
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

#AmericanSignLanguage @ASL #TakeALittleRide @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Jingling the bells helps some people once every year, you and I are in this dream together
Never to see the sunlight of the Earth’s dark side, even in the fear of some aberration’s fear
I am and no doubt you are One and the same person we were the day we got our DNA face
Therefore, if there’s any above or below this planetary mass of matter, it is all, Empty Space.

There is no need to have blind faith in the words of this stranger you’ll never see, God’s ‘boy’
Just read the commentary of the cosmonauts and astronauts who gave accounts of the Void
This is the play of the stars, you know it and I know it, Hollywood and pharynx’ #BigPharma
Prime color back in black until the whiteout causes extinction, regeneration “AGAIN”, mama!

Perfect, just as close to nothing at all as you can get, chain of fools, you’re jugulars are bitten
That thing itself is the mirror to stare at and comprehend that the Truth, the Reality’s illusion
Fight for the right to party and to wage #War on or off of the turnpikey freeways of olden ho’s
Man, oh man, oh man, we’re so lucky to wear the chains attached to our ankles’ rubber souls.

Cracked, broken, shredded, de-animated meat on the spittle or in the skittle, it is what food is
If you don’t eat and drink you starve and thirst to death, you don’t have to believe me to see
Obviously from day one, year one, survival of the fittest was always a natural law, Earth jazz
Flesh Itself, it’s lying to me, you & all in the know, we ain’t gonna just die! There’s afterlife?

Emotions just electronic transmission of the breath you breathe in and out of your hidden fur
Lungs, organs of two hundred and eight bones and an invisible soul of existential electronics
Meaning no more than the sound you hear when you’re 93 million miles or more away, yo sir
No word, no sound, no sight, taste, smell or touch, nothing but Void, colorless, guitar licks.

Grab the mike, grab the axes, tune the organ and horns to the back-beat, stage of black colors
From Origins through the intermission to the finale, potheads moving partners in high crime
Drinkin’ or smokin’ direct-contact with the air to breathe, sweetened leaves of outdoors odors
Wordless, slipped a Mickey and became the #ConscienceOfTheNation #RockStars sublime!

In and out of the danger zones of this realm from north to south pole and all around a globe
Not that you know it’s a globe but you’ve been persuaded by logic, reason’s sinners singin’
Ones who teach because they can’t leave the children alone to the computers, they’ll revolt
I love y’all and I wish y’all a Merry Christmas and no Silent Night, Jingle Bells are ringin’!

r j j stephan, i { *#HEADER is THE ROLLING STONES lead singer, #WhatsHisName @SirMichaelPhilipJagger c. }
c. FREEZEMBER TWELFTH, 2018 A.D. @ 10:30 AM - #FirstOvernight
{ blown through my mind this AM while listenin’ to a cornucopia of Christmas jivin’ jams but I will not see a #WhiteChristmas, it will be like #Hawaii in #NorthernCalifornia & listenin’ to the link TheDrifters & company @ https://youtu.be/GfZPtkqXQIA }


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

#DinoPaulCrocetti #OnBeingYourGreatGrampa #EducatedFools #DontWorry #HellsBelowWereAllGonnaGo #ThereCanBeNoShow


Don’t expect much if anything from Santa and so everything will be all yours, hook the dare
The whole shebang falls at your feet, whatever there is, whatever can be is all safe in there
Waiting inside the snowman’s soul with nothing but a pink cheek and a black, licorice lip
Still One with the morning dew and twilight blinkin’ of planetary stars, sailin' with no ship.

Punks comin’ from everywhere in every neighborhood, lookin’ for top gun of the showdown
Eyes wide open and being saved from the boil and freeze of the rotation’s eight ball on loan
Space between the index and ring finger is infinite, blind faith is a jacked-up, joker’s scheme
To eat you for supper, shake off the miscalculations and move on, be mastermind of memes.

Center of the number line from positive to negative around the zero of nothing, it’s up the jig
Purpose is the Way to cope with the hopelessness of being alive in the middle ground, not fair
Who came before or after you won’t make a difference after we let the candle-blown back hair
Summer or Winter, Autumn or Fall are the measurement of the wobbling spin, a revoltin’ gig.

