
Monday, July 25, 2022

#SonnyWasntJokin' #WackyTobacki

In a New York Minute, a thrilling feeling came on stage
It ain't my fault at all that my conception occurred in rage
Father and mother were made at one another, I'm the End
Of the argument to have or not have the holy sex to mend.

Hell and heaven were moved to get to the meeting of Force
I needed both to arrive and use the trivial pursuits to pass
In and out of Time & Space that you're in and out of Mass
Energy is a prescription to die and leave a pretty old corpse.

On or off, in or out, above or below, one & the same, we're in
Never in a million years or even ten minutes can you guess it
Truth, Justice, the American Way of super men & women ilk
Just 'cause they believed they're so pretty, drank the milk.

Far from the beginning of moving from being at eternal moral Sin
Corruption is the orgasm of a wet dream you get #Woke in
It's a sticky situation from the first time to the last Jack
Not our fault that it's all the cream of the dream, a Fact.

Here & so far so good, it will remain here, my life & my wife
Per chance do you know the inside of your skull very well, life
If it ain't workin' at peak performance, you're goin' extinct
It's inside of our DNA code, not our will to survive unkinked.

Talking heads singing the lyrics to the way of the symbols
In or out of your mind & into your wives' pants, horde holes
Out of those dresses and into those hot pants & slim jeans
All the money-makers gettin' bum-rushed a Wild West scene.

Cowboys y'all killin' me in dusty streets check with a rook
Up from the livery stable down by a mating hotel & saloon
Where all the ladies who got born & raised Eastern hook
Simple or complex as the words always are in deduction ice.

Following the premises clearing the way for the induction L
Loser as y'all gotta be, it's a genetic anomoly, can't stand T
Smokes from ashtrays and our fathers' mouths, swear to G
As it happens as always, it ain't my fault, never was me, C?

Recollect the reason for your being here and now, middle way
Can't turn back 'cause the rear's disappeared all in One day
Outlaws are good guys and the bad guys are our Ma & Pa
Who know life would bring a Wild, Wild West in a Lady GaGa.

Busted bum-rush got no tryst in mind & no money to blow
In a bunch or on credit for the plastic smell of the Master
Perfection can be the One & the Only way to be, so I am
Hard to get next to, I am as hot as a pistol, six-gun slam.

Amend this on your seconded emotion, pinned the medal hard
On the chest, over the heart where you sent yourself, bard
Writing the rhyme and the prose as if it means more or less
Even steven, blown, sucked, smashed, contracted, so confess.

Monkeys gave you the monkey  meat to eat, to move it on
Through the system, can't handle the heat, get off the sun
Hearts are all in or all out, gonna draw or die holstered, son
You know you're mad at me, want to bleed on my .44 gun.

Went out runnin' & ended up walkin' on the center, my son
In between the songs and dreams of the moms' pop's bone
Who ain't here any longer, just like we'll all be someday soon
In a bag, a box, an urn of silver, ASH in the ocean, stream Stone.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, July XXVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
{ Kicked the jam out while listenin' to @ZZTop #TubeSteakBoogie link @ https://youtu.be/eCUCSqcSnac & @PRINCE live #kiss @PaisleyPark link @ https://youtu.be/CkrT9u7ms1c }


Sunday, July 24, 2022

#MINIONS & #TheBLUES #ColonelSanders #TrumpCapers


There is a reason for those who stand for nothing at all, all in a hall of a hotel
Extinction of species' injected whiskey all night, injection of venom ala clown
Trivial pursuits while being #Woke or #Asleep, all of y'all will fall downtown
Even microscopic electrons too fast to see, she said, what I say I can't tell

It's mainly a reaction to gravity's pull on atoms, we move sweeter nothings
Up, down & all around everywhere on sea, land & thin air under my wings
Always trying to be happy and painless, nudge & a shove from the boondoks
As I know they want to do unto me, but anyway, all there is, matrix of rocks.

Kidding as far as I can pick and grin, beatin' animal skins with bone drum stix
I ain't in the tune but I'm out of tune with the rhapsody and the concerto fix
Keyboards of notes C,D,E,F,G,A, sharp & flat, chords of 7ths and majors to go
Nobody I know of is superman, superwoman on the take, on the dole, yo Bro!

