I have absolutely no choice, this is my responsibility and my obligation, all mine, my soul
What you and I see and hear, taste, smell, touch and in general malaise, #Feel is the role
We get as the humanity of the civilized Earth planet of this Black Star above, don’t be a rat
It will blind you and burn your retina and cornea, even might strike you as blind as a bat.
You are indeed what you eat and what you dream between conception, holy self-extinction
Wear a mask or not, you will die in the end either in your sleep, accident of circumstance, son
All of the money men can muster, gold or paper or dot matrix will not buy immortality pies
There is only One piece, at peace and never divided into any manifestation of imperfect lies.
When Mona Lisa shows her face, my world stops moving, cause to effect, stuck in quicksand
In Paris or Sacramento, Milan or Tokyo, songs remains the same, out of time’s synchronicity
Simple to put the complex into perspective with a snort of Elmer’s glue, stopping my godsend
Amazing you with the dazzle of diffused ultraviolet or infrared wavelengths of finite self pity.
Come along with the useless expansion of the dot matrix, a point on a Void, smile widely now
Fine line crossed between happiness and hopelessness, lovin’ the mind drinkin’ in Earth pain
In forms of ground powder swallowed in libations, magic smoking flowers of Miss Mary Jane
Playin’ in sand boxes and then in bands until the final act of the play, we’ll all say, “And how!”
Separation from the Earth Mama, wife of your daddy, abandoned by a heavenly Father too
Oh mama mia, it’s all prima vera from here in this space, right now in this time ending blue
I am not the first and I won’t be the last to have eyes wide shut, not able to observe the Truth
Lies are what I swallowed, from Origins of Mankind to the Fate of the dead heads, forsooth.
Hot air bags full of anything like atoms of star gas enveloped, rubber containers of dinobone
Extinction of species in this world occurs ad infinitum until the White Dwarf collapses home
Back into it’s original Singularity where Nothing’s seen or heard from ever again, nevermore
Plan to make you blue is set, by surprise is the only way to find out, opened a grapevine door.
r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, July 16th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Persuaded the muse to let me translate this gibberish into golden honey drips while listenin’ to Creedence Clearwater Revival on youTube #HeardItThroughTheGrapvine on youTube link @ }