
Thursday, May 21, 2020

#WhatsWrongWithYouPeepo? #ItsSoylentGreen

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, May 21, 2020
------------- #TimeOutSpacedOut --------------
An aberration of infinity or regular constant of the finite, mortal, spatial forms of #FakeTime
Shaped like a bush or an ape, the dragon always wins by tilting the machine, on my last dime
Fortune and fame are on hold indefinitely until the #FakeNews says it’s OK to play tattoo ink
Evolved without the pundits and paparazzi, we’d be extinct without them, wink a #FakeWink.

Jersey to California, Florida to Montana, all of the walls came down all the way to Hell’s bells
Water was high but it wasn’t near the fire in the desert, it was above so below, planet of shells
By God or by this man or that woman who breathes in and out of Heads and Toes in the room
Who could swear with a straight face? Who? I could, that’s who, it’s no big thing, badaboom.

Munching on the treats of the genii and the smoke and mirrors, until the last gasp, the rule
From the lips that fly agape at the last movement of the First Cause, eyes wide open for two
More than a sign and less than a faded secret nobody recalls that nobody can relate to, too
It’s the only thing that matters, you’re the One that got here to do this thing, so do it fool!

On a frequency very high and a wavelength very low, the crosswinds blow and music’s made
Up and down the scales of justice, the ships move in and move out with the cargo or without
Salty sea breakin’ it all down for the mates and crews of the Jolly Roger and gaggle of pirates
An H bomb without a boom, apple crumbs makin’ it without the Big Bang’s B2 Sting, I’m out.

Got something for you ill-fated related to the Ones who came before you, yes y’all Funky A-G
Nothing is forever and you can’t take anything with you where you go without your bones’ chi
Everywhere is like nowhere, a place in the Twilight Zone, a space outside of Earth’s sun-kiss
Coordinates on the plane locked, we’re loaded, target obsolete, One and done, back to bliss!

r j j stephan, i
c. May 21st, 2020 A.D. @ 4:11 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #CaledoniaSoulMusic on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/F34zwWJ4bP4 }

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

#WITFAYTA ? #JustListen #Silence #JSTFU

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, May 20, 2020
---------------  #HUNGERforever ---------------
This is nothing at all to sneeze at, bayou’s big fun, down to the last gasp you get, go deeper
Deal me in for the last hand of the night, just need the name of the game, freakin’ creeper
In syncopated rhythm, pluckin’ strings, beatin’ skins, shells or hollowed-out trunk bark
In the morphine and heroine the blue dreams arrive and the ending credit teeth of a shark.

All of this was present at the beginning before there was any solution to counter revolution
Now and in the future program of the DNA and RNA, mutated or immutable, superb skin
Nevermore to be cut and bleed or to be blunt forced unconsciousness’ traumatic android
All you can recollect, nothing more and nothing less, no experience means an empty Void.

In the middle of the day or night, you may assume you’re on a planet revolving & orbiting
Around a burning ball of gas ninety million miles away from this Home, all we know, eh?
In a stretch of the imagination you can follow the inconceivable notions assumed by gods
Passing the Word in rocky wall etchings, to say that #KilroyWasHere, I Am Kilroy’s nards.

Food to eat and to recycle into the environment, devoid of burned vitamin & mineral, son
The fuel for the movement of the animal animation, without the dead food, we die as One
Before the thought of you and I being alive entered the cosmic imagery, It was as it still Is
Allowing your back to be covered by the jewels left over by the gods, my goddess, my Isis!

Fortunate number One son pulled as many assets as possible from the blood of a cruel creed
It may not have been enough though, Time will tell soon enough, no rush to judgement seed
Gramma said, monkey see & monkey do, silk stockings or barefootin’ with a shocked monkey
Boots on, goin’ nowhere but to eat BBQ at a funeral pyre, Davey Jones’ Xbones are the key.

r j j stephan, i * Header is THE #ReedFluteCave chum!
c. Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Come over here & kiss my ain’t that something! If that means anything to you, it was meant for you! Drafted this listenin’ to MilesDavisLive #BagsGroove @ https://youtu.be/8WxgoqwSUCo }

"You Will Never Git Out This World Alive !" --- #LongHairDude

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

#BlusterBong #TuesdaysBong @StraightOuttaCompton

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, May 19, 2020
------------------- #Compton -------------------
I refuse to repeat myself and flap my gums needlessly when I don’t have to, oh wait, my gums
In any case, you have no choice, you will, I will, we all will live and die in the middle of a Sin
Comfort food for the soul about a Savior from the Original Sin or Avatar of legendary slums
For a finale, Time in a pandemic which began as Bat Soup dribbling down on me, too human.

Alright, take a knee, hit the pause button, as you were, as it was and always will be, this is It
All we’re ever gonna get is what we each manufacture from the atoms conscious to the Id
An Ego moves the scenes in and out of the picture, every one of the shots tells it’s own story
Only you know and I know what this means, index fingertip to the thumb, evil eye is the key.

Sad for the One that hatched the many from a Big Bang or a gravitational collapse, in a Void
Tubular and deep, dark wellspring above the glittering gold that doesn’t glitter over a border
Where Alice feared so little she fell in the hole, to get us through it, a wonderland will unfold
Magic and a future shock is all there is, the way it’s gonna be, a brave, new world of disorder.

Mercy for the beggars who cannot move up the ladder of success in the capital way, all rejects
From the pile of helpers to the few brains and minds behind the causes and inevitable effects
Quoting Word, Scripture of philosophical images, long dead and gone, caused a grim distress
Upon dreams and real, daily walk-abouts this planet of rocks roll devils with sky blue dresses.

Ghost in the machine or just a spirit in the night or a soul on ice’s dream within a wet dream
Burlesque or Vaudeville or Broadway straight to Hollywood and Vine, a Studio City scheme
On cracker jacks and black jack gum, gulping sweet sugar to suffocate the brain’s synapses
A wretched jin, king of Rock & Roll, thank you please is all I can pray at the queens’ graves.

Watchin’ your P’s & Q’s because somebody will always be around wantin’ to make you forget
Just because you’re alive, that hurts those that don’t know how to rock and roll, can’t git it
They want to take care of you meaning take you down, make you pull your gun, It is Word
Boots out in the streets needin’ to move and walk on, it’s a Southern Man thing, #Skynyrd.

r j j stephan, i
c. Tuesday, May 19, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 PM PST
{ Wrote while listenin’ to Lynyrd Skynyrd #Winterland circa 1975 A.D. #TheNeedleAndTheSpoon & HITS from ‘75 link @ https://youtu.be/3QR28CzONi8 }