I have had this internal conversation with myself time after time and to no avail, it’s amazing
Got to admit once you get past the finish line, it’s all cherished more than you thought my king
Desires and the ability to forget everything known to mankind and be at One like a lost pawn
Or them or anyone else on this planet’s surface, not one animal or plant to aid in a new dawn.
Queens if you need the power to check or checkmate on the board of sixty four, eight by eight
All of the right moves from knight to rook, bishop pricking the queen to move in, bats as bait
Perfection or not, it all rolls around, alternates the darkness and light from the scoop of pain
Around and nearby you and I, happy to see the precious sky of blue & hear a rhapsody’s rain.
It’s impossible to get older than a decade of clever spins & elliptical revolutions, I’m ignorant
Death comes callin’ before you’ve found out who is alive, here and now, much less death sent
Warning to children, innocent of the meaning of life’s series of escapes from bullit or sword
Attempting to scythe us all eventually, before our time and eventually, having the last word.
Using the Word as an abstract expression of the natural reality of beings who feel part of it
That is the challenge for the humane among the scribblers of whom I am NOT one, we got it
There is not a shred of truth in the notion that words written or said means something’s in it
On the surface or deep down to the core at the center of the mass, a taste of waste, aw shyte!
Who is more important after you die when either you’re soul’s clever enough to live or die
Or it winds up having to pay the karma built up over the time you’ve spent in the struggle
To be a good man or woman after being a well-raised or abused child is nearly impossible
You need pity and mercy to forgive the stupid and inept for hip, ape-like moral imperatives.
What’s too bad is the fact that if you fail to do the right thing on the first trip, it’ll try to repeat
Ad infinitum until you get the action right and perform the way you’re designed, as raw meat
Nobody cares about you more than you do, if you care to survive as long as possible, disobey
Oh deductions from Plato to Kant, Categorical Imperatives have Unconditional Truth to pay.
r j j stephan, i
c. March 30th, 2020 A.D. @ 6:66 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #TheHappening by the Supremes on The Ed Sullivan Show on youTube link @ }