You ain't as simple-minded & dumbfounded as you appear to be, to one salted, azure sea
Why there's no simple reason for your particular existence, here & now in the live tomb
Stirred it is for the sake of infinity's whim, a whirlwind land & sea escape for faked divinity
Empty Space, a Void of sorts in a category alone without an equal, your mother's womb.
Sooooooooooo, excellence in your body and organization of your drapes over nekid junk
I mean no offense and I know there's none taken if you've moved on further than the funk
How you know what you know is important but you've got to get the occult down in spades
Rules and the hierarchy of the judicial process that functions as the Wise Guys' of bug raids.
Tragedy & comedy right there in front of your eyes once you master the superman cyberbully
From instructions accepted and nurtured by human nature there will evolve the gents & gals
In the end, when you and/or I discontinue the breathing of gas, in and out, no UFOs, Scully!
It's so complicated, one moment to complicate this argument's deduction, to be angels' pals!
Here you go, this is right up your alley and if you're poor & living in a dream or a #Woke one
Nevertheless, according to the Way we ought to be moving far ahead of fake gravity's gambits
Spinning, wobbling, rocking, revolving in electron-like naked apes' mask-revolutionary orbits
Ad infinitum for the finite life forms which political combustion chain reactive DNA of an ion.
Get a room since you've become so close to one another in public, I'm sure not in mortal sin
Best you can do is get the public involved in your happiness although only you'll die at death
Everyone else remains the same as they would've even if you'd never, ever been bad breath
Munching human remains from book library to markets of fruit & vegetables, we fake Eden.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, July XIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 8:17 AMPST
{ Elevated this from the depths of despair and fake news while listenin' to the @CreedenceClearwaterRevival #TravelinBand link @ }
You ain't as simple-minded & dumbfounded as you appear to be, to one salted, azure sea
Why there's no simple reason for your particular existence, here & now in the live tomb
Stirred it is for the sake of infinity's whim, a whirlwind land & sea escape for faked divinity
Empty Space, a Void of sorts in a category alone without an equal, your mother's womb.
Sooooooooooo, excellence in your body and organization of your drapes over nekid junk
I mean no offense and I know there's none taken if you've moved on further than the funk
How you know what you know is important but you've got to get the occult down in spades
Rules and the hierarchy of the judicial process that functions as the Wise Guys' of bug raids.
Tragedy & comedy right there in front of your eyes once you master the superman cyberbully
From instructions accepted and nurtured by human nature there will evolve the gents & gals
In the end, when you and/or I discontinue the breathing of gas, in and out, no UFOs, Scully!
It's so complicated, one moment to complicate this argument's deduction, to be angels' pals!
Here you go, this is right up your alley and if you're poor & living in a dream or a #Woke one
Nevertheless, according to the Way we ought to be moving far ahead of fake gravity's gambits
Spinning, wobbling, rocking, revolving in electron-like naked apes' mask-revolutionary orbits
Ad infinitum for the finite life forms which political combustion chain reactive DNA of an ion.
Get a room since you've become so close to one another in public, I'm sure not in mortal sin
Best you can do is get the public involved in your happiness although only you'll die at death
Everyone else remains the same as they would've even if you'd never, ever been bad breath
Munching human remains from book library to markets of fruit & vegetables, we fake Eden.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, July XIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 8:17 AMPST
{ Elevated this from the depths of despair and fake news while listenin' to the @CreedenceClearwaterRevival #TravelinBand link @ }