Sprinkles of the backward slicks of burned rubber, back roads to perdition's final ends' old scores
Better than the movements of Time and the emptiness of Space, gone in through the outer doors
Run into you and all you've ever done before we met by accidental, involuntary intent of the Jack
On a lark and a few million dollars of gold and silver booty, #GOATs take it all without a sad sack.
Spell this word LIVE backward and it looks good for Doom's coincidental jailbreak of holy mates
Foes of the One and the Many who must move ahead from behind whether or not you get dates
From the teens to the elders of great parenthood, the Soul is a rocket-ship full of fool's fuel, genius
Yet, not only do you lack blind faith in the unknown but also you require O2 air on Earth breaths.
Created from an absolute, a nugatory, the rest is what it is without me here, now dive, dive, dive
Remedy for all that might be leading to the place in Space where my sweet love leads, by the sea
Reconnoitered in the Latin language, recording the good, bad and ugly who'll live & let me be alive
Last Cause of the Final Effect, beyond the Good, the Bad & the Uglier than you, twilight zone Tea.
No sagas from the past I never lived in, I wouldn't do any story justice other than my own you see
I've been filling in the blank spots before my conception & during my unconscious somnambulism
Comfort zone near pretty girls, marry them & let them move away from the only good thing, me!
I'm just playin' baby, you know how humble I am, so shy, don't give me that cold shoulder schism.
Morning or evening is the same, love of ready to fight to my death for your safety, so be happy
Nevermore to fear the worst that can happen, it's inevitable and nobody knows but holy pappy
One descended from the head apostle not the jealous one, a figment, a mirage, shot in the dark
Utter nonsense yet the #Fake works and you blow in for the touchdown, it's a walk in the park.
Descended from the conquering hordes of cowboys and Indians, spirits of the all too civilized Id
Visions come and gone in a New York Minute, a fabulous display of getting ready rip a supernova
Nothing you or I can do about the future or the past, the present is come and gone cuz, you died
ON the OFF buttons and switches, ma and pa, test-tube or passionate pleasure with a welfare ma.
Hit the jackpot after I loosened my load in Reno or maybe it was Sparks but anyway, blue traveler
Emotion and rationality mixed up right there at the crossroads 'tween o'er here and there of Her
She moves and wobbles, circulates around the source of being and cannot become independent
Nobody is free of egg One, source of your break to see even an iota, a squirt of twilight ZaZen.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, February 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while grabbin' ZZZZZZ's & awakening in a thick fog of uncertainty where the originality is the exact same thing repeated ad infinitum, slow hands, cool hands, maybe sweet invisibility. Listenin' to the @PointerSisters #SlowHand & #Jump hits link @ }
Sprinkles of the backward slicks of burned rubber, back roads to perdition's final ends' old scores
Better than the movements of Time and the emptiness of Space, gone in through the outer doors
Run into you and all you've ever done before we met by accidental, involuntary intent of the Jack
On a lark and a few million dollars of gold and silver booty, #GOATs take it all without a sad sack.
Spell this word LIVE backward and it looks good for Doom's coincidental jailbreak of holy mates
Foes of the One and the Many who must move ahead from behind whether or not you get dates
From the teens to the elders of great parenthood, the Soul is a rocket-ship full of fool's fuel, genius
Yet, not only do you lack blind faith in the unknown but also you require O2 air on Earth breaths.
Created from an absolute, a nugatory, the rest is what it is without me here, now dive, dive, dive
Remedy for all that might be leading to the place in Space where my sweet love leads, by the sea
Reconnoitered in the Latin language, recording the good, bad and ugly who'll live & let me be alive
Last Cause of the Final Effect, beyond the Good, the Bad & the Uglier than you, twilight zone Tea.
No sagas from the past I never lived in, I wouldn't do any story justice other than my own you see
I've been filling in the blank spots before my conception & during my unconscious somnambulism
Comfort zone near pretty girls, marry them & let them move away from the only good thing, me!
I'm just playin' baby, you know how humble I am, so shy, don't give me that cold shoulder schism.
Morning or evening is the same, love of ready to fight to my death for your safety, so be happy
Nevermore to fear the worst that can happen, it's inevitable and nobody knows but holy pappy
One descended from the head apostle not the jealous one, a figment, a mirage, shot in the dark
Utter nonsense yet the #Fake works and you blow in for the touchdown, it's a walk in the park.
Descended from the conquering hordes of cowboys and Indians, spirits of the all too civilized Id
Visions come and gone in a New York Minute, a fabulous display of getting ready rip a supernova
Nothing you or I can do about the future or the past, the present is come and gone cuz, you died
ON the OFF buttons and switches, ma and pa, test-tube or passionate pleasure with a welfare ma.
Hit the jackpot after I loosened my load in Reno or maybe it was Sparks but anyway, blue traveler
Emotion and rationality mixed up right there at the crossroads 'tween o'er here and there of Her
She moves and wobbles, circulates around the source of being and cannot become independent
Nobody is free of egg One, source of your break to see even an iota, a squirt of twilight ZaZen.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, February 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while grabbin' ZZZZZZ's & awakening in a thick fog of uncertainty where the originality is the exact same thing repeated ad infinitum, slow hands, cool hands, maybe sweet invisibility. Listenin' to the @PointerSisters #SlowHand & #Jump hits link @ }