
Wednesday, November 03, 2021

#GiveMoreThanYouGot #GiveItAllUpForNow #CosmikDebris #AllSkynyrd #AllSantana #BigLebowskism

It's never just one click away from alien Truth, we all know it, every terrestrial tongue in cheek
Humanity cancelled anthropological subculture, a black hole is now #woke DNA, a cyborg geek
Neighbors cannot be dependent on your judgement, you're self prejudiced, survive your seeker
At all costs and no matter who gets in the way, never jump off the cliff & I mean that, forever.

Get the whole cow milk, it must be chocolate milk because the new Oreos are doubled up bad jizz
I can't eat all three rows of the joy and future tribulation of the metabolized counter revolution
It's completely out of my personal control, my will has nothing to do with high acting rot gut fizz
My body sent a message to my mind's eye that some day I was gonna die, but wait, I'm 70 kids!

Oh, that's right, older that I think about seven decades of fun in the sun, in a closet's dark horse
Fun until the bitter end when you've got to leave it all behind for the rigor mortis of the corpse
Where the funky soul goes, where the rest of the chunks of LIFE GO when turnin' into scat dust
Nothing personal, no offense to divinity's blind faith patrons and new world's order communist.

Right to bear arms with fully loaded, double Oreo's sugar white, a horrible blue sky, be so #woke
Dark, but it's gonna be fine once Mortality takes over our ancient gnome inheritance, cherry pie
My matters regarding the life of ease & forgetting about a pending doom in all the white rooms
Comin' for the sheriff's guns and rifles, anti-mob weaponry of various calibre & witches' brooms.

It's not like I wanted to be up here in the attic above your mother's house, it's my thing to suffer
Look into any mystery coming into your awareness and you'll find no happy ending, no panacea
Yet, it's all your mother and father, sisters and brothers, cousins, friends & foes know, one AHA
Computer tomahawk choppin' the series of world's end of life, Earth's coffin of dead dust baker.

Persnickity yet grounded in Substance ground out of the imaginary Forms of Ideas' in Categories
Do not pass out before you realize the meaning of incomprehensible words from nun dictionaries
Dream within a dream but not awake in it, asleep boys & girls evolve into preachin' rector zoos
It's the filling of your balloon to fly high above & below the trifles of sweet home Chicago blues.

Icing on the cake is honesty being the lonliest word on a plane of survival, holy water's apemen
What else could this be other than a random collection of randos & bettys who get god-shamen
To show the way of the ignorant mass of bacteria and viral infections, coming from smoke-soot
These guys who inseminated us, #Cookie mothers of bums & junkies, spit wet, #woke milk caput.

Conservative and the Whig Party now Progressive Radicals pretend it all makes no different chit
Whether you personally win or lose for you & your family & friends, you lose to your 6th sense
No score in the end, finished with a zero, even an overtime didn't end the Dream, robots will it
Logic and reason will rise to the pinnacle of the illusion of mortality with immortality of a dunce.

To be or not to be the guilty pleasure I was sent to experience Nothing & that's what it's all about
A syllogistic phenomenon of epic proportionality, a never ending epilogue, solitary coffins all RIP
Without any reason to inform the ignorant & naive, the Truth remains as loose as ever, boyscout
Whatever comes and goes out of my pie hole, that's all that's finnicky about my trip, smoke, dip!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER IIIrd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 9:11 AMPST
{ Drafted on behalf of nobody but the oneness you'll know by the @Santana #Supernatural runes @ https://youtu.be/kusyUCtaY-M & #Amigos #EarthsCryHeavenSmiles @ https://youtu.be/BlW8rblRbMw #TheDude @JeffBridges link @ https://youtu.be/xJjCnWm5cvE }

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

#ThrowAFastBallRightDownTheMiddle #HomeRunDerby #BaseballHits

Without an invitation to the party, it was a matter of time until it's Space crashed into the One, the only
Trippin' like there's no tomorrow, you can't think defeat unless you're prepared to lose in four or three
Thought's a First Cause of reality, conforming to intent of the thinker, everyone knew the holy scree
Then forgot about it from alpha to the omega, I tell you to think anything, just do it, like a new Nike.

If thought ceases, the end is near, in a coffin box or super gold urn of lead and painted iron, fragments
All we get for wisdom and our own destiny is apparently one and the same, an apparition God sent us
What it is somebody won't tell me & you, how are we to know, guess with magic or luck, it's the scents
Smelling the Truth even if it's a mile downwind and we can't see or hear hide nor hair, the hunt's a fuss.

