
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

#PrehistoricExcellence #IronButterfly #OrganicFlats #ScreechinElephantitis ##BestOfStewieGriffin #BruceLeeLegend Want my #Nickelback

Inagadadavida baby, you know it's true, got hung by a jury of peers, a thing itself phenomenon
Where you're from you're blind faith hopin' for a free walk on wild side of a princess' eggs' DNA
Out of your control, your pretend will to power is a mere loan on advantage, one high IQ quest
Evolution without any committment from a divine thing without form, no 1st 2 people incest!

On a cross, crucified or exiled to the desert for being a miscreant, an evil genius, just a wee kid
Matter without any phantoms left over once it dissolves into the goo of soylent green koolaid
Poppin' a mitotic divide into billions of knock-offs from the original One & monkey on my back
It's soft but ain't too soft, it's a trip of blind cult of the blue oysters and clams from godsmack.

Apple sauce made from the apple tree grown out of the apple seed that appeared out of gods
If not gods then WTF will happen when we all die, no valhalla or cielo-hades' hounddog bloods
Wonder is in the bread that grew out of the grain, the sustenance of that & the H2O made me
I don't speak for anyone but myself, it's my inheritance from my grandfathers & #TheWives, si?

Movement that goes underground for the final six foot plunge, covered with metal or star dirt
Philosophical suspension of reason and rhyme, to a living moron hung up on the screamin' flirt
Bums & junkies get behind the counter to be budtenders of the candy, vaccinated apothocare
Profits to pay the taxes to the powers that be and everybody in the state and county are happy.

Anything alive that isn't dead can't be eaten, nothing can be eaten alive, it's gotta be dead meat
Beginning with the mother's milk or the formula of animal lactose full of vitamins & mineral ilk
Not of this world yet of this system of being a dot in a blazing blast of brightness in a pope's seat
Until death do us part, but why?  I thought my personality, my consciousness survives?  It don't!

Killers are creators of the things we praise and mock without ending until we take one last gasp
Trapped inside the 208 bones, we all are, you're really nothing more special than the dead ones
Out of the angels' city or the old dukes of York, coast to coast it's cast upon broads & the chicks
Unknown as hush puppies walkin' the dog with my yoyo, occultists' spirits who got exiled licks.

No saints and no damned souls that have karma to dream about forever, in the end, it's dead air
Food for thought is scarce but leftovers of freedom's fridge will shame you on a dance on a pole
Brooms will sweep your arse away like a wind storm in the blind eye of a cyclone, a typhoon hit
We're the walkin' Clarences and Clarices who get swallowed by alien hunger's suck into a hole.

Not cool to be the original mortality's disobedient culprit, couldn't leave the apple alone, thanks
Now here and now, our rewards and punishments depend on code revolution of Earthly red dirt
Come on man, evolution or special creation in a garden of paradise, somewhere way back when
Now here we are left to guess, educated or random choice, you stole cache, infinite's Cat Den.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, September 22, 2021 A.D. @ 11:11 AMPST
{  Drafted while jammin' to some @BigSmo' #DirtRoadCode link @ https://youtu.be/XcmK_kHpx88 #KinLetsRock #TwistOneUp & some @IronButterfly #Inagodadavida link @ https://youtu.be/UIVe-rZBcm4 & #EndOfTheInnocence @DonHenley https://t.co/sFCWzEQXdO?amp=1 }


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

#FascinatingNumbers #ZeroToZero #EverybodyShutDown

Living in the middle of here & now, there you go, it's all you get, tents & the filthy dirt
Earth, mankind and the rest of the Cosmos cannot hold a candle to the sun, the Star 1
Oh, the humanity and inhumanity of civilization & the saturated nature of Reality fun
Beings alive from cell mitosis & the blind faith in a revelation from a Ghost that I hurt.

Bums and junkies know one another, they are one and the same, every bum's a junkie
Chump change exchanged between the victims of anti-abortionists, holy welfare scree
Incompetent competance at being an ignoramus, I ain't lyin' either, it's no joke, I shun
These and those but neither you nor I have been indoctrinated ova zygotic revolution.

In precession of a procession, there is a launch of your immortal soul in a great above
What in hell that means nothing at all to a corpse with eyes wide open & lips unloved
Ghost like the invisible "feeling" you get from the memory and recollection of a spoof
A representation of the fading conclusions represented by intuition and a priori proof.

