
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

#LookinforMyLove #SPIRIT


Not following or swallowing gourmet filet humane, too human beets
Bloody stoned from the morning dew to the sundown tangerine seeds
I cannot go along with the program since I ain't a cyborg you are, son
Nothing personal but you're advanced not a pariah of way gone done.

In the name of a father's origin germ-code, rando recombo DNA jizz
Of the men, the mice, the roaches and rats, all a miracle of showbiz
On the stage, acting for cameras that roll & rocky 'round, dirty balls
Punks & fired up junkies lookin' to fix their brain in plethora's halls.

Hunker down in a bunker, it's going to be ending before long, SOS
I'm not just sayin' it's the generator of the things, sea of corny blows
Against your body, mind and every other atom of matter, it's a mess
Fortune of one's ignorance & intelligence, a lucky gasp, God bless!

So, inferences into the deductions & on to the propositional, so logical
It's Matter of Time's Space, nouns, verbatim object being predicated so
Magical that One joy is taken for granted, a deletion button works
Tapping it all over again, deep questions without answers for dorks.

Now and then, here and now, you think you got your act together, NO
Radical, liberal, criminally innocent's sins, mothers' nailed ipso
Facto in a dream, before and after it's all over too, Matter-Time ID
Ripped out of an owl's inner soul, it's wisdom for O-birds, so we see!

No sparrow, oriole, robin or cardinal around to fly above a treetop
In love on a two way street, one way avenue and boulevard. can't stop
Moved Matter post conception, meter by yard, slag of a footloose hag
Live mirror of what can't be seen, reflect the empty, visible-air jagbag.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, June XXIXth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Signify this monster credit to the writing on the wall & listenin' to @Supertramp #TheLogicalSong link @ https://youtu.be/low6Coqrw9Y & #LIES by @TheKnickerbockers link @ https://youtu.be/BH9YRpz757Y }


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

#FillHerUp #SubstractYourFaceFromYourHead #YouAreUnknown


Do not enter anywhere that you ought to beware of a dog, the godhead warp king
Genetic predisposition to mutate by random recombination of DNA's sexual healing
Confidence men deceiving women to go along with Original Sin, take a byte good
FOO-fighter woke, cosmic light of faith in anything other than a Void of Homer goo.

Amazed by the monotony of the spinning Earth dirt, up and down from my eternity
Swimmin' above and below the water lines in the sand, free choice to get too busy
Easy money to earn and spend as if there's no limit up to one hundred years of sea
To sail from shore to shore in a pirate ship with submarine capability, land of Free.

Underground and in the middle of you and your doppleganger, there's an ice sheet
A barrier to restrict the guilty from infecting the innocent, it's the way I have to beat
Dreamin' in black and white or color, options for signals from old, holy robe trouble
Woke by fallin' out the bed, in a dream I fell down too, freefall back into my scribble.

Fiddlesticks are free in Fiddletown where men and boys are boys to men, every time
Everyone knows nothing to begin with and in time, it's more clear that it's Life Ends
Meaning there's only one way out once you've arrived on scene, look to be the ball
It's going to be right in front of your face & fingers of Braille, wrote on a cyberwall.

From perfection of Oneness to the other way of Multiplicity, imperfectly yours too
Evolution from one cell to the nucleus' mutation of the code, do no harm, no fools
Zippity doo da, zippity eh, my oh my, oh what a wonderful day, darker to be Blues
Without that feeling there's nothing but a conscious box of bones, unmoved mover.

Fished fbig game & they all got away as it's always been, I compromise romancing
Maybe the bad guy's felony was a case of mistaken identity, wrong places & times
Finally the T-shirts with the silkscreened cities & dates where the tour begins to sing
Peacefully, no deposit at the edge of Twilight Zone's entry, way gone & no return.

c.  Mardi, June XXVIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1222 PMPST

{ #SkyNigh Nothing, no  body, no place, just a game from the getgo & LISTENIN' to @MorganWallen #GoneGirl link @  https://youtu.be/FDrB1Q1NRn8  & @ChicagoTheBand link @ https://youtu.be/iUAYeN3Rp2E  & @ https://youtu.be/cBGyFrHF1eU }
f i n i s

Monday, June 27, 2022

#GrimReaper #Grinch #GrimmerGrammar #GimmesomeSkinnerRanchUFOlogy

Zip ties on your wrists to keep your will to THE power in check, pop wheelies 'til dusk
Dawn will break as it always does because the dusk cannot stop itself from being one
As if it's a problem not to be the Many, you should probably leave me alone, my son
We all know where this leads every time, it's in a groove that can't be fooled by musk.

