Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, July 19, 2020
--- #SocialDistance #NotContagious ---
Mona Lisa, comin’ from the pocket, put the book or the paper down, you love me, don’t lie
It’s not as important as anybody thinks it is, to know what happens when you die, good bye
Punks and miscreants in charge of the nomansland of everything is wonderful now, 2 joints
One for the morning and one for the evening so the dead cells dying all feel the valid points.
Like man, we all gotta go someday just like the rest of the herd, just bungling in the jungle
Trippin’ like it’s wedding cake every single day, it’s a honeymoon with the struggle juggle
It won’t be over until the bitter end, a final gasp of gas going in and out a puff of happy smoke
Should have did this and that don’t count after that, it’s lights out, goodnight Irene, I’m woke.
Makin’ the grade 1-12 was a trip, college 4 year degree and retired from two deplorable jobs
Federally expressed in overnight form, lovin’ the FDX love, lovin’ the STATE love, pensioned
Walking among the poor people like me or the rich people like you and others, it’s like #Cake
Buttercream frosting all around and whipped cream roses atop, double choco-triple layered.
Bags of tricks opened in the dead of night so only the spirits can see and hear the music beats
Brass, string, 88’s, bongos, congas, maracas and girls shakin’ hips to and fro, sway of elites
No bums or poor guys without teeth and nice clothes allowed, don’t think about the facts
That life is more than a bowl of cherry pits or warm milk, it’s the testing ground for rejects.
To see if you can recover from being sentenced to Earth for X amount of days or revolutions
Finding out what ‘It” is all about is the first thing, second thing is reaching the final denizens
In heaven or hell or anywhere else in the matrix, if God can’t, won’t and don’t help, who will?
Communicate with your mom and dad in the aftermath, you’ll get the low down how to swill.
Hey baby, I know it’s been a long, long time but do you remember me? Yeah, I knew you too
I didn’t say a word to you and still the ‘thing’ happened without my permission, puppy lover
It passed by the space where I stood and became a faded memory of what I didn’t do, to you
Could have made your hips spread with 6 kids and a valley of tears, I’m just gettin’ over blue.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, July 19th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to #DoYouRememberMe Carlos Santana Mona Lisa on youTube link @ }