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Hey, improvise it brothers and sisters, I ain’t your papa, here’s a recipe to copy: junk
You’ll never be hungry again, one day at a time though boys, Bettys pull porch hot honkees
Six string pickin’ ain’t gonna help your dog, catfish in the hollar where dirty angels do It.
On the fence, kickin’ down the posts and walkin’ into the other man’s property, test my skill
Where y’all live one day at a time, eatin’ that golden jambalaya, moonshinin’ on a porchswing
Arm around my daughter, around my wife, my mother and my girlfriends, you better #chill
I oughta learn to defend my heart and soul from living examples of idiots and morons, ding!
Everywhere you look, even if you’re blind, in fact, if you can’t see them you find a lot more
Singin’ rhymes to the twangs and beats of the drums, in or out of the shacks of Space’s time
Jacked up or slowed down bones from the age of grueling heartbeats and fake pumps of ice
Dreamin’ about wakin’ up like my daddy told me to, #WakeUpBoy! Echo papa, echo twice!
Back roads way off of the blacktop, Mississippi to Tennessee, party in the hollar, bucks’ learn
They all wanna go but none of them wanna come, just drink and debate before Bubba’s turn
Tucked young bulls in a backyard, sleepin’ bags, train never leavin’ all whacked, I #Outback
Bottles of Jack and #49 puttin’ the fire backwoods’ cinders, nearly plum outta #151 hot burn.
Bumps on the path even though it’s blacktop, it’s just the dead star’s road dream, puffsmoke
Kicked the Truth down the road ‘til I couldn’t avoid the seriousness of Death any longer, yea
It’s over it’s over, I get that but still, why did it happen at all? Who cares, you don’t, don’t fret
Believe in dementia to fix the pain, recollect two seconds, go fuss and fight or forget about it!
r j j stephan, i
c. September 15th, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ drafted while in a magic #Spell, listenin’ to Carlos Santana #AllTimeBest from the Lionsden Boxing Academy on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/lLJQk7B3GkU }