Strapped, locked and loaded for bear and there’s nothin’ bleedin’, extinction of a wee critter
All of them killed for their fur to put upon the naked apes, your mama and mine, purple sir
I am so sorry that you didn’t know, if this is a shock, you’re just in the middle, in holy hehl
Where your ancestors and descendants will roam until the super nova ends the con, for Real.
Smoke up and gone with the wind, just like it wasn’t ever here or there, tick tock boom-boom
Chains smoked, wires crossed and the lines are parallel intersections of the hoe down course
A drive down the fairway isn’t fair at all, it’s a groove in a tube that can’t be undone, silent Ga
There’s no freedom except for the one day you die, as a wreck on the highway or a call of Ra.
Winners and losers we were right and wrong about the easy streets and hard ways and loans
It’s all up in the atmosphere, way above this Earth’s dirt I’ll mix it up with, ash or dusty bones
I got good wood on fast-breaking screwballs, swung for the fence to score, I got #fake tours
But mine were well done, always will be a big, empty nothingness void of our happy hours?
Got a whole stack of silver and gold and I can’t move out the sadness of pity, an altruism face
Compassion in the ocean, underneath the waves and frequencies of the fish and dogs’ place
Down here in the hollar, where I got my boat shoved in plain sight, right at the dock of a bay
Not my roots, not my place in this space, Time’s all out, everything’s broken, fixed it, my way.
Fetch my slippers girl, bring my paper over here so I can see what men said, WTH happened?
Seeds inside the womb, hotter than the Hades our kin came out of, the fire was hot, ice ain’t
Frozen stiff or dead and gone, underground’s sea water, either way it’s all about fishin’ for me
It’s never ‘bout you, positive vibes you felt were film negatives of steel-heads in red-hot Brie.
Cheese spoiled milk, ate it anyway, mixed beans and corn in with the cowpokers’ flank steaks
Salt and peppered like no tomorrow, BBQ dead things, smoke mined by God’s country freaks
All chopped and chewed and going in and out of the things we call our kinfolk, mama and me
Golden rules, pretty girls’ bones on my H2O soul, The Struggle killed atoms, holy water-free!
r j j stephan, i
c. August 7th, 2019 A.D. @ 1:11 AM PST
{ drafted while jammin’ to some Prince #NothingComparesToYou #PurpleRain & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/cpGA0azFdCs}