No ho, ho, ho and no jinglin’ bells heard echoing in the streets, turnpikes and freeways jacked
People that don’t know each other drive along together to see someone they know, #Fakefact
Comfortable in a soft recliner with a warm, silk quilt in front of the open fireplace’s hot flame
Recollections of the past, dovetailing into presence, the presents that ain’t there to lay blame.

#FakeToys and #RealMcCoys for the girls and boys, children of the ripped and torn, my kin
Let their women make all of the noise to the teachers who taught the objective to the subjects
Becoming a man OR woman is to be One who does unto everyone else, in ONE’s only ZaZen
Be in the groove to love holy grandkids from a mystic conduit, Emptiness’ vault of #Fake sex.

Look into my eyes and see what I see inside of yours, me, all of me in the reflection’s own sun
No matter to worry about since it’s neither here nor there when it’s a matter of state of mind
Energy of the gluons, protons pullin’ their own microscopic weight in no particular direction
Waiting days and nights for the shakedown, of another POTUS Trump run, free sons of guns!
Richard Joseph Stephan

{ “...A treasured work of art, locked in a room in my heart!” -- @ Dino Paul Crocetti; June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995}
c. FREEZEMBER 10, 2018 AD @ 5:05 PM PST
{ drafted for THE GREATEST GRANDCHILDREN OF ‘MY’ GRANDPOPS & GRANDMOMS listenin’ to #WhenYoureSmilin by Dean Martin link @ https://youtu.be/jxBgiYOzmQo }

W.W.A.R.D. ?
<3 br="" w.w.a.r.d.="">

Monday, December 10, 2018

#RidingOnTheFreewayEyeFive #I-80 #I-5 #INTERSTATED

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, December 10, 2018
All there is is a Lotus struggle, it pays to kiss kings & queens toe rings, Space-Time grounded
It is all that rocks my world and if it doesn’t rock yours, more power to me, matter is soaked
Watered, clear with liquid phraseology and word string of a fame claim no special RH- blood
Blue or red all runs in and out of the oxygen tent , resisting the power of suffocation, choked.

Pants’re really tight, from 9 to 5 but I don’t have to drive a long way home, esse come clean
Drop the top inside that Pink Cadillac with the tiger in it’s tank, stop traffic east to west end
Ridin’ on the freeway until it was time to accelerate into carpool lanes to roll along low lead
In flight and nearly gained some air above the tarmac, back down on the grounds, unseen.

Becoming lower than you were, being on high and all of that scat, it’s all up to me and you
To be or not is the issue, getting by while you’re awake in the dream, cosmic cosmos’ goo
Fightin’ to stay alive when you and I and every other living thing is gonna die, just smilin’
Mouth agape for the last gasp of oxygen mix, to die for, to live for, never was original Sin!

Perfectly cheating with the rules I create out of the nothingness of this divine comedy’s God
Name of the cream of the crop’s eyes, ears, nose & the perfect lips and smile, I am laughing
Just recollecting the beautiful and the good, the flight of the Eagle’s mother and father sod
Stardusted into the void, empty of everything atomic, all faded to black and blue, stinking.

Hidden away flesh and bone to decay and break it on down to the basic boogie of the beat
Common one, two and three and BOOM it’s all over, where did you go? Where are ‘they’?
Memories of faces and love of hearts, forgotten hits and runs, above and below mortal law
Argue The Points, conclusions deduced, inducted and feeling bad for dumb kids of outlaws.

Will it ever change if we wait until the end of the completely theoretical, practically right now
Stringin’ theoretical fools, above and below the Truth, Timing’s Everything’ #FakeNews myth
Hard rocks mutate into the rivers’ trees’ glory of the birds, Self put together, DNA stud-styth
War dogs slapped, twisted gods OM in a hole, where gravity glows, two lips’ whistle a blow!

r j j stephan, i
c. FREEZEMBER TEN, 2018 A.D. @ 3:33 AM PST
{ drafted in the Fog of Blues, #BluesTraveler #TheMountainsWinAgain & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/G4OTDztS_iA }
