
Thursday, August 22, 2019

#HappyHourIsDone #KeepItFluffy #PackOfCougarsEverywhereOverHere

If it doesn’t hurt then it’s not for real, life is photo-shopped and air-brushed clean, clear chit
You know why, it’s because you’ve got a pretty smile and skinny jeans, my freedom’s Free-fall
To be or not to be is not the only question, there’s another few inquiries for addressing The It
Blind faith in hopes and dreams barrel of monkeys, gramma’s son CUT a RUG, spawn of All!

I came forward and you fell on back to the rear of the club, last table in the back, two chair set
None but the best in my midst, all up in my face, got down on my case just ‘cause it was easy
A force to be reckoned with is not the only force in the universe, line ‘em up, burnt atoms’ chi
Neither more nor less than It all, from nuclei to macrobiotic, phantom bugs between my me.

Blown superego can’t fly solo, all gone girl, run clean out of fake miracles, O2’s hydrogen ruse
Without liquid that a solid needs to transform boiling gas of I don’t knows, drunken on grape
Crying for a taste of microbial life while starin’ in the empty face of smoke and mirrored blues
I can’t make it without you and me, we’re finished with last gasps, orifice of man’s face agape!

Although being stupid should hurt if that was an evolutionary advantage, stupid feels so good
Evil mind is one which has been depleted of ignorance and a tendency to honor my defiance
Not because it’s the right thing to do, it’s the only choice possible, there’s me not in the mood
And then there’s everything in perfect synchronization with the babies of midgets and giants.

Swing It around over here Mother Earth, wobblin’ spin, ellipsis (. . .) spun a One Way thang
It’s busy on the road, it dead-ends at a Wall where only Nothing’s leftover from a chitty Bang
Imagination fully creating everything from literally nothing but a Void full of an original sin
Empty space without me, holy hole of the amalgam of Space’s Time, now or way back when.

Passing in and out of the love left over from the dumpster of cosmic dust, last call dust of God
I am what I am, standin’ tall, being much more to attract the deep state, black-holed demigod
Rulers of yard sticks or meters, give or take a centimeter at the pulpit, they chop wood for me
I’m in an out of sight coverup, ellipsis smoke’s alive, my hand’s ace high in firewater, I’m free!

c. August 22nd, 2019 A.D. @ 3:03 AM PST


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

#SheetMusicHappens #HitsInTheFace #CompletedMissionToRock

A horse of course is not a horse if it’s a dead one, everyone knows the Truth in Seattle
Not because it’s obvious but it’s written all over the black hole and steel of Space’s place
Bringing the fire to melt the things and remould it into the fashion of the mind’s play
Up and down, where angels always fear to go, in the elevator that won’t stop going up!

Nobody’s absolutely certain to express the essence of this argument, pro or #ConnieMac balls
One of a kind opportunity to retrieve a lonly thought that rings true, rockin’ loons’ dumbells
Cryin’ in the dark because I let my heart break in two, let my holy southside get y’all drunked
Lost the One and Only, important for acid’s moment in Time and Space, DNA up n’ vanished.

On the fulcrum of the equatorial balance, there’s a wobble of the Earth, First Cause of a God
In a relative uniform, the empty Void is never full of the rocks that roll around Jupiter’s stars
Common yet unique to an empty 360 degree plane of wind, third dimension’s cubed spheroid
Amazed that self reflection is both probable and possible a fortunate, accidental boy android.

Warmed up brain and programmed mind to express the nature of a beast’s meaning of Life
Carbon burned, create a sun’s greenhouse effect on another rock that rolls fast as a fake wife
Burned in a baked brain, smoked and barbequed from birth to death, disappearing act of me
Mortal inheritance from the pops and moms, innocent, violent insemination’s Cosmic skree.

Bullets are metal and the velocity of the ejection from explosions of ignited mass, powder Id
Lights out and darkness’ power harnessed right here and now, my firestorm ignition, at War
Complete silence and utter noise intensity in unimagined frequencies and wavelengths offer
God in heaven, here and now, El Earth and everyplace except for an empty Void, Fool’s dead!

Gravity pulled destiny deep into me but it would not accept A gamma ray burst of NGC 4933
Punks seeing the Neutron stars collide and super nova into what is left of Adam and Eve to be
Astonishing heavy metal cosmic burn isn’t a universe’s #MO, Space-Time fade to a black cock
Gravity pulls the matter and energy into a corporate merger, violent takeover stream of Rock!

r j j stephan, I *Header is the Space City ( Seattle ) #SpaceNeedle buried in the skyline!
c. August 21st, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to “Planets Outside of the Milky Way galaxy on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/nTrR00kLOmU }
<3 br="">

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

#CrystalBluePersuasion #AlaskaIcebergs #BackFromAlaskaTourOfDuty #HighVoltageRockAndRoll @ACDC #JustTrippin'

Take a picture and it will last longer than a NY minute, an eon will pass underground fires
Counter the ice with the hot plastic and slate, your wild dreams can’t imagine funeral pyres
Of being all too human, there’s a finite trip from the conception to the soulless travel of gods
Matter and Energy in conflict, beings of DNA arose from a blown crock of teenager hotrods.

Adapt or perish, it’s the law of gravity and evolution of the fittest species to survive extinction
We are the ones who survived, we caretake the others, plants and animals, adapt to function
Motivation is to eat or be eaten, an edge given to the survivors who found peace on rare Earth
Not because of luck but an intent to be the good while being capable of being bad, even ugly!

Rivers run above and beyond, below the center of nowhere, a centered, empty hole of a code
Empty acid DNA, nothing but a Void of philosophical religion, to let war’s god-sun go brood
Teeth to eat and fire to burn, mortality of eternity a loving, innocent myth of mother’s lode
Inside the outside of where nothing but emptiness completes third dimensional cold blood.

Substantial variations occur from a man’s birth to his death, I don’t prick anything ‘bout her
My comment is purely homocentric, earthly unimportantly, a self examination of holy soul
Volts from the thunder and lightening sent to our gravitational pull, my mind got penetrated
By Nothing but electrons, neutrons and protons that I cannot terminate, I’ve a will to power.

Speak a language that can be understood by any human on any continent, seven or now eight
One under the sea that nobody other than flabergasted people ever become aware of, it’s Fate
Float on the ocean for a week and take a trip that you will never forget, unless your eyes failed
Sights and sounds of pure ocean H2O liquid gas being cut by a #Princess, north WA AK gate.

Saw neither hide nor hair of Fire, quit smokin’ leaf grass n’ Al Capone Cigarillos’ cooler stiffs
Just the salt in the air and the freezing August air of a Pearl of the USA, the deal of stoonads
Alaska where my grandma feared to go with her fisherman mate, my step-grandpa, Mr. Leff’s
Puttin’ dead food in the Renton, Washington ground, box buried six feet deep, 208’s gonads.

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, August 22nd, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #TowerOfPower LIVE w/LennyWilliams leads on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Qy2NssFhs64 }
*It is no more complicated than knowing how and why conception occurs...just be the food! #Fate’s #QuantumMechanics #RabbitHole universe link @ https://youtu.be/TftGVf5345g
FINIS/CAPUT *sittin’ down on the corner of #Hollywood & #Vine writin’ the verse down on the thin blue lines, we cannot see between the lines, therefore your bones will return to dust!