A song! Uh-h! Skirts above thighs brought the clouds of this frozen ocean down mountains
Melting into rivers and streams all the way back to the sea, for no reason, just because of sins
Not mine but an original Sin, the one that made the world this way, Mater Dei’s #BlueBubba
Hop on the bus and the shuttle out to the outer islands where nobody ever goes to Cha Cha.
You may have been created from love or hate but you’re here nonetheless, all of us, here, now
We’re makin’ dreams and illusions of our historical inheritance manifest on a destroyer’s bow
Sucker punch in the face breakin’ my bloody nose and jaw, fractured my skull’s absent mind
Into the final stages of dementia and we humans become trivial pursuit of Earth’s addiction.
Traditions and civilized culture notwithstanding, the extinction of the species is immanent
With or without y’all, I can rule the planet surface that I tread, alone with what heaven sent
Picnic on a blanket or on a park bench, ridin’ dirty on the tryst of life’s anomalous dear, fear.
You are too slow to play a game of cards, I have to finish the game before an inevitable bungle
Get on your high horse or uncover your will to power and use intent to materialize a jungle
On the way from conception, through deception myths idiots project this Void’s gold fleece
Compared to a poked eyeball, this living, #Nothing becomes extinct the day you rest in peace.
Eyes watering, blinded by the ultraviolet and infrared light, rainbowed spectrum blue to pink
On the way to be prepared for the inevitable obstacles in our way, balance on a fulcrum rink
Slide, slither, burrow and die enlightened or ignorant of the reason for being alive, to fly high
In your mind, man-goat body, abandoned white dwarves of Big Bangs, lord, almighty, sigh!
r j j stephan, i
c. #TheIdesOfMarch 3-15-2019 Friday @ 9:11 AM PST #DRAFT#2
{ THIS first draft was lost in space after I hit the enter button! If this one doesn’t publish as it should have the first time, then YOU HAVE BEEN HACKED! #Cheers drafted while listenin’ to Jimmy Buff's link @ }