
Thursday, April 14, 2022

#DontDoIt #GoAheadDoItAnyway #NoDontBabyDont #LionsNeverSleepCreep #BookOfLoveOverdue

Where did you go since the last time I saw you giving directions at the crossroads of the moon
Blue H2O full of the sun's hydration of stardusted ash & sand, mysteries & monkeys twist soon
Made the best of the harsh circumstances, escaped and abortion, escaped love indoctrination
Middle of the lines, I learned to write well within, always in control until the scenic distinction.

That there or this here either way has no other way to be than the way it is, a bridge too far
From the nearest planet Venus, nothing on Earth is visable, nothing exists on Venus nor Mars
in search for a miraculous beam of light accelerating from UV to Infrared, fear for gator tears
Ego or Id all in One package that once wasn't here & sooner or later will be what disappears.

Pretty and vague, plain as Jane or as stupid as Dick, the entire species' code is syncopated
To terminate at a random moment before the Earth falls into the Singularity of blackhead
In the deep state of the word predication in any linguistic presentation, a god's herd sect
One or many, a thousand different names to summon the power to Will a holy End effect.

Grace inside of rocks, beads, bones or higher ground of Alps' mountain of dirt, a Matterhorn
Blown light and dark just like it's been since the Big Bang, theoretically, as a Jimmy crakorn
I don't care but I never did unless it was self-preservation or a reward for my secret expense
Intelligence & naivity much more than a random act of a material accident, a collision Ends.

Ipso facto, I cringe at your rank and file, private to general, POW's of the world's New Order
Slapped until I was happy & sadness couldn't creep back in, even for the pre-mourning's her
Who she wants you to be before long is all that I am, all that I've always been, will never be
Momentum driving centrifigal forces, blind, deaf, dumb on a three mile tour, paid, debt free!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, April 14th, 2022 A.D. @ 911 PMPST
{ Rocked this out while jammin' to Original Oldies 50's & 60's Vol. #1 on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/gaHgHrCwQBA }

#Groundhoggin' #DayDayDayDayDay #DemonScreeOfBuddah #EyeAmSoWiseIFearMySelf #FreeSpeech #TwitterTwatTwine #Goddess' #SCRUM


Idiots & morons have begun the end of the world as we know it, godsons on stardust beaches
Trained to shoot & kill the unknown bullets flyin' into an unarmored face, know what peace is
Thinking thoughts or expressing a linguistic connundrum is your father's mustache wax in play
Makin' the Ends and the Means lead to the Truth about Justice & a south American causeway.

Code in the brilliance of the last light you'll ever gander, the sweet life you lived?  Give it all up
To the gods or daredevils who mourn the facts of life, murdered freedom to keep evil in a cup
Needles in One haystack await the founders who will mistake the big lies for the holy truths' I
Nobody else but yourself is as important as you, without you, Nothing matters, I literally, sigh.

Funk said is Dead Air all on the downlow, it's a creep to extinction's homo species' DNA pool
You walk or run and jump ahead or back, I wait in place for the finish line to make me drool
I must win at all costs, I'm not a loser, I'm not a loser, funny you should bring it up, you loser
I'm one I suppose since I recognize one when I see one & you, my friend, are the one's poser.

Pretender as you were created to be, a disobedient soul disregarding gold rules & commands
From Gravity to Spontaneous Combustion, outlaw gods' balls of fire and ice of sweaty hands
Spells of magic failed and caused a chain reaction of solar system fusion, fission is One & done
Now & then, roach & rat extinction into Nothing is ignored, just keep your power on, so fun!

Woke the infants and taught them language to speak, read & write, ignorance of dead food
What we all eat is not alive although it used to be, we killed & cooked it maybe, maybe not
Command and control your own experiment in Being All Alone, stay out of trouble, be rude
Nobody but a lost pink flamingo likes a big mouth, to be & not to be left all alone, hot robot.

Code:  #Extinction in the end, matter doesn't matter even one byte, Hitler or Ghandi, all dead
Cream of the dream or some type of independent, imaginary Soul in a Black Hole, Eve or Fred
It's not my fault, clearly it's the One who began the chain reaction, I will love the bitter, Ends
Sweet Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Buddah, Krishna, Ala, follower of thirteen ghosts she apprehends.

Who is this species' code creator?  Name the invisible, repeat the words of deadmen's creed
They believed blindly that what they said was true was actually the real Truth, it was not true
Version of the reason for being alive is just one, simple expression, to be or not to be, Freed!
Now you are, I am, others will be, some will never be yet, the Singularity remains, The Blue!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, April XIVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST

{ Jammed this out the Void of Immortals while listenin' to @Bon_Scott version of @ACDC #HighwayToHell riff in ad infinitum, youTube link @ https://youtu.be/l482T0yNkeo }

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Fools cannot be fooled so, there'll come a time when every human becomes a good liar
Seeing things themselves, their form and their essence are essential to the stars hot fire
Mind open for energy & matter to be absorbed like a thieves in the twilight, hot godson
Suppertime never missed like Bfast & dinner, 'cause mama's cool hands were frycookin'.

Where you're homeless, out of jail, out of prison, out of your mama's home, ain't sheet
If you're a burden to society, sing a song, immerse into a holy mind, God's COVid19 fleet
In an electric chair, a gas chamber, a gallows or a shove off a High Mountain, junk's a Fix
Enough ice cream, pudding, cake and homeless camps, we need more drugs for addicts.

It's gonna get really tricky in a minute or two, you'll know it when you feel it, AHA segway
Bridge from here to there, no matter where it is, anywhere on a solar system's highway
This sun or any other star in any other galaxy has an origin and will have a dissolution Id
Gone already & won't be coming back ever again, it's a scree to the SMART, I am The Kid.

Abort yourself not someone else, in your or someone else's egs, it's CODED RNA humane
Ready to animate the Thing that remains at One, at rest just because that is "The Law"
Substantial shapes of forms from one to mega-million cell bags of an ant or Great Dane
Outcomes of burnt incomes are successes of future carcasses, already gone, talon, claw.

Hurting nobody and feeling no pain, no need for the karma to recall the errors to pay for
No money or any friendship is worth staying with noone who cannot follow logic's score
As if to be or not to be isn't the only question which might elicit, favorable purple blood
Conquered the antibodies, metabolized their armed, dangerous RNA, now It's high God.

Fly away, deteriorate from bone to skin colored clear, you culture beats the drum, boom
Cymbols crashin' vibration into places never visited without the tastes of golden books
Eli & Dickie will have come down from heaven and if so, they hadn't been given a room
None left above and only one left below, near the core of Earth, water to go, the crooks.

Optimistic protagonist will start the trouble and move it to the ending, a farce in an egg
Inside of a cosmic container of dream-like states of being all too human, as a hole's peg
Fits into anyplace in Space you can enter an 'x' same as a 'y' or an 'o', it's one & the same
Event horizon inside or outside of the thing itself, a substance unmoved, you're so lame!

r j j  stephan, i    *Header is a conceived fetus in conception of immaculate me & YOU!
c.  Mercredi, 4-13-2022 @1010 PMPST
{ #immigrandOmygod drafted...while jammin' to some @ChicagoTheBand #GoodyGoody in a loop link @ https://youtu.be/bn8viWNfLyc }