Then, when this is present, you must become extinct, too human species extinction invention
Of mass destruction and demolishment of this planet due to the shock troops of syncopation
Either inside or outside of your 208 bones, things are happening with or without you, my son
My daughters insulated from finding out the nature of Truth, it’s All up to y’all, it is all done.
Games played on the power board dimension of Space, Time and Consciousness of a #WTF
If you don’t know what that means then you’re probably a blind faith believer in The Fantasy
A motive of telling a story that someone else cannot believe is getting to show you, deployed
Of the river from the star called Sun and beyond the galaxies of the universe, an empty Void.
Insurance that you will die before you are 200 years old can be bought in the lobby Unseen
Up there or down there, I don’t know for certain, my guess is down for most, up for for fools
Pawns on the board being played by the extreme checkmaters who are miscreant, fake tools
The X’s have become the checked who’ve lost their knights, bishops, rooks and Black queen.
Big game is not the animals in the African or South American jungle or in the #WhiteGhetto
A world in a swirl of the naked apes, draped in dresses and jeans, caps and capes to hide halo
Brighter than the north star or planetary position to the ecliptic of Mercury, Mars & Venus
A prison waits for the law breaking mothers without fathers, sons without fathers to save us.
To stop physical intercourse of the poor, underprivileged is as easy as a military’s mammary
All teenage boys and girls either graduated from high school/college if continuous, Go Army
Or Air Force or Marines, Navy or Coast Guard but serve the USA, break up homeless camps
The fittest are here & now, children fast becoming the Men and Women, they’re the champs.
Protect the property, protect the twin towers, protect a mother nature’s example of paradise
If you are not invested, if you are a marx following anarchist, your organs will die in the dirt
We are here to support and defend this Constitution and we’re coming for you, #DeeperState
Not that you couldn’t have been indifferent, your ma & pa made the DNA, all too human fate.
Balls roll, they’re hit, thrown and caught on alleys, fields, diamonds, rink pucks slide & BAM
A herd of programmed homeless morons and idiots who can’t go to jail or go to prison school
From 8 to 85, thousands of miscreants born and raised in this matrix, no working for the fool
r j j stephan, i
c. Monday, June 8, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to ~Naughty~By~Nature~ #OPP on youTube link @ }