
Thursday, May 09, 2019

Deep into a #NewYorkStateOfMInd #HappyBirthdayBillyJoelNumber70 #BruceSpringsteen #BillyJoel & #AlexaJoel

Richard Joseph Stephan  · Thursday, May 9th, 2019
Spread nanoseconds of square feet above and below the planet’s surface, #HolyBlue ball
It’s a matter of black/white notions with no substance of The Form, Essence of #TheWall
You must be insane to be thinking beyond the ethics and morality of the tribes in conflation
It is the government of the germs and the people that is sacrosanct, alternative is extinction.

You’re a tool of the extinction, I am not, I cancel everything I can and delete the trails’ tracks
Into the Singularity I go once again, it’s a stretched out into an inside-out dot, pointed hacks
Hack or not to hack you while you read WORD play of a stranger hidden away in a lion’s den
It’s a MEME of the singularity, the inner core of the Void of your consciousness, an ego’s Id.

Fool me three times to strike out, I swing at anything that looks like it’s comin’ home to me
Tendencies of the animals to be eaten or buried underground with the rest of the dead bones
All movements from alpha to omega abstraction of the first to the last breath, a place in space
Snap your Achilles tendons and feel the downfall, Adam-Eve night, it’s a survival spade, Ace!

You will become identical to what you were before your mother and father conceived you, yea
That is it, written words of promises to return to nowhere, except in the NY state of my mind
Big Guy in the sky, above the moon, above the law of the good, the bad and the ugly, ad-lib it
Awakened, blinded by ultraviolet wavelengths of unburdened neutrinos in deep space’s chit.

OK, OK, OK, it’s failure to launch a boomerang from the angle of the dangle, hammer down
Thor lost the hammer, dropped the armor and helmet, naked ape still, mortally soul flown
#Odin and #Jord bore #Donnar before #Buddah #Krishno #Mao & #Christ, #Mjolnir’s pet
I can’t hold back the origin of the Void, a Singularity all in my mind, billionaires owed debt.

I need to burn leaves wrapped in paper (cigars and cigarettes) I need to find gold lottery wins
Vaping numbers, guessing random retrieval of digital dots, the winning ones, holy addiction
But and also, there’s no reason for the play, the acts on stage, the finales of waling, gnashing
Drunken nerds of grand-folks stuck in this here loop of providence, zip, black hole, Nothing!

r j j stephan, i
c. May 9th, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
* RåGodt, snap Thor’s tendons, we’ll feel the burn? Run in spades/shoveled Aces in the Ho!
{ ...listenin’ to WAR THE BAND on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/RFSWW4O6QNM }


Wednesday, May 08, 2019

#ParticlesAreAlive #DeathIsIllusory #DimensionsOfSpaceAndTime #AtomAndEVA #DragParticlesOfHiggsBoson #GitYourOwnBoson

* * *
Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Here and now won’t be there and then but nobody comes back to review and verify at home
On the planet Earth or so I’ve been told and persuaded by the K-12 & professors of my butt
Put the key in the lock, twist and turn back and forth but it was tight and rusted tight-shut
Walked the middle road, one foot in front of the other, rollin’ life in a bag under a holy dome.

Outside of red dirt, eight miles higher than my friends’ enemies, my soul brothers and sisters
So I’m told, that’s where emptiness hits you in the solar plexus, drinkin’ twelve packs of beers
All are one and one are all, the three musketeers and the holy trinity trigger the swords’ fuss
Slices diagonally horizontal cuts until the pieces of flesh fall into medicated goo, stars dust.

Everybody wants to know what nobody will ever find out before they take their last breaths
Here and now won’t be there and then but nobody comes back to verify Words of God-men
Little minds in little bodies compared to the rest of the galaxy, a soul, indeed, invisibly seen
As a third eye’s disembodied spirit, nothing alive wants to be what It is, I’m all God’s deaths.

The heart’s the symbol of love but it disintegrates into atoms of matter, finally without reason
It breaks and bleeds out, pumpin’ out dreams of living, animated matter outed, a divine mind
Shots in the dark and blade slashes finish the hidden hit job of the massacred innocents’ skin
Fragile babies, decrepit skulls to toe, all of ‘em gotta go eventually, mighty God’s even Steven.

Down the rabbit hole now, jump in or you’ll get sucked in without your intent to groove, to fly
To the bottom where the core of Being exists in perpetuity, lights all out there, a rodents’ Ga
This is not a test, this reality from birth to death with a dream of nutrients for the mind’s eye
Is it real or fake? Perception, THE FORCE Nuclear gold, infinite weak atoms of Ma and Pa!

r j j stephan, i { Neutrinos & Quarks suck weak FORCE with gluons of mass-less bosons! }
c. May 8th, 2019 A.D. @ 2:22 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to the scents and watchin’ the sounds of noise and silence drove me insanely normal, in trouble like everyone else on Earth, waitin’ for the hammer to come down & listenin’ to the origin of atomic nuclei, @CassiopeiaProjectQuantumElectrodynamics link @ https://youtu.be/KZ67q4pvoHI }

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

#InvestigateNothing #BelieveAnything #RebootYourArse #ItsAShortStoryToo @JoeSatriani #ProfessorSatchafunkilus

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, May 7, 2019
All you’ve got, grounds of your being here and now, starstruck ground, KingRichard A-bombs
In a whirl of Sanskrit and #ASL the word is that outside of the world as we know it, shaloms
Blackout empty of the gases necessary to provide aerobic and anaerobic respiration, ma and pa
There is nothing before and nothing after this thing, so just do it now before you lose dogma.

I’m not your relative nor your friend, I’m not your supervisor or the national conscience flow
Ring the bells and bang the gongs in front of the queen’s subjects, princess of America hobo
Pure evil momentum to overthrow the crown, the Empire of the Queen propped up by Dukes
Then there’s the non-Catholics, the Calvinists and Protestants of the queen, on the #downlow

Putting up the front for the world at large, whomever looks into a PrimeSeventeen SpyvsSpy
Lookin’ into everybody’s business like it’s nobody’s business, if you know what I mean, guy
Pertaining to you and my enemies and friends who know me and strangers who do not, chill
You have no choice now that you’ve come this far, before you’ve gone too far, back off the hill.

No controversy around my head, your head or the talkin’ head on the idiot box-screen’s waste
Silly rabbits still try to eat the Trix that they’re not allowed to even think about or even taste
Rabbit stew is what kids out of wedlock eat for a free lunch, holy, turtle burgers for everyone
We go out on the limb to fetch the furthest morsel to masticate and swallow whole, it’s done.

Put into the position of the leader or follower, each of us the descendant of alien amoeba ilk
Motivated to animate, run away from things that require foods, flesh, bone and vampire milk
You can always become an idiot as you were or you can remain elevated in your gym shoes
Over or under six or seven feet, that’s all you can look up to when you’re knee high to blues.

All two hundred and eight bones remain behind me, my zeitgeist dropped the load like lead
I knew it was Golden-Lead but it wasn’t the #Kryptonite my mama threw into a quasar head
In the Past this Present was the Future and in the Future this Present will be in the holy tent
Into perspective, nothing to #Fear queen, see the Prince-like signals, American King is sent.

r j j stephan, i
c. May 7th, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ crafted in a cosmic halo, bent space & time galactic light while listenin’ to the Suits #DuchessMeghanMarkle #LongLiveTheQueen I mean future king (7th in line) American Royal... bloopers on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/DfCCpCyf8kQ }