1st of all in the middle of your despair, tear up the dragons resting place hopeful screen door
From the start to the finish lines, the race is on, I always win in the end, laggin’ a wild phloem
Clocked in the quarter mile and the mile and a quarter, it’s two bits or a sawbuck to a scheme
I never know but I trust a live wire stickin’ out of my rat cage’s four walls, on God’s 13th floor.
In any case, for absolutely no reason at all, there was a fall, a legend that it happened to God
As if...come on now, think this out, absolute power over the universe, the alpha and an omega
Just one thing though, there’s a higher power than the Divine One who rules our world’s gold
Nothing in the DNA other than a material fact, that it’s ACID in a form, alien to Earth’s fold.
It don’t matter when you come to The induced deduction, right place, tea time on a tight wire
To the rhythm and beat of the psychotic, irregular drum beats and tweaked tin plates on fire
Already gone before it appeared to my naked eyes into which the smoke wisped her all gone
It did not have to be yet it was and never can not be in the future, it’s impossible, be a pawn.
Inner function of the blood and oxygen gas pump, from sugar to water in forty nanoseconds
Fortunate justice for the ones who become the victim to the predators who live in the sands
Broken desert highways and on to entrails of the prairies and jungles to the mountain range
Where angels fear to go at any Time, in any Space, mankind’s fake homo sapiens take udders
Bourbon and whiskey make it all worth while until the tequila broke the tie, sea-salt & a lime
It’s in my future, black cows drunk in rapid succession, odorific #Navy Pier stockyard blunders
In a silent, cool metadata, amoral and apathetic young annihilate epochs of historical rhyme.
Our lady of perpetual longing for atomic resolution of the revolution between rich and poor
In a state of mind, One mind not a plethora of separate, isolated group of a memory #Bots
Compared to nothing at all, no sensation or agenda for the future, recollect the tied-up score
r j j stephan, i #Skullduggery Skullduggery
c. Mercredi, August 7th, 2019 A.D. @ 4:11 PM PST
{ drafted listenin’ to Steely Dan #TimeOutOfMind & microHITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9rVmVIWChSI }