
Wednesday, March 06, 2019

#ComeAndGitYourLove #RightHereRightNow


NIMBY is the WORD of the day and that is what will be done from yesterday to tomorrow
Huckleberry Fin would have just moved on as the cartoon would have you believe, a low blow
On a factoid which may, in fact, be a gleaning of #FakeNews muscle cut to BBQ on the pyres
You and I know nothing more than anyone who has ever lived, as much as the unborn fires.

I gave it all when I did not want to give any at all, there is no will to power, it’s arrhythmical
The magic, the occult, the digital unknown left off by silicon valley UFO backengineer pals
Little glue sniffers who used to make plastic airplanes, cars and boats, high on glue you fools
Nobody told the 8 or 9 year old why he acted crazy as a loon, no psycho-analysis in schools.

Swearing to the slaves and the masters that this is all there is, there is no doubt that it’s true
Blind faith in the lizard brain inheritance of the evolved amoeba from the swamp’s residue
Upon the social media you and I pray to the gods that the server doesn’t crash into Katmandu
All there is left at the point of no return is Nothing but what you see, blinded by bloody blues.

Perfectly interesting pumping the sewers to ream through the pipes of the excreted groceries
Gold under the ground, stinking to high heaven, ferment what the bones shat into the ground
Love of pure air, pure water and your mother’s milk, the stuff inside the teats not the tin cans
Always subtract from perfection one way or another, I’ve once again stooped pretty low man.

I’ll die free, a man alone, married twelve times two, on a northbound train to the Yukon gold
Without ice and hot rocks that make the world go around, rollin’ country in the city’s house
Drawin’ lines in the sand, puttin’ fences and walls up higher than the goats jump, so I’m told
Wind and rain are what makes the world roll, our home’s skies cry, on a maggot and a louse.

r j j stephan, i “....if the tears roll down like rain....well then......you know......let her be!”
c. March 5th, 2019 A.D. @ 4:10 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Darius Rucker on youTube #LetHerCry & HITS youTube link @ https://youtu.be/WB5iDs-kxUw?list=PLME6FOIvldEW9Re-1NIKNpaClci359xdx }

Friday, March 01, 2019

#AMAZON @AMAZON #AmazonWomen @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, March 1, 2019
Shapes of the light-blinded vision, inherited by the DNA of this world’s slugs’ bloody souls
Inscribed by gouges in the slate and rock-hard CD’s, film and tape, fake humanitarian goals
As the flight moves the herd ahead, following the leader who fears nothing, invisible fakers
Of the purple sage or the ones who gallop with the storm, the cyclone caused by #Doors’ sirs.

Keep your friends closer and your enemies closer, know who each of them are and where too
Knowing who they are is useless if you don’t know their intentions toward you and your farts
Pricking up your ears automatically as you recognize that you’re getting ready to turn to glue
It is what they do with the plugs and thoroughbreds alike and it ain’t my fault, is it yours? Uh

Dogs out of the war and living amongst us, in the middle of civilized society they stalk prey
Good, bad or ugly matters not one twit as the meat on the bones falls into the hot spit foray
Dirty and burned fingertips, hands, wrists, typed words flickerin’ on screens, rockin’ omega
Behind the shadows, the thing itself remains at One, alone and at Rest, as it has since alpha.

You don’t know like I know, listen to the song if you don’t believe me, it’s not for me to say
Take a stress pill, think things over, try to overlook your need for vengeance, forget about it
Why don’t other species of animal and plant pray to God? Why, what the #SamHill! Pray
That is all you and anyone else can do, a data byte of ideology, Langley in Urbana sang today.

#Daisy Daisy give me your answer too, I’m half crazy all for the love of you, dada dada dada
You’ll look sweet on the seat of a bicycle built for two, on the other hand, maybe it’ll fa la la
Thought provoke this if you dare, nobody knows anything about the genius of the genome
A finale of watchin’ the sixes of all living on every continent, apes will rule the #Shrewdness.

r j j stephan, i
c. March 1st, 2019 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to WAR THE BAND #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/WJMAzHaPaOU?t=1 }