Dysfunctional all we have, all there is, everything’s the passing of aces & eights, gettin’ stiff
That is what it’s all about, that and a blues guitar strapped shoulder to hip, axing a neck riff
That will lay the chords down and the rhythm and beats of the heartbeat like about 240BPM
I didn’t know the thing itself was an arpeggio on the block, dreamin’ on dead end street scum.
What it all comes down to is that the form of the play we’re starring in will have a last finale
Some punks lift up their fists as if that means that they have power, clearly 2 aces never fail
It’s all over when the Jacks are trips, full house aces under one eyed Jack’s diamond signs
Whatever dominates dead men’s hands is engulfed in the One, Nothing itself, itself a thing.
Indescribable and with no adjectives to modify the pronoun, It is the whole shebang, Zeus
Greeks, Romans, Europeans, Russians, English, Latinos, Orientals and tempting of a Muse
Who got me here and there in symbiotic osmosis from zygote to corpse, DNA’s magical riff
Acid of ancestors and survivors of #TheStruggle of angels, risen and fallen off heaven’s cliff.
Bring it into the fold just like you wanted to, intention causing manifestations of a dream blur
Sovereign kingdoms and fiefdoms pretending Life is different now that the King’s cape is silk
Queen is a maroon head case, full of the pretensions of vagrant, homeless bums, crooked ilk
Someday, it will be to be or not to be, it will be finished, holier than thou, Plato’s myth of Ur.
Pontious Pilate or Pocahontas provides #TheSystem Ups & Downs of uncivilized revolutions
Men and women want to live free but cannot when they eat prey of their own, it’s hunter sins
Wartime battles of bloody water and dirt, flowing underground ways to magic, warrior fates
Too young to resist bully bellies, backs, faces, legs and lips, #Deadmen tattooed it, aces & 8’s.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, February 6th, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 PM PST