
Wednesday, April 07, 2021

#ElbowsOnMyCarBumBegginForMyCash #BringItOnYouMothersOfXXXXers *

I am not the One you thought I was, that's your fault, your problem not mine, do you hear me?
On a dark China night, you arrive at the end of your own verve inside your bones, you WILL, see?
Nothing appears larger than you and nothing is reductio absurdum, you dream then you die boy
er and Energy is all there is and that is gods or God or Buddah or Krishna or absurdly, my l'il toy.

Bums and junkies were created by God, come on man!  You know that so why do you pretend?
We're all in this together, yachts and leer jets and Maserati are the objects to move us to bend
Over backwards to see what's left behind to become extinction's sin, nevermore to be live bait
For the angels and the devil dogs who fight the good fight between the One and the Many fate.

Apes, monkeys and the trips of the plants and animals on this plane of existence, debts extinction
Mothers and fathers are our own, in the USA America or the frontier of Davy Crockett's coonskin
Calculus of the complex simplicity leaves the genome with Nothing, darkness between darkstars
A moment you live is identical to the moment you die, One and the same so be here, behind bars.

Not the iron bars but the wet bars where the slo gin fizzes and black jack flows among my crews
Inebriated babies in utero become the street urchins and the junkies who turn to bums with blues
Complex and simple, just One, not me and not you, nobody in a form or shape of bones or faces
Fear causes the end of the threat, lookin' behind and all around, it's safety first, to be in 2 places.

Scenario of backstage scenes full of cool crews who move the freight from points A & B to the C
Sound of the drums and the brass blowing hot air means we're gonna party and then go to a war
With me or without me, the deal is all done, don't blame me, the innocent messenger who crows
The Word is important but the fact that we're in Supernova mode is a moot point, divinity blows.

Monks in the monestary have the goods, kept in a secret place to pretend that death's not final
Go to heaven if you're good or nirvana if you meditate on Nothing but wait!  There's hell to pay!
A red devil angel who fell to Earth was put in charge of our human nature?  Who are you foolin'?
No way Jose & Josephine, my psyche surfed the waves & walked on the moon, it's a mortal's sin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, April 7th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 5:55 AMPST
{  Granted the light of day from the depths of my DNA, atomic split holding while listenin' to #ChinaGrove & the #BestOfTheDoobieBrothers on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/qKYQNtF11eg }

*Wiseman had the power to reason it all away but he died anyway!"

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

#WeAreAllAsGoodAsDogFood #ALPO @GARFIELD & a homemade video you will trip on! #TheEnd #Homer & #Hunter

Gods of the monkeys, yes, I'm talkin' to the reading ones who comprehend the Word of #OMG
Function of your calculus is a final dot at the end of the command, sentence from a Holy See
Compared to what is what I want to know, if it's not this then it's that, brick a bract until dead
Multiplicity of your mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers all healthy ala consumed dread.

Here now, ring the bell, the break is over, get in there & fight for your life or you'll die Guy
Gals know the way to spin in the grave, never die and never live ever again, no immortality
Systematic editing of the narrative qualifies as #NewSpeak like the #NewDeal except worse
Forms and shapes of the atoms in terrestrial life in Space are random, not Divine drug horse.

General and admiral junk in the back yard from the dirty ash leftovers from the Nova sunstar
Find the keyhole for the poking sawed off jaws of the skeleton keys, it's somewhere in my car
Look inside your mind, nothing is there, now you've been enlightened in the Way, then ya die
But why?  Punishment or reward for Being Alive?  Stop it!  It's a God's damned Void, but WHY?

Common denominator is the freak you will never find, it's an invisible, odd bedfellow to posit
On Earth, above it and below it, the confusion is the contusion on the skull, your spouse's #hit
Thought you cheated on the clouds of the unknown, entered heaven without her, now it's On
Comin' to get me, after me. before me, now or later and even if possible, reverse my time, son.

Whistling Dixie when she ain't lookin' after me, it ain't my fault that my DNA mortally wounded
Enter a Time machine that doesn't exist, calm down like the ocean's effulgence, frozen star dirt
Just a manufactured, logical deduction from the ancients' inductions from fear of death's hurt
Future and Present cannot connect with the Past, impossibility of the probable rise from dead.

Know nothing, see nothing, hear and feel nothing, that's all there is, now you've nailed it upon
The timber cross full of the good points of metal tips, green tears have flowed into the prisms
Distortion of your movie and you will not know when it's over, it's over when it's over ya bums
Should've been good & less bad, ugly or not, the beautiful is a hook, on It is where God comes.

Jim Crow was never on steroids, the crow isn't even breathing, it's a dead chicken's nevermore
Lies in the millions will not allow the Truth to become known by the indoctrinated little punks
As old as seventy and as young as seventeen & all in between, homeruns of Colorado All Stars
Hitters and pitchers will have batting practice meaning Nothing, a Joe Biden #Series world war!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  April 6th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST   *HeaderIsTheMagicSpellYouGotNow
{ Drafted inside of the #Twitterverse, the master is baiting the hooks while listenin' to the #HITS @ https://youtu.be/1DYmgoij4FQ }  #YouAreWelcome
#SCHADENFREUDE { Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another. }

Monday, April 05, 2021


On or off the bridge o'er the American River Fork, men & women jumped
They were driven by the mental disruption of thinking in paradise's ending
Divorced from humanity and divinity, nothing matters & if it did, welcome
Nothing's an absence of everything we sense, ending the beginning for us.

Logrhythms and deep dives down to the core of the source of living anima
Requires something more than a diploma or pHd degree, unlimited blahs
How you get through it when you're deficient in leaden gold, oro cash cow
That is the million dollar question for first to the last man standing down.

Provisions for the amateur & though inexperienced, only a game's cosign
Given through written and oral cultural tradition, only the strong survivin'
Weakness will either kill you or show up when your enemy is stronger too
Bottom line, the trick is to fool the idiots & morons prior to what they do.

Chokin' the chicken or the raven makes it easier than just appearing a joke
Funny & at the same time as sad as it gets, mothers die, dads too, kin folk
Modern men and the ones they come from on Day One, live & let live it up
Inspired by grooves that run in a circular LP orbit, a good-god China cup.

I recollect my birth and I suspect my death may be less eventful, True Dat
As if we all have any free will at all, we're held accountable to random dust
I see nothing clearly and assume that identical views are held by the others
Children born by rape & pillaged villages now rule the world, full of scat!

Evolved and still will become extinct as all species have done, check the dirt
Buried under tons of green thumbs and blue blood that enculturated the gods
I'm full of formaldehyde or at least some Gatorade, can't stink up high heaven
For the sake of men & their naked love snaps of orgasmic gism, roll a seven!

Traditional to be or not to be, that's the only way it can be, nothing else faxes
Just a thought in a string of conjectures concerning my Life, Death & Taxes
Morphing from 208 bones into a slug's reproduced slither and slime, I rhyme
Laughing out loud with ravens, crows & their flock, psycho plum, Red Rum!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  April 5th, 2021 A.D. @ 06:66 AMPST
{ Drafted in #Utero!  Hello there!  ...while listenin' to https://youtu.be/Ai7TjHuZ8Uk }