Fortune and the will to power combine in the matrix for a ride on a silver bullet to nirvana
Where angels fear to go because almost every angel disappears once they’re high on manna
Amazing and unfiltered beats of the bongs’ brothers and sisters, sperm and egg of the gods
On high above atmospheric pressure and gravitational collapses, blown asteroid rock show.
Mercury to Pluto and back down here to the Earth with a moon and a concept for the pawns
Who put the kings, queens, bishops and knights of the castles behind the safe golden dawns
Compared to the alternative, the presence of the state, the things that be live and die in a sea
Disobedience to the powers that be, the commandments of ethics, the good, the bad and ugly.
Pillars of weak-minded proletariat ilk, broken, shattered, obliterated to smithereens to boot
Should have joined the military to defend their country from enemies foreign and domestic
Now they’ve begun the rest of their lives in shameful woe, if they have to go to work it all out
They will just do it, kicking and screaming for relief from their mommy and daddy, so sick!
Bacterial and viral beyond the gods’ wildest imaginations, the spectrum of infrared is dead
Not even grateful because it’s the Way of the Warrior, it must be this Way, there’s no other
Performing the actions of the circus acts as needed, on the ground and sea, in the thin air
Omnipotent devices at our disposal, buttons to push and persuade the Ilk that blue is red.
r j j stephan, i
c. Monday, June 22nd, 2020 A.D. @ 12:12 PM PST
{ Resurrected from thin air and the cosmic debris leftovers, drafted while listenin’ & watchin’ @LoonyTunes @}