
Sunday, February 28, 2021

#StoodOnShakyGround #RepossessThePossessed #BuyANew2021Repo #ACURA @ACURA @HallAndOates #ShesGonzo #WhatWentWrong? #Nothing

Now and then you see a long neck sweatin' up on the bartender's side of the shiny cherry wood
Monkeyshined this apechit all in the family, 1 anthropological occasion I CoVided a hot, childhood
Died & now at restlessness, where a hoodie got the hood, come on man!  'Tree' guesses, yo, heh?
Feet up on a tree stump, kicked back for the war and peace, trees fall, we go, we can never stay.

Competency levels out the window, whomever is the first won't be the last, the reason I get high
A principle that you can write down on the stone tablets, a commandment more than ten to fly
Eleventh hour split brain right up the corpus callesom and the world is then clear, grey superstars
Under the heavens which is the dead-ass space between your ears and between Earth and Mars.

Pressured from carbon into the diamond in the rough, utter fascination with shiny things, broken
Shards in a trillion pieces of molecular structures, all of them One first and now, forever the Many
Wishing won't change the nature of the game, 10 rules are set in stone, commands from a throne
Do this and don't do that or else you WILL payback the stolen valor & gold, underground T-bone.

Grab the things you burn that you can inhale and smell the sweetness of the chemical of my leaf
Used and grown from a seed, into a plant with a flower on top, a drug store of mind-brain relief
Among the perfection of gods and humans long gone, dead to me and you, ins & outs, frozen ice
All this is high and dry one day after you cease to be, all too human, fly high you rollers of #Dice.

You need to get back before it's too late, when the window of opportunity closes shut, it's all over
We don't get another chance, there's only one or if you're lucky, two, I think I'm a ruby-red Rover
Native of dirty places, Earth's happy places you wanna be in & sad places you wanna avoid, I am
One & only one of me, I'm the unique one that got away by the skin of my teeth, oh wait, Damn!

After you are born, when you look back to your origin and find your mother's groin, feel her pain
You broke her open like a wishbone, leaving her in a bloody mess to clean up on her own, insane
How can a man comprehend this act of selflessness without a choice other than aborted fetus sin
What Sin is other than human evolution of random DNA mergers, a putrid, cold stank, a trash bin.

Stars want to sing songs to make you pretend and play along with the ruse, annual revolution dye
Regardless of the irritating and pleasant feelings of the five senses, first and last time's gonna die
Leaving nothing but Hope & an ephemeral alternative, a flying nobody, knee deep in Space-Time
More 12 pack Old Style & 5th's of Jose's Gold, cold ones' gone drunk, a longwinded, blood rhyme.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, February 28th, 2021 A.D. @ 07:11 hours AMPST
{  Drafted initiated & inspired by @EricChurch #ColdOne playin' in an infinite loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9ljgLv0jpxw & @DelbertMcClinton from #NeverBeenRockedEnough #EveryTimeIRollTheDice #RollinSevens link @ https://youtu.be/FNd0OMUPMR4 }

Saturday, February 27, 2021

#Louisiana & #Mississippi #SweetIceTea & #Honeybees #DamnBabeThatWasAColdOne

I drank some in my time in this small space I was allowed to occupy a corner for a NY minute
ONe beer short of a twelve pack every damn weekend, need one more 'fore I gotta drop a dime
But I usually am a day late & a dollar short, it's just a Hammer's beer refreshing, cold H2O in it
Known from the first day and probably will on the last day, matter in Space is such a short Time.

Start with that pretentious attitude, you know this one right here, I got one in spade royal flush
Now and then you think you have it all together because you've shot for goals, Chicago to bush
Maybe some day you'll know something more than you know, your everclear skin and crossbone
It's a system of axiomatic theorems for syllogistic arguments unmoved mountains, the Unknown.

News is all fake and the olds is a mobile that moves four rubber wheels 'bout 120 down the #I-5
I shot every single time I had the chance like a good hog, if I didn't take it, somebody would miss
At least there's a slim chance there's a pinhole of light around the bend, holy scat out a bull's eye
Makin' the trip in an organic, infrared sled that's full of cosmic vibes, God-wavelength frequency.

Prayers may not help one way or the other, regardless of your early upbringing, #2 potty training
In & out of diapers, infants & the elders who avoid death for an eon or two, fake love showering
So that the fight is taken to your back door, pretend you're as invisible as my twelve pack of beer
As the sneaking begins, a surprise for the unexpected UFO guests from another dimension sphere.

No wind and no rain means the Earth has ceased to spin and wobble it's way around the ecliptic
Just because you think you're so pretty, means nothing to the cosmic one in store for the skeptic
Belief in beings blind, syllogistic reasoning from premise to conclusion, valid or invalid, no se, sin
Hocus pocus of monkeys and theologians yields a complex magic joke, we are one, all too human!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, February 27th, 2021 Anno Domini @14:35 hours
{  #BlownGasket on this one while listenin' to @TalWilkenfeld jam & you'll see why here in just a second link @ https://youtu.be/04W5CMZUHZs }

#KillAWord @Eric_Church & the rest is just gravy! #GitGit



Rolled dice and they came up snake eyes, every time I rolled them, same old mic'd up story again
Six options from one to six packs of silver dollars and gold doubloons in a treasure chest of sin sin
Stolen from everybody that's dead and gone now, nobody cares about the loot but me and you
We know the ways are the only ways the Way can be, right up/down the middle of the pipe flu.

Mirrors full of monkey images bangin' each other on the corners and in their alleys of Bigs in vain
Maroons born and raised by the morons and idiots who populated the unfettered, divine scheme
Of men and mice, all of them chasin' their tails until the game was done, nothing ventured in gain
Who sings duets when the solo will do?  Nobody but me & you know the things only in a dream.

Good men come and go like the water molecules gathering to the riverflow from the snowcaps
On down to the valleys of flooded plains all the way to the ends of the dirty coast, downed flaps
Crashed & burned without me inside, fell out of empty holes & my sons' beaches tide pool scenes
Where my mother dropped me off, at the movies with cash for a coke, popcorn & Boston beans.

Morons made the way as easy as pie, idiots drove the piledriver down until we learned to Tango
Like it was my job, danced like there was no tomorrow, which there wouldn't be but I had no idea
Disbelieving blind faith reasons for answers to perennial questions, who in a God's name are we?
Afterall was said and done, death took my breath away, dead man's bones still hard as rock, see?

Eyes and ears, nose & mouth have enough emptiness in those holes to fill up mouth organs of Ra
Hurry like the rats in the race always have, no rest for the wicked as you know, ask no questions
What you don't know won't hurt you but if you know mercy of monkeys, then man, you got it all
Nothing was always the matrix for a rested, wicked eagle's wasteland, too GD human in heaven!
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Saturday, February 27th, 1927 A.D.  #HappyBirthdayDaddio @AlbertRichardStephan
{ #TwoMoreBottlesOfWine jammin' in my ditty link @ https://youtu.be/dfrrn_BmtkQ * & to #PokeSaladAnnie #NotATurnipGreen @TonyJoeWhite link @ https://youtu.be/JyXHxh3Sye0 }