#CornPop your mother, your father, sister and brother and never, ever lookin’ back chumps
You know who you are, y’all are not even readin’ diatribes in any case, no offense old boys
Leaving out of the equation, the better half of the species, that is, any female born god-Toys
Reason why a girl human being would grow mean is because she’s dead or in ghetto pumps!
Back to the subject of the male objects of the humane genome, 32 chromosomes of acid dust
From the sun or the stars or the pulsars or black hole singularities, I just roll my eyes, I must
Why... because I can. I think, therefore we are One and I’m the boss applesauce, WTF is up
Get down wit it, law enforcement runs your good and evil impulses, #gluons get all stuck-up!
Giving all you’ve got to the effort at being all too human, critical function of hoe-Mankind axe
Sellin’ the function to the stupid morons and idiots who learned to read words of the hi-flyers
If and only if you become a judge of the rights and violations of written words of #LiarPimps
Or #Cheats or just honest men who were forced by threat of violence to fail to relate the facts.
I may be toothless by the time I’m seventy but I’ll be alive with my pants down on the #Can
Moving the animation in front of my eyes by sheer Will to Power, just because I can you see
In an case, I promise here and now that what you’ve just read is #FakeNews, God made Eve
Don’t worry about the small stuff, be happy, it’s the ONLY function of Man’s soul in a sieve.
Pertaining to the Idiot and Moron, grown from the sport of Survival, fitness or extinction lore
Heroes in sagas and the biblical words of unknown, named fathers of nobody you know, huh?
Affirmative belief in something somebody told you was true, it had to be because they said so
Some Saturday night when you’re not alive anymore, #SNL cast’ll make fun, LOL. Duh, doh!
Now the predication of the formal logic occurs, wrap your cranium around this and that there
Where in Space you’ll be tomorrow is unknown, what you’ll be when you die is known, an Id
Nothing but the collection of your memorable experience you can recall while alive for years
Or months, days or even minutes, for the life of you and me, that’s all there is, what you get.
Go get into your wheels that we thank the gods for, St. Christopher please follow my punk-ass
I’m an atheistic, aesthetic Roman Catholic Christian apostle of the rock tunes of dead #CARS
I am, you are, we all are the #MostExcellent expression of the explosions of atom-comical gas
No philosophical LAYS of existence, Truth is, I’m stoned-drunk on Tequila, let’s all get high!
r j j stephan, i
c. September 16th, 2019 A.D. @ 7:77 AM PST
{ DRAFT while jammin’ to the HARDY HITS on youTube drone attack link @ https://youtu.be/tRncJ-0XPhY }