Whisper in one ear and blowin' out the other, I do the right thing when it's all wrong
Skin so soft, it's what it means by what it reads, what it says, SSS, on the skin all along
For boys in the band and the girls backstage waitin' for a party after with a coolio cat
A riff off of a few frets with my pickin' and grinnin' as if I know the chords of E or F flat.

Climactic high and manic depressive low of the mind, for the brain, for the happy head
Stoned or not, could be just the normal seratonin charge from being amazed, not dead
For one false move, one wrong step, a turn in the wrong direction and it's over, caput
Children of ancestors are our own children's kin, a DNA evolved out of chimney soot.

I'll drink to that, let's have a toast with some Tennessee whiskey, I have the top shelf
It's BlackJack out of the shelters where I used to go before I got on the wagon, my self
But it's OK for you & the rest of the world to get fired up, white or brown gas of songs
Not your fault after the spirits remove you're free will to do right, to never do wrongs.

Everyone's a dead man walking because except for our mother's grace we forced entry
Into this world wanted or not, needed or not, trained to be good or bad even if ugly
Welcome to the veterans of the foreign wars your uncles and aunts sent you into low
So low below the down & knocked out that nobody knew what needed to get a blow.

In and out, starting over or just letting the finale be the ending, one last time, for me
Own the thing itself, you came, you went, you're all gone at some point, just not now
Maybe later, tomorrow, next week, a millionaire, more, that'd be 120M, I don't know
Soon, don't blink, y'all are alive due to the gamete entry into the ovum of Tennessee.

Luxury of Love and Gold, having it all and giving it all away to the ones without it all
No place like this Space and Time to get the karma even with the debt, payin' for kin
Way back when there was no way to get the bad guys, your great, great kin did a sin
Killed everybody they ever saw and took their belongings, just like the cops in a jail.

No sherrif or officer of the Law of Tao, Good & Evil that men do, it's all subconscious
This here bulk of word salad doesn't indicate what's the matter, it's empty flux dust
Below the atomic protons, neutrons and electrons over the one common halo I defile
Eyes wide open, ain't my fault that the Earth spins around the blocks, piles of smiles.

Out of the cemetery's granite shapes with names from A to Z, last, first, middle, rank
Oh son, daughter, father, mother, sister, brother, at the bye & bye, stink, stunk, stank
Away past the clouds where no human eyes are allowed to see, dream or not to be in
Some girls, rolling stones knew & sung the words, it's what I say too, I am now truckin'.

Law to murder, law to kill only if justified by self defense you can prove 'round a bend
Didn't intend for the life to terminate yet you may have been a First Cause of the end
Fault is the one who is closest to the moment of death than anyone else, it's the blame
For another one biting the dust, burial in stuffing or burnt to ash and rock bone fame.

Here's a vulgarity, a piece of linguistic jargon unacceptable in public, phonix is Phuqe
Immediate shock just for the thought going into your noggin, it resonates, oh phuque
Point is, forget about it, it's a sound and a thought, your mind is the cause, it's effect
All sound and light shows in a large cave without your mother, father or rocker sect.

Silent mess of the head bull's scat, what the whole herd are forced to whiff 'til dead
It's not the way of the warrior, it's the herd of the cow finding The Way home, graze
Eating cows & pigs makes the men & woman scale down the dream without me, so
Word is up, precursor of the word being made flesh, the way home has deleted blow.

I was off of the grid when the days were all falling into place, gettin' faster you know
As you approach the stones and rocks that need to be broken into fragmented dust
Gold or just the basalt from the planet's burning out function, planetary extinction
My business and yours, to know the facts of life you father didn't tell you, it's a bust.

Gold or platinum chrome plated reverse wheels, laid down a rubberized protraction
Babies of one day or nine months, one chance to enter this realm's fake satisfaction
Amigos knockin' on our front doors pushin' us into uncomfortable corners of loving
Down or hungup in this space, what's my name at that time, it Is All That I Am, I'm In.

 r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, June XXVIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 8:40 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin' to @JohnnyGuitarwatson #IWannaThankYou https://youtu.be/u0JO5l8LkAc }