An aberration of infinity or regular constant of the finite, mortal, spatial forms of #FakeTime
Shaped like a bush or an ape, the dragon always wins by tilting the machine, on my last dime
Fortune and fame are on hold indefinitely until the #FakeNews says it’s OK to play tattoo ink
Evolved without the pundits and paparazzi, we’d be extinct without them, wink a #FakeWink.
Jersey to California, Florida to Montana, all of the walls came down all the way to Hell’s bells
Water was high but it wasn’t near the fire in the desert, it was above so below, planet of shells
By God or by this man or that woman who breathes in and out of Heads and Toes in the room
Who could swear with a straight face? Who? I could, that’s who, it’s no big thing, badaboom.
Munching on the treats of the genii and the smoke and mirrors, until the last gasp, the rule
From the lips that fly agape at the last movement of the First Cause, eyes wide open for two
More than a sign and less than a faded secret nobody recalls that nobody can relate to, too
It’s the only thing that matters, you’re the One that got here to do this thing, so do it fool!
On a frequency very high and a wavelength very low, the crosswinds blow and music’s made
Up and down the scales of justice, the ships move in and move out with the cargo or without
Salty sea breakin’ it all down for the mates and crews of the Jolly Roger and gaggle of pirates
An H bomb without a boom, apple crumbs makin’ it without the Big Bang’s B2 Sting, I’m out.
Got something for you ill-fated related to the Ones who came before you, yes y’all Funky A-G
Nothing is forever and you can’t take anything with you where you go without your bones’ chi
Everywhere is like nowhere, a place in the Twilight Zone, a space outside of Earth’s sun-kiss
Coordinates on the plane locked, we’re loaded, target obsolete, One and done, back to bliss!
r j j stephan, i
c. May 21st, 2020 A.D. @ 4:11 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #CaledoniaSoulMusic on youTube link @ }