
Thursday, June 13, 2019

#Rectified #Sanctified #JustFried

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, June 13, 2019
Who you are or who you’re related to from power royalty on the block or throne, unknowns
Believe the holy historians have recorded the hearsay of liars and thieves, long dead of bones
Perfectly finite in Time, we atoms of a microscopic place in Space, Nothing’s the case, holy lie
This is a conditional conclusion, extinction of life on Earth is inevitable, mortality, live to die.

Primed for the experience of procreating the species, calling it love and marriage to kill spunk
Trending parental enculturation to restrict full liberty and put masks on works of the skunk
In Nevada’s desert, underground below casinos and air bases, there’s a whole world curiosity
Fill in the holy blanks with the lead and gold left over from the Big Bang’s supernova, creepy.

It is not easy for some and very easy for others, it all depends on the luck of the card draw
Some get a bad hand dealt even though the cards were shuffled and cut, always call a bluff
All in at the end of the game, everything in the pot except straight up, clothes on our backs
Beautiful royal flush of my hand beats your aces and eights, hell, you got a dead man’s hand.

Find the location of the space in Time where you go to meet your maker, end of your days
Go there and sit in that place and meditate on it, recollect that you are what you are, greys
Evolved the rocks and pebbles from the Big Bang’s menudo, a retrospective of collapsing
Expanding and contracting, fissionary fusion of cells do nothing but they do their thing.

Monsters and lovers lurking around every corner, all of the nooks and crannies full of stool
Recycled cuisine and mixtures of liquid from water to milk to the last call for grain alcohol
For the love of God, being the love of Mother Nature, Space and Time, despair and abandon
Appearance of the vacuumed cosmic, dead dust, killed, extinct, obsolete man, I am uh, One.

r j j stephan, i
c. June Thirteenth, 2019 A.D. @ 5:55 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to #FederalistPapers georgewills1 on the #JimboHannonShow on Talk 650 KSTE gittin’ ready for the mighty Armstrong & Getty 0600-1000 AM PST }

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

#SHOOBIEdoo #MentallyPhysical #LetUsGetPhysicalMentally

@CarlosSantana #Devadip
Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Haven’t been the same since all the lawyers were disbarred and I’ve got no standing in court
I can’t kneel or sit in court either, not allowed in the door, I just wait to let jail open, to be free
I got the keys but the sheriff don’t care because I’m his grandson, I didn’t do it anyway, nope
Get over it, I’m not privileged but I am innocent of the crime, somebody vented, it wasn’t me.

I play nothing, beat drums and people at video games, bring it back home to my home runs
You will never know the difference between happiness and utter despair, my daughter’s sons
My fortunate circumstance is pitched from nowhere, out of the blue, it turned purple n’ gold
In the out door and through the turnstyles of the sky’s scrapers, mighty mice and men of old.

At the ending or at the beginning, sound comes first and then the light follows the beat, tap it
Green grass cut, burned away into the clean, clear oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen of mamas
I played game like you did but we ended it at different times, one after the other’s love flaws
Beat and blew instruments, made melodies and lyrics count for nothing but something else.

In love or out, happy or sad about the circumstances of the place in space you spend the time
It really doesn’t ever matter at all, I comprehend the blind faith and hope for a happy ending
But the truth is, happiness is either here and now in the present or it’s nowhere in the Void
Don’t believe the Truth, hope lies are true in vain, a freedom of choice, a divine hemorrhoid.

By the time you make your getaway, it won’t be a problem, it’ll just be water flowin’ over falls
As the world spins, you do too, in and out of this dynamic spin and wobble, y’all got the balls
Draw! Professors, priests and sisters have all rational thought down a cold, holy rabbit hole
Can you rob the program of magic? Nothing is magic, a faded away myth of our gods’ blows.

Punks like I used to be mature into retired civil servants on pensions, waiting for the night
Turning with the spin of the dirt, no choice until one final gasp of gas, then boom, that’s right
It’s all over at the end, no heaven or hell or purgatory or karma payment for the mortals’ sin
Just to be created and related to the offender, guilt by association, fallaciously argued, divine.

Something new, nothing old, always burning the fuel to make the power to move rocky roads
Smooth as silk with the asphalt and tar, pavement of cement, catch all my flashy flesh codes
I look, I glance, I ignore and there is nobody to take my place today or ever, on down the line
When and where’s the place and time? Rockin’ the fires, full of Word-up, a garage wall’s fine!

r j j stephan, i
c. June 12, 2019 A.D. @ 4:10 PM PST {always is 4:10}
{ drafted while listenin’ to Joe Walsh Daryl's House Club 48” on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/dPV6nKrhOGg }

#Area102 @NatalieWoodTrophy #BlackHoles #WhiteHoles & #Singularity

@ricoSacto #ricoSacto
There is nothing personal here if this diatribe matches specific circumstances here on the ball
I know this is true, so don’t give me that ‘look and roll’ of eyeballs into 6’4” holy skullduggery
Make it burn the whole way down to your soul, to the core of the Earth where nothing can be
Straight shots of #JackDaniels downed, #JoseCuervo mercy, better off to git over hearts y’all.

You may not’ve been around the block before but I have, I ain’t braggin’ just statin’ the facts
I am what I am like a #Popeye, high on spinach pizzas’ double cheese, more shots, no redacts
One drink led to another, now half the bottle is all gone, it’s been done afore, bottoms up thee
Slurrin’ the speech ain’t helpin’ the comprehension of the mystery, get closer over here to me.

To like or not to like is not an option, no freedom to choose at your personal conception of Id
What you saw is immediately what you got, starving-thriving mothers of you, mother of gods
At night when the Earth turns it’s face away from the light in the middle of nowhere, shine It
I’m what you are, no difference other than I know and you do not know, stars, One Sun, God.

So, you’ve gone too far now to stop going on with the game, you know the rules, tiptop cream
At least you’ve got an immortal soul, dontcha? Of course you do, your life is all re-recorded
Before you arrived in the Past and the Present you knew you had a F-Future, ‘til you’re dead
Come closer, over here, me, myself and I are fishin’, oh, the burn! #HappyEnding’s a dream!

One’s function in the infinite as a mortal representation of the unknown is to be or not, Balls
An immortal function of the language and both oral and written on stone, paper or dirty walls
Strong forces want to erase the functions we’ve historically recorded back into The black hole
Regardless of liking it or not, findin’ Truth makes you take T-shirts off and get one last kiss!

Planets invisible to me, in a book of words, at the end a sound of words, don’t go but you go
Where? I don’t know but you will know some day maybe sooner than later, hehl you’ll know
Surprised, maybe not, it’ll be what’ll be, that said, live and let live, kill the viral infection bean
Humanity! God’s beauties in short skirts easy in blue moonlight, sweet woman in blue jeans.

r j j stephan, i
c. June Twelfth, Two Thousand & Nineteen A.D. @ 4:11 AM PST
{ DRAFT complete while listenin to #LoveTheLonelyOutOfYou by The Osborne Brothers drinkin’ heartache & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/yhPNZKdVRh8 }
* props to the legs used in the header ON FB, I know whose they are but they are now property of DAVEYJONESXX � 6 feet under! X