
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

#SoonerLATERnow #DevilsFoodDustyWordsUpFunk

Funk from the deepest holes within human being bodies fills the atmosphere from core to stratosphere
You know what no one else fathoms, self-knowledge of One’s momentous death, can’t be a soul there
Upon the middle path you cannot return, no turning back to the origin in Time, it's all, way too humane
Pouring water in a pitcher or wine in a chalice to transubstantiate a body & blood of what it is, divine.

Bring the bread home, your family is hungry & waiting to visit a butcher shop’s putrid scrap dumpster
You should have thought about this before ya got jiggy with your honey, now in for a long haul’s road
Unpaved, dirt & pebbles, rocks & mud all leading to the peak, above & below everything in Outerspace
Dream fades, eyesight turns to black, a void increases it’s hold on our insight & eyesight’s unholy face.

Just checking to see if you can comprehend a notion of wisdom & knowledge imploding in cosmic dust
Know you ain’t dead yet, you’re still reading to understand this complex notion, life ain’t easy for us
Yet, one foot in front of the other unless you’re handicap-crippled from the DNA or accidental fit
Walk on brothers, it’s a creature feature & an attractive form of staying alive in a hostile environment.

As you were at ease, remain that way, stay the course from now until the meeting with the final gasp
Shock to come I’m sure, or else maybe absolutely nothing at all, in the form of a deep-sleep forever end
Just never wake up to express yourself ever again, write it down, memorialize it on a granite headstone
Etched into the rock, pin-needle grooves into the roll & the sharps & flats merge into a cantata to die for.

Marks all erased from the paper, script is blank & typed in English, French, Italian & German, funny
It’s blank so what’s the deal on typing nothing, can you make copies of that & create a new j-peg file
For posterity and a copy for my mother and father, I want a shot of whiskey & some beer for my horses
I’ll hit the trail again when the feeders are empty, sleepin’ under stars, no bunk, all dark matter forces.

Why do workers believe Unions are the intelligence of the mind’s economic demands, strike to death
Go ahead, one's oath to the people is sacrosanct, let’s hire scabs right now to replace the severe cuts
Getting the forces to lay-off the older & higher-paid employees, then hire new rookies as slavery sluts
That if you stay for so many years, you retire with a pension until you die, never happen, never forget.

It’s good, no it’s better than good, it’s the best ever since sliced bread, you don’t do a thing nice & easy
Complexity higher than it needs to be so that only One knows how the puzzle’s pieces fit in all places
Border to keep a mindful idea inside of the observation, surrounded by empty nothingness, that’s all
Now you know, tucked you in now, it’s academic on your destiny, keep breathing, until your downfall.

Saving my cash for the rainy day that'll come day AFTER I die, it’ll pay for the fading into the Blow
Leftover stuff of matter & energy, redistribution of that stealth wealth at the afterlife trading post depot
Gold and lead, silver and tin bowls to hold the cream of the crop, drink for the gods to fill the outback
Backyard or a condo patio to leave it all out there, don’t hold it in long, snort it down like green crack.


r j j stephan, i  

c. Mercredi, September XIII, MMXXIII Anno Domini 1500 hours
{ Crushed this out of the squeeze while listenin’ to #DevilsAndDust @BruceSpringsteen link @ https://youtu.be/bOZzJ3uC_1Q?si=ZUmsCzvZuhhNoVhx }



Tuesday, September 12, 2023

ME & PINK ARE LIKE THIS XxX @PRINCE @TheRollingStones @PINK #EatAtWhiteys #Everlast #Temptations

Stillborn and without the wisdom and knowledge of the googled creator of heaven & Earthbound chit
It’s magnetized and materialized out of nowhere & nothing but your parents’ unconditional love skit
Played on the stage of existence as if it’s all there is to it, a whole shebang is yet to be continued on
From the ending of our own personal lives, the locked door flips the switch, heart attack, call 9-1-1.

They’ll be too late, I’m not casting aspersions, their gig is nearly without reward, less the paycheck
Rushing the gurney into Emergency to the nurse assistant personnel, stat leaving for another wreck
Every single day, there is never a day without an inevitable night, as if the older world twists it up
Into the cream of the crop, mustard foam of atoms popped inside out, I say, Hell to the no, ketchup.

She first moved a bit to the left & to the right, back & forth, up & down, yeah you know all about it all
It’s a mere solo observation, I have nothing to do with the outcome of the effects caused by bitter gall
Chasing the shadows in and out of the ultraviolet light into the visible spectrum in bloody, holy heel
Snagged the fish I ate and left their buts and bones for the poorly dressed and inferiors, ringin’ a bell.

Underground or out of the eight-mile boundary over Earth’s dirt, mud, blood & beer, it’s apple pie
Mama told me not to come 'til the pie cooled on the windowsill but I commandeered a whole doobie
Brothers and the sisters pulling when I’m pushing & moving into graduation phase to a High Scrawl
Discuss Nothing amongst yourselves, be curious unless it has little advantage to a desire not to die.

