You never know when the sky will wall down on your bonehead skull, when it does, y’all folks
It doesn’t hurt when it burns, it just is a shockingly quick exit from the DNA, dogs, cats’ skit
Point in any direction and it is clearly out of here and now, where it is, that’s the cosmic jokes
You can count on my laughs when I “get the humor” therefore, I’ll never laugh, I don’t get it.
All of the days and nights you live without the Earth, that’s the rebirth, prebirth’s sissy face
For the sake of the Time and Space you’re in to discover the pattern of nothing but Space
Using the movement of the thing within and without us as the measurement of the Time
Pretending the foolish philosophy of writings on rock walls and dirt floors, undersea slime.
You and I ought to know for certain before our last breath, what Life’s all about, faith #Fade
We won and lost and sometimes just gave up after a few hours of trying to monopolize a fjord
You really weren’t sorry, you knew some would turn into checkers on a squarepants’ board.
Pyramids shield the feline spirit from the empty and holy sand piled up to a South Pole apex
At the tip, just above the top, I fill the grooves and play the music with my diamond stylus sex
Who can see over yonder, beyond the ignorance and naivety of babies, abused and forelorn
Turnin’ from orphan into a feline punk’s prison fodder for US taxed workers, Love Laurax.
Once or twice you get on the plane, boss but this may be the second and last time to #Rock
Every moment and second that you cannot hear ticking because it’s a guilty conscience lock
Nobody gets into it or gets out of it alive, it’s all of the dead star stuff, animated atomic flaws
A caring man looks into the black and blue and sees blue on the black, rockin’ rhythm paws!
r j j stephan, i { *honor our superNATURAL KITCAT who ate mighty mice! HOME! SAM!}
c. February 20, 2019 A.D. @ 00:01 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to the @StrayCatsBand on youTube link https://youtu.be/ldMViCzHhEo }