One and done, counting UV, neon fingers, pickin’ grinninn, keepin’ track of codes, #Puleeze!
Conception, birth, life, death, reincarnate birth to death, all too human lie, I’m pinocchoing
To be or not, empty spirit spit with no skin or bone in afterlife among White Dwarf voiding
Your faith in your preaching, brothers, sisters and fathers opinion about mothers gone wrong
Back to the sceptical dream within a dream, where you’re asleep, lookin’ for food for the fang
Yet you’re not, it’s an illusion of the Being’s Nothingness, how it feels to be the whole shebang
Your climate will change sooner or later, don’t worry about the atmosphere, it’s a blues’ song.
#Dude, you must be kiddin’ because there’s no way your mother would allow you in the dojo
To sit around in your cubicle, your digs and just smoke, eat and drink hashtags, uri-defacto
Punks, thieves, fancy gypsies who go to the magnetic morons to become grave fodder’s gods
Neither logical persuasion nor abstract illusions of Space or Time resolve It, #AYKM, OMG!
Breathe in and out, feel the pain and suffering, the pleasure of avoiding the substance of me
That’s amore! You live, you love (or not) and then you die, that’s It, now you know, all done
From a naked lump of iron/dirt, Earth pretends not to be the dead star, hot core still within
Do not make me break out the Astro-Physics and Metaphysics on your poor psyche in Sin.
Meaning to your existence, your loved and hated ones alive and dead, why you should care
In a corner or on the corner, the bottom line is the four of the plane inside a nin-sided cube
Nowhere to go inside of the Georgia impeachment or the California goldrush, if you’re a rube.
In or out of Office or just the office, matters little to anyone deceased or preconceived in me
Out to lunch or on vacation, one step beyond the permanent vacation, utopian ecstatic skree
It’s impossible to be fair in a singular byte with a spyin’ blue whale, mama’s just a black Ho.
c. April 30, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted in proximate area of my magnetic attraction, my wife, my love preparin’ for angel wings for #RoundTrippin’ #CoastToCoast & listenin’ to #CypressHill on youTube link @ }