Fear and loathing of the One who got us all here and now, struggling for survival just for pain
A bit of tenderness to give a teeny, tiny reprieve from the scariest dream ever had in the rain
Shocked, humdinger like no other ended before I knew what had happened, my soul got free
But I’m pretty sure I won the sword fight with some skills I’d forgotten, (bow) sensai left me.
It’s all comin’ back to me now, there was a challenge to my life by the reaper who fishes souls
I had it, she wanted it, this lady reaper full of a heightened state of awareness for spunk loads
It wasn’t long down the pike before I figured that I’d been the dreamer, my will’s being done
Then it the game was on, I was armed and dangerous but without ammunition in sight, all I.
The heat is on but it’s freezing cold inside and outside of the core of the Cosmos, why is that?
Atomic ghosts who were here and now are now long gone, trust nobody’s faith in #FakeNews
In the Time of the First Cause of Matter and Energy, nothing was being recorded by any God
We’ve had to create the notion of divinity for the sake of survival, the sanity of minds’ is good.
Perfection of the zero and the billion stars outside of the abstract vacuum of matter, singular
Gettin’ past the taste of waste and the smell of white trash in the county dump, hotshell afar
From Chicago’s dotted matrix, I arose to the nest in the Eagle ghosts’ cave o’er below & above
Wings got weaker as carrion went unhunted, ends began, flew 8 mile high, no wings, I dove!
Seeing the ground of being rushing closer to my eyes and soul, the lights went out, passed in
Dreamin’ I fell out of the bed and was suddenly #WOKE like I ain’t ever been & I ain’t kiddin’
To be WOKE or not to be WOKE, that is the million dollar question, every body knows it, eh
Everything is everything and now, even you know something, a narrow path, it’s home’s Way.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, BLOVEMBER 25TH, 2019 A.D. @ 4:20 PM PST
{ drafted listenin’ to a cornucopia of #RandomRockhardSoftness Grand Funk Railroad #ImYourCaptain link @ https://on youTubeyoutu.be/g8MYsii4DZY }