
Friday, May 10, 2019

#NobodyWantsToGuessWhy #ICameForYouBaby #VoidYourEpicRoyaltyChecks

Out on 1 limb of the tree of knowledge, I found out what I had forgotten, what I couldn’t find
Mixin’ the time sequences up, you can’t recall the Future or return to the Past, I know, I know
I will never learn to keep my big mouth shut like my daddy used to whip it, Kiddie-land mind
I finally without any warning, woke up from the dream inside my head, full of Truth’s blow.

Nobody could ever touch my soul or my heart, not this Time in Space or another, I am One
I am not sorry that I can’t be two, or you or three or four or a whole world of continental fun
Waxed and waned with the lunar revolution, wobbled on the axis and sucked out the helium
Left nothing to mix with the elemental origin, the Gold, the Silver, the yellow cake uranium.

In the singularity you will go way down to the never ending rabbit hole of Alice and the cafe
No coffee, no tea, no 7UP or Pepsi, no Mountain Dew or Root Bear, nothing to drink, I say!
Counting backward from ten down to one, then in an instant, in a heartbeat, I know nothing
You know all that’ll be known before extinction, singular dot of conception’s orgasmic song.

Regardless of what it is, the alter ego always wins the trophy wife of high school flash mobs
Vicious and pernicious yet compassionately humane, this Holy Boat sank long ago, we slobs
Moved inside of the dirty ashes, being wide open to consummation of mother-earthen things
Not by a carnivore or bacterial infections of mere mortals, but a divine suicide of God wings.

Red button and a black hole are the target of the dreaded last arrow, to the target’s near miss
Bull’s eyed fear of nothing but the emptiness you originated from, escaped from there to here
Price to pay for that, you forgot why you came, you wanted a reminder that could not appear
In Ether, driven heavy metal home for those who’d kill life, war kills the red flags of showbiz.

Bubbles breakin’ the thin line dividing inside from outside, allowing the acid to animate cells
DNA coded sequences ruptured by mutations from the solar protuberances and space balls
Been a red button leader doomed to return back to GO without collection the one old C-note
Keepin’ Soul-happy, feelings of the head red-heart copacetic, all you need’s Love, #FakeFloat.

The beginning started at the bitter end and remained right there in the muck and mire, Earth
A third planet from the sun or so they’ve said, compiled among the graphic equations of birth
It’ll help ones who don’t know it, the ones in ignorance of common sense will never, ever do it
Like Ones used up and spit out, two by two out of the arc, a reaper’s wheel house is evil, Live.

r j j stephan, i
c. May 10, 2019 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to the #Eagles #HoleInTheWorld youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9BQUpPVqlm0 }