At the end of the beginning, there's a time to think about things themselves, A divinity forms
Spirits of the matter formed into shapes of animated protoplasm with a will to power worms
They rule of, by and for the mob and if y'all insist on survival, y'all will aid & abet the mob fold
Sheep flock human beings who were either born & raised by the good, bad & the ugly or old.
At the bottom of the barrel a man's gotta see it's time to saddle up & git hehl outta town
Whiskey drank when all the beer for my horses was gone, my boots walked off the brown
No matter which reason one uses to justify one's deduced inductions of pure logic, man
The end result is the unknown is never going to be the known by anyone that's a human.
Looking ahead or behind where you sit at one with the universe, so much more Sin, oh son
Which is the function of the creator of the universe, to sin and create the Many from One
Pumped perfection into a blob ruled by a mob, supergirls and batmen worked it all out too
No free will to divide, IT, been multiplied, #Foghat survived extinction, God's all stone blue.
Playing the songs on sounds of twang and bang-boom-shhhh, it's a dream come true nirvana
You cannot create this outta nothing if you're all too humane, if you're divine, inagadadavida
Movement of a 5th symphonic overture that ends in an exploded mass of a skunkworks chunk
In a sweet home in Chicago, Illinois my grandparents & my parents I began SHChicago of funk.
A starter of heaven that I'm dreamin' right now is you baby, ain't no satisfaction without you
There are no replacements, you're the starter and the finisher, come ten feet into cold blue
Instant karma for me and you, we already paid the piper and the minions of an alley's gators
Out of Academy Award movies into empty minds, crystalline cleared orphans' bloody doors.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, Janvier XVIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 0711 AMPST
{ #CalmDaPhuqDown ALL for the #Bums & #Junkies with some #GottaJumpThatTrain & #HITS by @Foghat https://youtu.be/KEmZLC7uK8Q & https://youtu.be/VY0I0mMUCRM Son, Oh Son by @WARtheBand & @ https://youtu.be/oX9esXzzO7w Son of A Son of A Sailor by @Jimmy_Buffett & @DarylHall & @RobThomas LIVE at Daryl's House link @ https://youtu.be/0ItdraVXvAE }