----------------- God used up all of the #Flubber ----------------
------ #OpenWide #mmmmmmmm ------
If and only if there is an unconditional, categorical imperative then there will be a clean break
There’s a reason why the empty skull has so many holes in the form of the bone, land’s sake
It’s all been broken since day One, the first day of the eternal, somnambulistic travesty, a tax
On your breath, your consciousness, your health, your happiness on the planet’s random fax.
Nothing was ever meant to be, it just happened out of thin air, no Word other than the Words
Many more than One left to mix up the thoughts in the tiny apeish brains of butt-naked herds
Everything was broken millenia before we’s conceived, same for you, it ain’t no joke this strife
Now and then, like right now this very second, you’re deep asleep in a dream of life, by a wife.
Thinking before there’s even a scintilla of a chance that you’ll be an enlightened corpus delicti
Blind faith breakin’ down your will to survive here and now, on the planet of rock & roll high
Through the muck and mire of the orphanages and parishes of the baby boys and girls, we go
Finality of the annual repetition of the seasons four, Winter to Fall, it all ebbs and flows Egos.
Your mother and father didn’t know so they could not repeat the mantra of the holy Ones’ Ga
Inside the deep, way, way down where there’s no light at all, devoid thing, what it is Ma & Pa?
I ain’t jokin’ it really looked to me like everything was broken ‘til I realized that it ain’t #shat
So, like my daddy used to say, “Then don’t fix it! It ain’t broke, it has always been like #scat!”
I just report the facts as they appear on screens in front of my eyes, I am not your daddy pods
An automaton repeater of #Whitey drivel drafted by a linguistic anomaly, idiot grunts of apes
Naked or with full bodies of hair growth obscuring the humanity and god-like, wo-man rapes
Broke heads, bleeding hearts, ate brains for power, deep breath, dog-Godmothers’ o’ Suckers!
r j j stephan, i *RIP sailors, marines, soldiers and airmen who gave it ALL! Salute!
c. Semedhi, FEEZEMBER the 7th, 2019 A.D. @ 5:55 AM #NeverForgetDecember7th1941
{ drafted on the anniversary of #PearlHarborWWII & listenin’ to Bob Dylan #NeverMeantToBeSpoken #EverythingIsBroken again, ad infinitum on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Ev-Ru1QpTqU & link to #PearlHarbor on youTube link @ https://www.doi.gov/video/remembering-pearl-harbor }