
Friday, May 03, 2019

Biggest Black Holes and Cosmic Monsters - Space Discovery Documentary ALittleDittyFromTheHighlandCity OutOfSightHeartsUptight BUSH #LetUsPray PapaFrancisco

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, May 4, 2019
When your lover leaves you for an hour or a month, only one thing worse, being living the D
Body needs to be pleasing to the sensation, the form, the shape of the genie in the bottle cap
Perform an act three times before a finale comes like you are in the chlorophyll, you’re a sap
Babies in bathwater thrown into the rivers of Green and Ganges, flown into the deep blue sea.

Marginal yet sufficient price to pay for the rights, the privileges, to be wrinkle and Zoloft free
Still I am gonna rub the lamp, the bottle or the skin and bone of The Beautiful’s form of glory
Lickin’ lips because all of the liquid phlegm has receded into a Void’s xylem and phloem holes
We are the Human, food at work, in school or retired from a dirty Earth, a secure social club.

Food? No we’re not, nobody is a cannibal left on Earth, but they used to eat us, alien martian
Left the moon up in heaven to remind us that we were not alone, but now we are, all alone
In a locked barn door or behind the shield of misconception, impression to abort mighty sin
Speed of Light faster than Love wants to be, slow it down to embed the feet in the trap, son.

No, you say, yes maybe so, maybe not, it all depends on the Time and Space of what this is
A dream? Of yours, mine or an unknown xy chromosome from the matrix bones all abuzz
Loving it and hating to be without it, the air I breath, the O2 mix, just right to appear, loves
All of the hearts that beat from the conception to the end, fakin’ all of the PC right moves!

At some point, impressions formed in the light even to the blinded ones, all present on day 1
For no reason other than two genomes licked lips, became One from Two, raw without a bun
Price to pay for the next twenty years, repeat it twice, thrice or half dozen more times, spaced
Good, bad or ugly, black aces and eights runnin’ the dozens on the jive-as of a human erased.

r j j stephan, i { *header is #DeadMansHand #Tat #ComeOnInYum - #GenieInABottle ? }
{ drafted while listenin’ to Christina Aguilera ‘yum’ on Genie in a Bottle ... sayin’ nope on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/kIDWgqDBNXA }

@ChristinaAguilera - #ComeOnOver ( #AllIWantIsYou )



Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, May 3, 2019
There is a reason to the rhyme in your prismatic prose, a lack of sensitivity, negligent C-men
From the bowels of the bottom of the meatball wasteland, the Earth supernovas demigods
Souls of One or the Many, on the cages of the masses of third and second classes of a Zazen
Discredit the humanity of it all, revolution from the axis to the equator, supernova gonads.

Spies for the Arctic and the Antarctic cites of the frozen tundra, all the waste conglomerates
At the top above and below at the bottom of the whirling, dead star, dirty planet ozone fates
Comin’ in and out of black holes, the hard rocks turn to soft,hot liquid, ore-rock, lava hotties
Drop the facade and create the Truth out of the Nothingness that existed before gods’ bodies.

Thunder, lightening, fire, water, wind from the revolution and wobble of the twirl’s whirl
It’s a matter if Time and Space, the spin, wobble and flippin’ turns, ad infinitum, endless It
We are not qualified to comment on the nature of Being the source of Being, the Be One All
Unfathomable that your original DNA code is related to Nothing on Earth, heaven’s a ball?

We play ‘ball’ every day, the Earth is a ball, the moon is a ball, the sun is a ball, do it all again
Spring and Summer makes the hitter run about four bases to get home, scoring losers do win
Tell the truth about what you think, true love and smiles, hard to get hard up and in, screws
I am mad at you but I’m not mad, you’ve misconstrued my dream in these ultraviolet blues.

It’s right when it’s wrong sometimes just because you don’t lay down to sleep all alone, ever
Inside the bag of bones I’ve got to animate the thing itself, in the toes or in the brains, never
Never-land is not the end of the line, it’s not curtains down on a stage’s finale, iced giant Red
Bitter end of iced, terrestrial wings’ groove in a magic gas rock, a holy UFO grave, it is said!

Intent causes the effects in your and my reality, whether conscious or unconscious, same old
Ancient texts of human linguistic history from a tower of Babel, mighty blows, spinal tap gold
Take this the wrong way please, you and I, all of us of every culture on Earth fall down to here
Ecstatic, empty void of holy-scat prayers to corpses lovin’ social paradise, holy cheeseburger!

r j j stephan, i {HEADER is that old 70’s Florida-Alabama-Georgia-Mississippi band }
c. May 3, 2019 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ drafted while jammin’ to #MollyHatchet #HaveMercy & HITS on #GatorcCountry CD & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/PTR13MV4fqc }
