
Friday, October 14, 2022

@CheapTrick ExpensesAndSunglasses @ZZTop #GoodyGoody @CHICAGO

Junk thrown out in the dump of the garden of Eden, stabbed archangels fear to mate
Not down on the ground of being, above or below hot rocks of the Earth's holy fate
Umbrellas won't shield you from a downfall of apes, from an ID's ego, all divine DNA
Gods immortally yours but never mine, I'm independent of this Germanic wordplay.

Conquered these orphans who followed the herd's direction without Eves or Adams
To animate at will whichever appetite needed satiation or thirst required Salt of Sea
Ice when it's hot melts into a liquid then evaporates into hydrogen and oxygen atoms
Hiding in trees without ladders or caves without exit or entry, fittest avoid catasrophe.

Common numerator of the single digit denominator, one zero under infinity's cipher
Spun like a planet in orbit about the star that blew it into smithereens, into a revolver
Patricide of the mothers who spawned us from the eggs in the invisible basket cases
Small room in a womb until the conception evolves into a heavy duplication of faces.

Sorority of the fraternaties that assemble the cells into one unit of extinction, funk form
Of men, mice & everything above and below the contraption of the random chaos worm
Beings and forms they inhabit during their lucky shot at a long life, all of it ends in flames
As I am so I will always be, no need for approval from the genome's funk, it's all the same.

Bored until the ennui disspates into a  form that accomodates ill-will, a failure to launch
Diagnosis and prognosis are both unknown since the patient is not the objective of lunch
Death is immanant as is life when the stars haven't atrophied into a void, black arsehole
Darker where the sun don't shine, a fact of life, set of encyclopedia hides a rubber soul.

You know like I know the same things, you can deny what you've believed & you'll see
It won't matter in the long or the short run, the illusion of the way it is remains so free
Until you gasp for the last breath of the struggle, you are gonna fight hell to stay alive
Death to the ones who attempt theft of my life & any innocents, point of my jackknife.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, Rocktober XIVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 0606 AMPST
{ Kicked this out of the cellar, dropped a bottle of wine & had to drink some shattered glass while listenin' to @MartinaMcBride #WhateverYouSay link @ https://youtu.be/O-47tlPvmuE }

Thursday, October 13, 2022

@CheapTrick it's all 'bout the @TalkingHeads @Springsteen #WreckOnTheHighway

The species has survived many attempts to extinguish the DNA from Earth's face
Nothing could beat the survival rate of the human being, as such, a fait accompli
For the last time there can be no first time in the eternal immortality knit of lace
What I am is what I am & what you are or what?  You've got an alternator degree.

AC/DC from power up to shorting out, the Word remains the same, I leave aghast
Nothing but a whimper or gasp at first and for the second coming of gods all past
Degrees of educated guest professors & post graduate wonks all stacked up high
In the corners and in closets and attics nobody ever visits, keylime pie in the sky.

To be fair in the fight for survival of the most fit, road rules must be broken by me
There's only the loss of freedom or life when you've run out of defense to be free
Mothers of orphans & fathers of the condominiums and worship temples, word up
Say my name, say the word, be silent and you've done the deed, foot in the stirrup.

Follow a bounding main, across the teal sea shining under moonlit black quicksilver
Messenger of Earth's blood flow required to cause dreamers here and now to quiver
Like it or not, each and everyone else in the universe will get their shots in the dark
Meaning substance of the form, the shape of matter is an illusory chimera, on mark.

Thirst for the darkness everyone will see sooner or later, before any of us know it
As if you're immortal because you survived your dying friends and family, it's chit
In a basket or a casket, either way when you're gone, you're wasted, over and out
Don't shoot the messenger, altarboys, priests and the ladies they preached, caput.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, ROCKTOBER XIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 420 Hours
{ Drafted in utter silence in a void, just a hint of a brain buzz goin' 24/7 #CannabisForChange @FarmersAndTheFelon supporters of the LastPrisonerProject.org }


#ToutTheVaccine #HitlerAndMussoliniMutatedIntoDUST #UncertaintyWithoutPrinciple

Streaming down the brook to the old mill where canine's got pregnant with all the cool cake
They would cry when hunger or thirst became the dog's thought to think, growling belly ache
Mumbo jumbo fallin' from the cursed lips of a doomed mind in a godhead's migraine scream
Two for the price of One & the only one can't do anything but hunt, eat & sleep & in a dream.

Mystery solved, you see chumps and the fools of the town square, pounding pavement I see
Sleeping while wide awake but never alive on the surface of numnut star dirt, dead and free
No more fear and loathing of the stations broadcasting to the minions, their end is near here
On Jersey boardwalks & tiptops of penthouses in Manhattan, I can't get a stein of Pub's beer.

Speech squelched for the silence of an empty black hole that swallowed the matter of Kicks
No cow's milk means that infants will die, no milk from the teats, species extinction to come
Like it or not, don't shoot the messenger for there's more data downloading from the matrix
Straight out of Hades and the high water mix, DNA created out of nothing glows & then some.

Why is the question but what is the subject and object to predicate?  Who is in charge of God
Nobody, loose cannon owning the ship of fools, we're all coming out of a hot screw, hot rod
All for One and One for All, that's the muskateer way of the wicked and stiff corpse that died
Monkeys evolved from amoeba and One paramecium, no love or hate, just one smooth slide.

Full throttle opened until the fuel ran out just before the origin's jump to all final conclusions
Bones' flesh to be recycled for the living to survive from the dying, eating to live, to stay alive
For the mighty mice & the timid, innocent infants of every species' reproduction, mortal sins
Either remember or forget about the story, a saga of humanity, alone, Earth breed's godsons.

Jesus Christ the Hebrew or DefCon 3 blackballers ramble on until the Singularity goes all In
All there ever was in the universe of solar system's galaxies was the Cosmic Dust dream chit
Get ready for the beginning before it starts, be ready by the End of Time's bowels bombs It
You'll come & I'll go, eyes are wide open, vacuumed the carpets, windows are clear, I'm SIN!

Magic is an appearance of Nothing out of Nowhere, now you see it then suddenly, y'all don't
Camping by a fire or cuddled undercovers of silk quilts and blankets of fearless bravery won't
Be the need to bleed, there's no desire to be the hero yet the hero rises, arrives just in Time
Before The End's finale of somnambolistic tricks of divine crime, game of thrones, on a dime.

Graduated then died in a freeway wreck on the highway-tollway, a turnpike's asphalt-tar sea
In the cloverleaf entry & exit I see blockages, can't refuel hot engines, runnin' slow on empty
Next time there will be no next time, there's only this One Time & no other, it's now or never
Rolled & smoked, fire in a Hole, sparked bull's scat flames & swept up the stratosphere I Fear.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, ROCKTOBER Xth, MMXXII Anno Domini
{ No pHd in philosophy, just a BS degree in conflagration, drafted this gem in Dead Silence & 
listenin' to the @Armstrong_GettyRadioTalkShow @KSTE650AM }
