
Monday, August 26, 2019

#WindowPaned #StrawberryDoubleDomed & #OrangeSunshine #AllYaGottaDoIsSayTheWord

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, August 26, 2019
You and me baby, stick with me, I’ll take ya right up there to the tip-top of a smokin’ heap
You know I’m a great guy and you’re a unique girl who wants to be the POTUS’ bee-sting
Or maybe, if the Time in Space is Right, well, maybe really Left, then history will do, creep
Out of the shadows, where the queen will be in charge of America, once again, no f’n king.

Well, anyway, nobody’s perfect but I know what perfection is and I know that I’m only a man
Only one and the same zygote I was at conception, thanks ma and pa for the holy, royal scam
In the whirl of myriads of swirls, hurricanes and typhoons of Jupiter have begun, Earth’s tour
First a virus and then just the water appearing and disappearing out of atmospheric pressure.

Let’s listen to some talk radio DJ’s discuss the current affairs, like the nuns made you do too
Sad between the summers, C students get drafted into the USMC or USAF, war’s glowin’ halo
It exists where heroes die for the sake of an idea, nothing tangible like liberty’s freedom mage
Prestidigitation that it’s all for the sake of the genome, a pack of haters/lovers of #HehlsBells.

A needle in the groove and a lovin’ spoonful of joy to the world, sit back, relax, let it be free
Everything is the thing itself, what you’re going to be once you’re last gasp of gas’ releasee
Prisoner in the flesh and bones no more walls built to break through, everybody’s the One
Nobody is getting out of here alive, I mean not POTUS, queens or tsars, no King, not fun!

It means, just like a virus or germinated bacterial infection, humanity is an invisible stain
In the absolute zero medium of a Void, no matter, an immaterial Billary-Hillary bogeyman
That said, who said It, you’ll know it when you see it, even if you’re blinded, blackstar lights
One sun or a multitude of Red Giants and White Dwarves, Matter is fuel for the good fights.

Comfort down the deepest, darkest hollar, conscious humans injected into eggs’ DNA’d veins
That’s where nothing is, All of It, broken down to a common denominator under a numerator
Fraction of an unsolvable equation, indivisible knowledge of power, energy-mass X jet fighter
Pain’s an illusion bomb, a defective nervous system’s electric pool of hippy 60’s LSD brains.

r j j stephan, i
c. August 26th, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ drafted listenin’ to #WARtheBand on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/1dikEA63lM0 }


Sunday, August 25, 2019

#NothingVenturedNothingGained #SweetHome @LynyrdSkynyrd @Alabama #HeartBlood or @CurtisMayfield #FutureShock @KennyChesney #PirateFlag #IslandGirl

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, August 25, 2019
 * * * * *
Lost in the Space’s viruses and #HotRods which existed 70 million years ago, it’s all ‘bout me
CGIN1 gene is RNA retrovirus father of us all, parasitic one gene which was alive, two to go
When the first thought was recollected to be the only thought that is an immortal eons, yo G
Lost at sea, in an evolution caused by the compression of the Will to Powers above, as below.

In a smear, a Whirl of Swirl at the center of holy poles of the bloodshot, blowhole magnetism
Ain’t my fault that I was conceived, born, raised and thinking here and now, of fake-idealism
When blood will not be pumped hemoglobin and hemocyanin, enzymatic snail smithereens
Atomic evolution, formed special creation of mighty acoelomorphs, billion year old proteins.

Mosquito stomachs fossils contain blood of the 600 million year old, circulatory systematics
Organic movement of @acoelomorphs, worms evolved to contain themselves in a shape flicks
Atoms, molecules of globulin folds spontaneously created god-junk, a worm’s penny-copper
Who said the owl in the barn, doesn’t know you must save your recollections for easy fishing.

Crabs have the blue blood, the oxygen changes it all to the red, oxidized hemerythrin puree
Then there’s the evolution of the #IceFish white blood, inside and outside, no-clot rainbows
Beginning fossils in the #BurgessShale #MarrellaSplendins black smears of blotched blood
You find either the origin of life after the #BigBang or the sickle God created before A & E!

Saving the best for last, the last thought, the last breath with or without meaning, Eagle key
Around and about 4 AM Pacific Time, the surf comes up down at the Big Sur, aboard the bay
Nine to five or graveyards past midnight, it’s all One and the same, a slow burn to the cruisin’
On the yacht or the ship of carnival fools or princess tools or even in flight, flyin’ Eagle fusion.

In the morgue, corpse’s Zip pity-doo-dah whistlin’, rings of grandmama’s blinded, 7th godson
Royal heritage-lineage of mothers’ grandpas and fathers’ grandmas, brought here & now fun
On a day conceived from random egg and sperm drawn from two, a ‘56 Chevy was a 409 One
True to one original form, won’t find me in a bone yard or buried in #SkiinyJeans, it is done!

r j j stephan, i *Header’s my personal android’s fresh Alaskan cruise by #SkagwayGlaciers }
c. Sunday, August 25th, 2019 A.D @ 10:30 AM priority delivery!
{ drafted while seein’ the world thru #WhiskeyGlasses & HITS of Morganwallen #TwoMoreLetsGo on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/ozT3-7Dd3cg }

Friday, August 23, 2019


four scored the H2O ago, 1919AD
It all came out the way the future always comes out, the way it is, my #StruggleToFight
To be or not to be is like the only question if you’ve got all the other answers, kiss my phaser
That’s all that really matters to me besides safe place shelter, what can I eat by tonight?
I demand that you stand up against the wall or I will disintegrate your soul-shape laser!

Gettin’ in the mood but leaving out the most important breath, the last one to blow
Out through both the mouth and nose, then it’s all agape without a free choice, go
Nowhere to be outside of the skin and bones, brain dead, mind checked out a hole
Down with the rabbits and Alice, wherever that may be, you’ll get there too, flow.

Perfection isn’t going to help you a bit with your perfect teeth and made-up faces
Lipstickin’ and powder on the beak will only be what you need for a Space’s Time
Comin’ in first or last in the long run, matters as much as the day the sun nova’s
Where the buried and living go when the Earth cracks up like my divine son’s Ga.

It all came from the free choice of the free will, the man and not the woman, first
Not second or last but the First Cause of the egg’s split conception, 1/2 male’s girl
Or 1/2 woman’s boy but either way, the hermaphrodite anomalously is All, I’m in
Golfer or pinball wizard in between the philosophy classes, in the campus Union.

On or about this day perhaps, in 1951 A.D. I was deep in the womb of mama, OM
Stopped briefly for a last call on the chord attached to her heart, man I love ya mom
I won’t forget all of the times you and pops saved my life before I left to see the War
Why I left was to avoid the youngsters I first caused in seven girlfriends, perhaps or...

Maybe there were abortions or involuntary premature burials of fetal DNA, aliens
Not welcomed into this brief moment in time, babies in utero and the UFO beings
Human women mating with the moon’s robots, headed to Mars and Neptune gods
Dead to me, virus or bacteria, loosely holding on to the geometry of hillbilly genes.

My own ancestors are yelling at me 24/7 to let them eat cake, in a fortune cookie
Strictly speaking, it’s just my own imaginary world of ghosts in mama, never lost
Not the pope of the Catholic christians but the saver of Innocents who #CoverMe
Deep microbial culture, 3 hour meteorites, Mars blown #84001, magnetite #Boss.
r j j stephan, i
c. Friday August 23rd, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to my caveman mind translate the radio waves of #WARtheBand
on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/P0oUXbE4G2w }