Go and rest your case upon the ultimate assumption for a logical, rational homo sapien
Like you & your mama, even if you're an orphan, you're immersed in a mortal One's sin
No conscious memory yet hammered into a subconscious acceptance of the tool of Will
Power to intend & affect effects, to be First Cause of things themselves, dressed to kill.

I'm good & you're bad, things change & then it all stops cold without a next day, ah hell
Not a brief moment in Time leftover, Space is infinite but whatever we are, it's noone's
Maybe two or three or a multiplicity of temporal infinitives, as old as living dead sons
Somewhere over jails' rainbows, burnt sun, moon & heaven's blow, strung out cowbell.

Been up and down during the sky's above, only eight miles straight up above, bygones
As if a beanstalk wasn't climbed nor fallen from, as if Jack had choices of a drawn chit
Nothing but air above & below, Space and Time conventions of abstract bitches & sons
In a canine sense of being a stud or a bitch, ain't nothing that's all too human about it.

Omega to the Alpha puts you at the consciousness of the Ends, your End, it's clear light
Past is conventional cerebral cortex neuronal sparks, the life we know as soul shine, I
You or anyone's secret, occult circles of rings & revolutions of dog-gods' angel flight
Out of spy insight, out of your mind, why are you here man?  Woman?  Aye, lass, aye!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, September 21st, 2021 A.D.  @ 8:88 AMPST
{ #MalfunctionInTheJunction occured during this draft of the 21's & inspired by listenin' to an apology for nothing by @Edward_Snowden1 link @ https://youtu.be/V1WpET8_-A0 }

Monday, September 20, 2021

#FunWithoutTheFunnyFunds #Napoli @LouisPrima #BonaSera #Arivaderci #BiggerBandAid

Forensic funk gleaned from the scene of the crime reveals the nature of the wild beast
Ape walking without hand knuckles, saving them for T-balls to be thrown upto the sky
Idiots are genetically determined, it's no free will result or a matter of perfect practice
Punks and junkies can add and subtract if they're divided and not allowed to multiply.

Jugheads and their distant cousin pinheads all circle around an occult truth of accident
They happen at the beginning of the universe, during its revolutionary war of descent
From the normal and the neutral to a far end of the spectrum's cosmic, low wavelength
Pirranha & marijuana combine to get god-consciousness high, to be Hercules' strength.

Glass houses shatter and leave nothing but air in the wind of change, hot or cold to bite
Into your skull & bone, no pirate escapes, no angel gets out alive, nobody's good fight
Yet you pretend as did your kin before and after you, you have no free choice, it's grim
To know that if you don't comply, you'll die before your time, before you can know it.

Upset or not, you move from one point to the other without purpose 'cept to breathe
Maybe even to breed but for certain, to feed the dead hunger & pain, all too Humane
Adam & Eve's solitary ones killed brothers, first cause of twilight nights in Eden's zone
Monkeys left for the bannanas & gorillas left to sit around and wonder WTF's goin' on!

It means War, to like it or not isn't as important as ending it quickly with LTD casualties
Then on to the Peace of living with no fear of being killed or robbed by hooligans' dogs
Common and complex yet all we have as our own, open eyes blinded by light's analogs
But dialogue's the key, I think I am, therefore, well you know the rest, let it all go hogs!

The eagles fly to find One place in Space, a nest undisturbed by lowdown, dirty words
If and only if there is time left before the mating begins, big nests become mini-condos
With closed entries and multiple flat-floors for solitary comfort from the flock's randos
Squawking prisons may be communicating the key to come here my far away J-birds!

You were born & you'll die unknown to the few and the many, even forgot to get love
Made it but didn't get it, it wasn't given or sold, I couldn't steal it from another ol' dove
It's all my fault, my mistake to have assumed the best of the worst, a badge of the balls
All alone when you gasp one last bite of pitiful wind, eyes wide open, mouth agape, all.

b y
r j j  stephan, i
c.  September XXth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 4:44 PMPST
{Drafted in concert with #LouisPrima #JustAGigoloIAintGotNobody on youTube link @https://youtu.be/Kkrb4h4weW4 & #ReallyLostepisodesHoneymooners link @https://youtu.be/AMVZiFE6vwo}