Idiots & morons have begun the end of the world as we know it, godsons on stardust beaches
Trained to shoot & kill the unknown bullets flyin' into an unarmored face, know what peace is
Thinking thoughts or expressing a linguistic connundrum is your father's mustache wax in play
Makin' the Ends and the Means lead to the Truth about Justice & a south American causeway.
Code in the brilliance of the last light you'll ever gander, the sweet life you lived? Give it all up
To the gods or daredevils who mourn the facts of life, murdered freedom to keep evil in a cup
Needles in One haystack await the founders who will mistake the big lies for the holy truths' I
Nobody else but yourself is as important as you, without you, Nothing matters, I literally, sigh.
Funk said is Dead Air all on the downlow, it's a creep to extinction's homo species' DNA pool
You walk or run and jump ahead or back, I wait in place for the finish line to make me drool
I must win at all costs, I'm not a loser, I'm not a loser, funny you should bring it up, you loser
I'm one I suppose since I recognize one when I see one & you, my friend, are the one's poser.
Pretender as you were created to be, a disobedient soul disregarding gold rules & commands
From Gravity to Spontaneous Combustion, outlaw gods' balls of fire and ice of sweaty hands
Spells of magic failed and caused a chain reaction of solar system fusion, fission is One & done
Now & then, roach & rat extinction into Nothing is ignored, just keep your power on, so fun!
Woke the infants and taught them language to speak, read & write, ignorance of dead food
What we all eat is not alive although it used to be, we killed & cooked it maybe, maybe not
Command and control your own experiment in Being All Alone, stay out of trouble, be rude
Nobody but a lost pink flamingo likes a big mouth, to be & not to be left all alone, hot robot.
Code: #Extinction in the end, matter doesn't matter even one byte, Hitler or Ghandi, all dead
Cream of the dream or some type of independent, imaginary Soul in a Black Hole, Eve or Fred
It's not my fault, clearly it's the One who began the chain reaction, I will love the bitter, Ends
Sweet Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Buddah, Krishna, Ala, follower of thirteen ghosts she apprehends.
Who is this species' code creator? Name the invisible, repeat the words of deadmen's creed
They believed blindly that what they said was true was actually the real Truth, it was not true
Version of the reason for being alive is just one, simple expression, to be or not to be, Freed!
Now you are, I am, others will be, some will never be yet, the Singularity remains, The Blue!
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, April XIVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Jammed this out the Void of Immortals while listenin' to @Bon_Scott version of @ACDC #HighwayToHell riff in ad infinitum, youTube link @ https://youtu.be/l482T0yNkeo }