Hurting from a muscle memory of eating protein & running the machine into the ground funeral pyre
Removing the words from the thoughts of discourse & intercourse of the forces Earth, Wind & Fire
Punks with lilly livers and their progeny who survive on generosity of the Christians in the lion's den
Comin' home & all around the infield's kentucky blue grass, a slide with spikes flyin', I'm comin' in.

Getting around to the same place I started from & this time I know it, I used to forget then I got #woke
Always been right before but now I've got plausible deniability for my recourse being a challenge poke
To take an impossible position believing that contradictions of a grinch's Truthdom is my wander lust
If it's true it could also be false, up and down, top to bottom & all around the planet, we're cosmic dust.

Aces & deuces are wild and I've got a full house of King & Jack boys, queen too busy makin' apple pie
Winning everything on the table as if there was a magic spell put on the shuffled decks, on a cut crew
Finally everybody was all in and the winner was going to take it all home, all bluffs cut to the chase too
Pairs and trips, straights & flushes but no full house threes over twos, I win, it's all over, at a third eye.

Somber sombreros fillin' the crowd's throng of heads, colors, whitey black & full of minds of Man
Daughters of the fathers who either loved or hated them for reasons beyond anyone's control, be a fan
All you can do is go with the current, it's the only way to row your boat until it slams into a hard rock
Then you'll understand what joy was when it's gone like a thief in the night, Tupelo honey on a block.

It's nobody's fault that a child grows up into a miscreant, a ne'er-do-well for the duration, Troll toll
It's all a matter of paying off the karma you, we, he or she has earned in an incarnation of hot soul
Living this here & that there is all it's about, don't know why but I punched out Betty's yang or ying
First date & the last time she'll ever date anyone but me, chewin' my black jack gum, Richard's king.

r j j  stephan, i

c.  BLOVEMBER 2nd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 5:55 PMPST Mardi

{ Drafted watchin' @FOXSports @WorldSeriesGame6 @Atlanta vs. @Houston link @ https://www.foxsports.com/mlb/boxscore?id=81916&cmpid=org%3Dfoxsports%3A%3Aag%3D%3A%3Amc%3Dcross-app%3A%3Asrc%3Dcross-app%3A%3Acmp%3Dgoogle-one-box-mlb-ws6-braves-astros&is_retargeting=true&shortlink=d2e5c8b3&af_sub1=07100221&c=google-one-box-mlb-ws6-braves-astros&pid=google-one-box&af_channel=google-one-box&af_sub2=foxsports }

#ThisKindOfLoveIsHardToFINDbutEasyToLose #BringItOnDownNow @TheGentrys #LoverSpatSpitInFascia

Eleven apostles who did their best to pig out on the ping pong darkness' fool stop
It's not that you can feel the pressure in the stench of some hookers' zitto pimple
Songs sung by the ping pong champs in the middle of one dark god's damn simple
Not for you or me but for everybody & that includes the whole shebang's holdup.

It's not for me to say out loud but nobody can stop me from thinking, therefore, I am
One with the underlying spirit moving undercover of the organic bones' in pond scum
Here and there we've all come across the insanity of being ill, under the weather haze
Purple it is or it was until the trip was over & the trails disappeared like thinnin' hair.

Scenes in perpetual repitition, nearly ad infinitum for no good reason, it is just because
No other proof that there's any higher power other than Death itself, that's all, our fuss
Fallout from the aerial assault and the creepy ones on land & the sea, marines give up
Never could before but innocence & fierce drive is trumped by a hallucination tea cup.

Being far away from the Truth is useful when you're headed into the black of the Void
Only music & rhythm's rhyme gettin' the prose to become a poem, love's sick android
Among the throngs, all crowd control is all hyper-cyborg, robots on security God sends
Do no harm to the humans, only restraint at minimum, instant unconscious obedience.

All security have the larger than normal ears to have their heads stand out from others
Like radar they hear the first call for help or a first punch on skulls & the rib bone spurs
Nobody has a life exactly like another's, mothers, fathers, orphans of a real, slow hand
Everybody knows Truth is that nobody knows, knockin' on your door now, blind band!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  BLOVEMBER 2, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 07:11 hours
{ Mardi chops inked to #LowDownDirtyBlues1&2 https://youtu.be/RAmSYWO41hw & https://youtu.be/fedsz2D_PAo & @TheGentrys #KeepOnDancin' #ShakeItBaby @ https://youtu.be/AGHFaBx6j8M & https://youtu.be/Vhh9nmJEgXw }