Friday, December 25, 2020
#MerryChristmas TO ATHEISTS TOO! #ToysAndTops of a #RockBeat Retarded Genius in Utero #NothingToPlayFor #ThumpinDotHeadStrummin #LightenUpJesus
Thursday, December 24, 2020
#BottomsUp Give me my ... @Nickelback @InAndOUT OF THE MYSTICAL MEMORY OF CHRISTMAS PAST, WAY GONE! #RASCALS #BrooksAndDunne #WoodyWoodpecker
You may not like what you're gonna read, who gleans anything from fables & proverbials
Not only can I not recollect the past but also can't foretell a future for you, me or anyone
Above or below where I stand here & now on this grounded Earth planet, far from suns
93 million miles away takes a flash if you're the speed of light, 186,000 ft/sec/sec guns.
A shot out of wandering atomic matter, fission, fusion, long gone is all you're gonna get
No heaven above this thing itself, neither more nor less than a blind man's bluff, don't fret
It's gonna be alright, alright, alright & you can rely on that as a fact of life, factoid Truths
Complete and unfortunate at one and the same time, the Grace of God is the sky's proofs.
Not a joke or a trick to make the created hope for afterlife seem to soothe fear being eaten
Maybe it's a dream within a dream as #EdPoe would've wanted us to believe, hell's a scene
Monkey victims & slaves below masters' anthropomorphic philanthropy, faith, hope, charity
Apes are these 208 bones you share with us, yet you've been shortchanged in RNA clarity.
When you were thirteen or ninety three, nothing mattered & if it did, I'd no blind faith, fondly
Compared to the mist of H2O & the inner heat of thine planet's core, Sun's of God, neutrons
Like it or not, too many dreams died with bodies of mankind, full of scat mankind left Sons
At the bottom of conclusions, there's a finite amount of premises, assumed as I walk blindly.
Stood here on a stoop, can't step back, face it, it's all 'bout me now, bangin' a show's gong
Nothing mattered anyway, after the last gasp I took, no judgement of activity, right or wrong
Ethical certainty attained finally as my corpse begot #TheStruggle, critical mass of 7th sons
Confucius, Mo & Jesus, alive, evil positive positrons, neutral protons, negative electrons.
Let the fire & ash go out & become the emptiness it came from, winning the race I lost It
Why I came in the 1st place, principles in place, to fade away from zygotic acid deep chit
Never astray like lost lambs before death, prey of men & mongrels, eat the bloody animus
Safe bet y'all gonna die, more or less than a hundred elliptical trips, around Uncle Remus!
Shivered & shook the babies who made the trip past the abort & abused stages of a wisdom tooth
3/5 of this Ball's liquid, it's believed, can evaporate into Space, fallen Eros' atmospheric pressure
We've no experimental proof of this essence whether it's a truth or a lie, you can't test the Truth
It's at the bottom of occult's unknown, backs of angels who fear to go, bottoms up pleasure.
In a chieftain's tribe, alpha & omega, equal in power, liquid, solid in a gas force, godsend sea
Love & a mixture of Earth's magic dust made out of saints' & sinners' acid trip to the moon
In midnight hours or early in illusionary Dawn's rising, settin' Darkness' gold to die for soon
Peace-pipe calculus recommended to animate warriors & scribes in tribes, God smoked trees!
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, December 24th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 12:05 PM PST
{ Drafted on Christmas Eve in NorCal, livin' the dream with my honey & full of the scat of this year 1974, the year I got back to the world from overseas! That was indeed a trip, twice overseas & back, God.....this is some @RareEarth, indeed it IS! #HeyBigBrother link to #Chicago circa 1974 @ https://youtu.be/cVKz2TcIhBY }
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
G.D. = GOOD OR . . . Divine Ends when the Heart skips that Last Beat... #BlastOff #Launched #ThankYouBaby #OK?
Found on the road dead like the road-kill that gets scraped up by the shining ape scribes
They scrape the blood and bones from the removable anima that come & go to my Earth
For no reason or for an unknown, mysterious logotype's phenotype and the men of hurt
Pines grown high and tall from the roots deep in the ground of the Being, Mother's dirt.
Saved from the drowning & the incineration of the Good and Evil, kiss under 7th heaven
Underground yet above and below everything at one and the same time, rye bread's leaven
My gods & demons rolled into a mighty crematorium of lost souls, idiots & fools, morons
Frequency of MY trips around circles of friends accumulated in the wake of third godsons.
I didn't thank you for coming to my personal, pity party sent straight from the Greek's divine
Mothers of the fathers who pretended they were essential to the Way of being, all fine wine
Drunk more than I should have, first and last kiss came so quickly, I forgot about a cool chill
A shocking pleasure from toe to tip of the pointed head above a hangman's neck, One of skill.
Nevermore to die, nevermore to live in 7 seas' full of salt, dried up star dust from above Me
Death throes comin' through the dirty windows of LSD, tripped from stimuli to the casket T
I know it's good, bad & uglier than it used to be but it's everything to me, a Beautiful blue sea
Water, retained gas of merged molecular liquid, gravitational force of divine atoms, 'bout me.
Baby born from God? All of us are, no reason to think we are just junk, germs of sky demons
Punks born & grow up to be put down the hole or burned into cosmic ash of universal foreskins
Got the axes twangin' and the bells ringin' & drumsticks beatin' anima skin, black cows & bulls
Four legged food to be eaten with Wheaties at midnight with your pill medication of sea gulls.
In flight from the down here to up there, where'd they get the directions? Where's the GD map?
On the grass or the tar and asphalt of the Big Boys who pretend to know a secret, it's all CRAP
No one has the hidden wisdom, it's a mystery because it's hidden to be found by a Man, at One
Storms and the resulting gravitational collapse make it all worth while, livin' life under a zipgun.
Oh see it all before it passes away like our ancestors' body of bones, presence gone in a red flash
Here one day & gone the next, memory for a moment until a crash and burn of a sonny boy cache
Born a God, died a Man, kissed the skin and bones every day as if it was my last, we are so high
Gods bring snow but it's all the heat of the night to me, I ain't a bird, no wings but I'm gonna fly!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, Freezember 23rd, 2020 A.D. @ 5:55 AMPST
{ Jammed while listenin' to @GwenStefani & @BlakeShelton #YouMakeItFeelLikeChristmas on youTube #LinkInALoop @ https://t.co/4c32MZXHUt?amp=1 }