
Saturday, September 18, 2021

#LoveNeverFalls #NoMistakeAboutIt #GoingDownHard #ShipOfFOOLS #HotPinkCadillacs

Cadillac of Blues, Corvette's red word of runes' sweet relish moods, no treading on my backdoor
Mothered and invented by the Hood, a dream within a night's mare, to be lost in space evermore
Not merely too rolling stoned to keep entering a scene between sleeping soundly to mate too far
Dream in a dream, ad invinitum, evolved protoplasm, full of the scat, mother's skim milk & gods.

Looked up to the instruction of the instution, I thought I'd just sit this one out but I was so wrong
Militant yet at peace with dying in a battle for nothing but other people's too rollin' stone song
For the generals and the admirals who led the revolution from the queen and king of the ant hill
Seven seas and as many continents driving the force deep into the core of Earth, supernova chill.

Paranoia will kill you if an accidental meteorite hits you upon the head, fires you up, stones you
Like Hendrix and Joplin, Chambers Brothers, Joe Cocker & the Grateful Dead, we come & we go
To ghosts who haunt the mind's eyes, nothing but the living left to pester for the impossible blue
No pleasure or suffering any more in this groove, honey and sugarcane, sip It, let It go down slow.

Dancing monkeys in syncopated formation, like @BlueAngels & @Thunderbirds yet all too human
Communication and precision of aeronautical skill and intelligence beyond most women and men
Rolling stoned they are, in wide turns & paranormal thrust and aerial excellence only God knows
Funny funk exhaust of the remains from the pleasure and beauty of momentarily lapsing reason.

So, they say it over and over again, so, so...like it's OK but it could be better than this, it'll soon be
On the last day of our lives, we won't see it comin' down, won't know what SCAT broke us in two
Soul or spirit sublimates into the Ether or we reblend with the cosmic dust of leftover supernovas
Daddy lovin' mommy just to puff peace pipe smoke with chiefs around a hot fire, they got a buzz.

To where there's no more light, above and below where the angels fear to go, a Void's Singularity
Stretched atoms to an infinite mass & imploding the matter into infinity's dimension, a naked city
Bugs and boys, swans and girls wade into the mudhole, a cesspool of peers & a royal executioner
Redemption of a Savior who is the dreamer of a one-man-god trip, a done deal, COVid19 chapter.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, September 18th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 1:11 PMPST
{ Original sin in the mood for a melody, to @RobinTrower #BridgeofSighs link @ https://youtu.be/7wcYeJKYWqY & #BestSongsOfPlant link @ https://youtu.be/KN0cFDYS06w }

#ThereHeGoesAgain #GoinOffOnTheDeadAir

Now and then means just what it appears to say, any other time like the future or the past, presence
Even steven up and down the road to perdition, all you can do when you've ascertained a sixth sense
Forewarning by foreknowledge, like knowing what will happen before other things know, gotta chill
Conformance to the gunned down twins and triplets from the gardens of Sodom and Gomorrah hills.

Fire burned and melted the ice cold world between your ears, inherited via misconception of zygoting
Mitotic cell division is no proof for the Origin of Life & the Nature of Being's philosophical connundra
A silver bullet's panacea for the epidemic of full amnesia regarding Love and species reproduction sin
Shock of the composite, sensory perception, sight, sound, taste, smell & touch, all you know, agreed?

Where you were when I needed you?  Oh, absentee I see because you left your Mother Earth's body
Antibodies couldn't save you from the bodies of hungry aliens from COVid19 bat virus' bloody BBQ
Monoclonal, what the Hades' angels sent to the descendants of One Cro-Magnon man of the Many
Pity the fools who have little or no insight into the Origin of their species and their faith in the Few.

Heroes used to be a dime a dozen, either have become extinct or kept the 3rd eye asleep forever, us
There's no coming back for the good guys who conflicted with the bad guys, it's like a minus & a plus
You need it though you don't want it, there is no free will, ain't a choice between one thing or another
Conclusion deduced, you got it right, Form & Shape of material substance is all that I am, all you are.

Immortality is not possible for a body or a conjectured soul apart from it's host's or hostess' 208 bones
From total brute ignorance evolution in the human mind has progressed to a theistic or atheistic drone
Why you & I live, in sickness and in health, in reality without a doubt, astronauts have confirmed, to be
Or not to be here and now or there and then, nowhere in Space anywhere in Time, breath, gasp...out!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Saturday, September 18th, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{ Driven overboard while watchin' to @BruceLeelink @ https://youtu.be/Pg0KlPHd4HM }

Friday, September 17, 2021

#SkipItSkippy #DamSkippy #YouHeardMe #StiffUpperLiftAndSheet

Scat stiff as decrepit peanut DNA atoms, don't be Pathos in the drama, afterall, it's a comedian lie
From conception to dissolution you ride tidal waves, surf the curls coast to coast, Ra's rah rah rah
Anything all too human, Goodness' evil animation program, recollects no alpha-omega bassanova
Not very important but it's germaine to a philosophical argument in defense of ado 'bout the sky.

Educated women and leaders of men will succeed at fostering the survival of the genome's acid
Error is unacceptable because the trajectory affects the success of the launch into an empty void
Punks & the junkies who inhabit the nooks and crannies underneath the tollway bridges, in tents
Really more like lean-to's on the border, south, east, never west nor north, California gold vents.

Mongrels await the fodder of war and peace, it's all essential nature of the beast, sweet leaf high
Mastication chewed me up, it ain't my fault that your God exiled you to Hades in your mind's eye
Bottom of the top is one & the same thing, laughing so hard that you're killin' me, it's an outrage
Being no master of hyperbole, I'll exaggerate this accident of a mind meld, on the same old page.

Spun out on black ice comin' 'round Dead Man's bend, yellow ribbon wrapped 'round an oak tree
Next to the river flowin' into a holy Maple Valley, where gramma and grampa used to roam free
My spirit escaped the smash of my skeleton's blood, like a Casper ghost, I got out still alive, woke
Very good or simply too bad to be here and now, present, past or future, spun dirty Earth, Stroke!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Friday, September 17th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 6:55 AMPST
{ Drafted by yo' mama or one of her distant relatives from #WayBackWhen @ShermanAndPeabody re:  #CHINA @ https://youtu.be/NdPURdzSb74 & then... jammin' to #WARGreatestHits on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo & @TheBeachboys #GreatestHits @ https://youtu.be/cdNRiZ0kwR8 }