Whatever you’ve come to be is what you’ve been programmed to become, there it is you toad
With or without the company of a road runner and a coyote, we all gotta get down the road
Nothing in this world’s for free, that’s what they showed me, you gotta work, make a move
No rest for the evil ones, no reprieve for the innocent and the good ones, come to remove it.
He, she or it comes forth outta nowhere, cinders of a blown white dwarf, sun above, as below
Evenings and days will appear natural only to the beings born and raised on the cinders’ hole
Maybe black or maybe white, creepy infrared to the cosmic mix of light’s liquor, cloud 9 food
Prisoners and guards, born, broken, disobedient humanity DNA who’ll close their eyes, good.
Stay on the train and let the locomotive pull you the rest of the way to the next depot’s Void
From nowhere to here, hooves, feet, fins move one to animate two, conceived shadows’ fold
Smile and laugh but never cry about the #FactsOfLife, though you realize, death is to avoid
Comprehend that this trip, here and now, is all there is, no rest for the wicked, space Food.
Corner of my four eyes stuck on the stigmata of the shadow conceptions, kids’ of elders’ Wars
Cache is flush with cash and the bills are all paid, the mortgage has become extinct, #Cheers
Winding down to the end of the comprehensive Space and Time, a written record of #Fears
All from the oral record of the ones who may not have recollected the Truth, it’s as it is, Raw.
Survival of the most fit for the moment of the Earth’s wobble and rotation in it’s orbital path
Around, around it goes with or without the elephants and dinosaurs’ bones and angel wings
Mouths to feed, hungry for the devouring of the matter to use the energy, a closer of wrath
After the one hundred and eighty second blink, the lights go out, like when freedom rings.
This here and that there, those are the only things and the places they could just be anywhere
Either inside your head, created matrix of thought patterns, reality survival on a dotted line
Now then, looky here now, the pump brings the water up from beneath a grounded bloodline
All of the flow of the red from the living bodies of the fighters, Earth killers of One or another.
r j j stephan, i
c. Tuesday February 5, 2019 A.D. @ 8:88 AM PMT
{ DRAFTED in a #HighHOpes kinda thang with Bruce Springsteen BOSS Church @ }
W.W.A.R.D. ?