dreams in a burlap bag, not mine
Day and night repeat due to a wobble and spin movement, rotation and orbit, expanding dot
Invisible at first and then microbe by atom’s dead acid, infected with electric kook-Ade brine
You better take a knee, bow your head, close your eyes and peak at infinity, It is All we’ve got!

r j j stephan, i
c. FREEZEMBER 3RD, 2018 AD @ 7:77 AM PST
{ written while listenin’ to the mighty @GettyArmstrong radio show on Talk 650 KSTE Armstrong & Getty A&G Armstrong & Getty #VirtueSignaling on line link @https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/

W.W.A.R.D. ?

Sunday, December 02, 2018

#FoolinAround #IAmMisbehavin' @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, December 2, 2018 @ 4:55 AM PST
Holding onto the dream, as long as you can when you know you’re onto lies of God’s Ponzis
Too fast to see going by, light and life are animated at light speed, pleased with lying Fonzis
Confederate soldiers and rebels of the Way it always is pretend it’s not that Way, you goon!
Freaks and animated corpuscles movin’ from underground caves to ships on sea and moon.

I know and you know when the show is over, it comes over you like it’s never been bygones
Men in the band of the High Fives and Low Roads, play and sing the dots and lines, bones
Underneath the muscles to move and the skin and blood to keep the thing happy, forever
Never going to get the Truth about the Nature of Being, origin and purpose to serve Her.

My mother, I could hold onto for just a little while until she dropped the baby free
Without the womb in a four cornered room with no food, no water for a bird or bee
Utters full of cocoa milk of everlasting, mortal life’s death, cycled, lapsed infinitely
Before the throne, the subjects are thrown to God’s living horror, placenta in a belly.

Nuts and fruits playing the games with or without all of the rules, night time’s One
Black and blue, reading the lyrics and shreddin’ the frets of a six string’s electricity
Makin’ the jumps from a Time slip to a Space ship, wet-dreamin’ infinite perplexity
Daughters, sisters, wives, lying FedEx Mail Pablo-Picasso in a azure-drenched sky.

r j j  stephan, i  { *HEADER is @PabloPicasso painting called #SeatedWoman, be edified! }
c. FREEZEMBER 2nd, 2018 A.D. @ 4:44 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to some @KennyWayneShepherd #WhileWeCry Point Pleasant Sumerfest link @ https://youtu.be/R4T14P37eA0?list=RDew5-OhOIPcs & @SamanthaFish @  https://youtu.be/R4T14P37eA0?list=RDew5-OhOIPcs }


Saturday, December 01, 2018

#AnyPortInAStorm @FrostyTheSnowmanJimmyDurante

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, December 1, 2018
About the greenhouse effect, Atlantis@citraraya flooding my memories, a Zeus’ recollections
Evidence of the mothers and fathers of our own ancestors, ones who who are #Mass forever
Underground and underwater, things get buried with the catastrophic climate fluctuation
Human arrogance commits suicide when fear of the gods rules humane, tiny mind of men.

Perfect intellect evolved from the cells of amoeba and paramecium, mitotic and meiotic funk
Big Bang, gods of a pantheon, an invisible One God, almighty source of matter and our drink
Floods to bury the bones and texts of dead books, tall tales of foreign blinkers, stoned sights
Awareness of asteroid belts, death of our ancestors, our gods, our dogs of another planet fight
Corporate Blind Faith to protect God’s naked apes, none dead but buried seven feet deeper
Above the evidence of the floods, the archeology of the culture’s bones and scat, a God killer
Constant ignorance, ancient knowledge of a ferry burial in a monster’s piece, stoned & deaf
Diamonds in the rough, here is a spark plug for you, a half million year old spark plug, WTF?

Civilization’s millions of years old, not thousands or hundreds, believe me, research my gold
What it is exactly, is a condition of the nature of occult perception of light, heat-frozen cold
Commingling of eggs and germination of DNA animation, trippin’ Jack Frost LSD solar Idea
Hindsight in retrospect, born a Being, monster of air, land and sea, it’s all about thee and Ra.

All back into the Black Sea where nothing floats and nothing gets to the bottom of my heart
Without light, without the salt of the killer ocean, bones and wood and stone break us apart
Just the facts of life are what they are whether you know it or not, forever is right now, here
Keep track of Earth’s bloody seas, dancin’ in darkness, born right here, God’s loathing fear.

r j j stephan, i
c. FREEZEMBER Uno, 2018 AD @ 5:55 PM PST
{ DRAFTED while watchin’ & listenin’ to #UNPHUQINBELIEVABLE #ForbiddenArcheology on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/-lILRzj8Jb4 }