Supermice or just a #MightyMouse, price you gotta pay for findin' out who's who
Be all too human, walkin' all over the sidewalks & turf I've no claim to, no tattoo
I know what it's like to dig on a trip & then find out the the trip ain't yours, a fact
Somebody started trippin' way before I came into a picture, I'm just the final act.

Your time on Earth is up and the Present and the Past have bowed to the Future
Pretend that you chain smoke tobacco rolled in thin plant pulp, tweeking a cure
For the bird flu and the black plague that kill everybody's dream, likes it or nots
I'll give you a hint so that you may smoke the leaf until the burn kindles robots.

Boots above and below the ground of being and stayin alive, all it takes's a kicker
In the heads above or below, the pain & suffering remain in a material oil slicker
On ground of the left over rock that's not turned to sand underwater, found it
God's eye is open and it's myopic or astigmatic, trifocal fagot needs a monacle.

Drunk as a skunk although skunks don't get drunk, it's a manner of our speech
Fear and loathing for the mass of humanity, less the dead & gone on my beach
You might not know it & even if you do know it, the Truth is rough but I'm ready
In this Space of this solar system's area in the galaxy, parsecs away from infinity.

Simmer until you evaporate, in an atmosphere here before & IT will be hereafter
Being as such, One thing, all by itself without morphine & goddess' heroine skin
Orphanages all empty since every mother's son & daughter have hard time's kin
On the way to the extinction, bow & bend over for the reload, gotta pound it in.

On the way out of the door where even dark angels fear to go, you gotta look back
Where you were is where you'll never be again, that's just the way it goes in black
Outerspace with room for Nothing & every other atom, my things & 1% of minions
Used the deductable for the down payment, then charged payment in full to sons.

They bought their ways into the pie in the sky, it wasn't lemon merangue but good
French Apple, Cherry Pie burnt in a 1-hit trick, sweet Jane sweepin' the Chicago oil
Smell like you just got out of the shower after camping for three days with all pests
My last shot, I scored &  reaped what I sewed!  Game's over!  Hand for our guests!

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, 7-24-2022 A.D. @ 1212 AMPST
{  Jammed listenin' to https://youtu.be/2kGEhX_s2_g @TobyKeith #WackyTobaccy }


Friday, July 22, 2022

#Goody #Bad #NothingsUgly #EverythingsBeautiful @BruceLee @RobinWilliams #RIP



Some day even sooner than you think, might even have been yesterday
A day that won't live after it's all over, 24 hours & a taste of waste more
Like when a man or a woman dies, it's over, we burn or bury the corpse
Our kin, our friends, our enemies of the states, everybody gets in doors.

One way in, you already did that & you gave it your best shot, hit it hard
All senses on high alert for survival awareness, hunger wants to eat Lard
All aliens of Earth & the denizens of the caves, swamps & jungles of dead
This is what you got, what you get with mutations of DNA, with that said.

Now is the time, it came from the future & will soon fade to past's black
No picnic or any kind of party for the fun & games that occupied you back
In combat, in battle, there's nobody left but except when you're her/him
Never back to the absolute beginning before Life occured in this vacuum.

Gods wanted to work for your mother & father so I got in a womb tomb
Workin' like Jetsons or Flinstones, I don't care, peaked in a hobo's boom
Gasp a final gulp of gas, your mind grasps the folly of weeded THC crops
To be or not to be the method to the madness, Ends the song, mic drops.

Behind the wombs' that bore the life to the planet's hard rock hotels
No motion in the ocean, then everything's dead, idiot saw light of day
Mothers & fathers who entered the polyester Words to Wise fools' lies
Everybody has to guess, pretending to know, Nothing but flower highs.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, July XXII, MMXXII  #RIP @BruceLee @RobinWilliams #RIP

{ Drafted rattling the cages of the toothless who bow to the #Cuffless like #AOC with hands behind the back & watchin' & listenin' to #WeedWhiskeyAndWillie @BrothersOsborne @https://youtu.be/8JjDHqZpdCg & @Armstrong_Getty @ksteam650 & @ledZeppelin #BlackDog https://youtu.be/yBuub4Xe1mw }