If & only if I tell you tell the whole Truth about the dialogue will you be able to not talk about the corps
On this planet or an exoplanet, inside the sun that’s 90 million miles away from here or a parsec more
Everywhere all the time, on a thin, blue line from heart to heart, soul to soul, it’s a pool of a sibling tour
If I we would have known better, we’d 've flipped a two-headed coin on the center court jump encircle.

Black mollies & God’s goldfish consume & exhume it all, Earth’s liquid gas can dish out, all died
Magic spells & incantations to recover the dead to return to the verve & animation of the soul, all lied
Bring our parents to the party, dead & gone or living high on the hog here in the genuine hood of tears
Walkin’ & ridin’ dirty for the world to gander, it’s just a second mortgage for whores & holy hookers.

Been back in time when I's willing & able to entertain the fools and been far ahead of the present too
Into the future where the events of life and existence in general are all out of my purview, all out of control
Under the Havana moon or Northern Lights of budding quarter pounds of what yo’ mama always needs
Songs sung in the stream of the brooks and river runs goin’ from poles to equator, path of infinity’s creeds.

Blind faith in the noodling of notes, up & down the treble and bass scales, fish, deer, rabbit & God’s head
To get me on through the hell fire and desolation of the desert and high sierras mountains, playin’ it hardly
As if there's no tomorrow, everybody was unknown to me before I was born, while I was alive now, I see
I know the gist of it all, missing a few pieces to get a full picture, before zero A.D., there was zero B.C.

These guys that died before we were alive wrote writing on walls, dead tree parchment & magazines
Journals, subjects cyber-roam the world in predication ala prepositions, conjunctions & interjections
It’s all in the program, a programmer used the 1’s & 0’s efficiently to process desires, below or above
Boys & girls from infantile innocence to a fail-safe survival, strong & prepared to kill for food & love.

Burned into ash because you’re rockin’ the satin & silk, you sleep in the clothes made of silky worms
Bred to be dead, the aliens had the same idea with humanity, they thought we were all too human men
We learned to get over life & death of friends & kin, wisdom confronted our own ends, CoVid germ
I got some news, forgot the old news that I needed in order to unlock the safe to retrieve, God squirm.

I got it all now, sonic boom heard pole to pole, getting the planet ready to split & lose a blues’ scream
The full price for living here & now is paying the debt owed to a power that introduced you to a dream
New day yesterday as it is today & will be tomorrow, Earth remains in wobble & spin, it'll be in a face
You & I got the Rolling Stones all rockin’ & a boss jackin’ us up in Jersey, 'tween a rock & hard place.

Fever getting’ colder since I busted out of the hard place in front of jagged rocks with the clown faces
You know where it’s been, same place & time, gotta sail on a salty sea or fly high like hot-air races
It’s marked, ready & set to go, groomed for success, lucky to be at a right place at a right time, all 24/7
I think, you thought, therefore we exist, at least I’ve been taught, repeat mantra, get to ballsy heaven.

Mind gone stateside or any other side on any other continent of government population out of control
High or low, standard set by choice nobody else’s matters, I’m the one that dies when it’s time, as if
Anyone could take your place whether they offer or not, cannot copay karma back for another soul
Drink Tequila & swallow the rest of the medicine as if  life depended on it, believe me, it really does.

Time mixed up in Space, backward move forward, present stay still, dyin’ of thirst, stones’ lips all dry
Not for long, got gum, beer, got loud amplifier lead, rhythm & bass guitars, drums & Judy in disguise
Song sung with sunglasses in a sunny park’s shade tree dark spot, strummed the chords, sang on the fly
No words when there’s no words, just pretend that there are words, say words, mean something wise.

You got what you needed in the past seven decades, hardly ever disappointment, maybe ones or twos
In every case, glad to be alive for the limited time granted, don’t want to get excited 'bout purple blues
Tremendous happiness ahead in store for each & every one of the born & surviving in a bloody circus
Playin’ it straight up or layin’ down on a back of your sister, mother or ex-wife, don’t cheat, don’t fuss.

Fruit of this or that loom in bloom, ahead of pending doom, it’s comin’ just wait, don’t lose no sleep
In fact, while you’re in the middle of the next dream, consider remaining there to avoid the hot, deep
In counterclockwise motion faking locomotion, dead in dirty water, a chimera in a desert I keep close
Painted red & black because it couldn’t be brown or yellow, flat-line buzz, all black everywhere, Rose!

r j j stephan, i 

c. Mardi, 9-XII-MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Crafted jammin’ to @TheRollingStones link @ https://youtu.be/pBs5I-Qa0xM?si=pUJPs4RlyuLA0mQ3 }



Monday, September 11, 2023

MOVIE AIN'T MOVIN' ANY MOVES #BustAMove on #TheNineOneOne #GoOnGetAngryWitMe #YoullGitTheAnswerWhenItComes #GodGotYoAttentionYet?

Will this be on the test & will I be able to use cheat-cheat answers from idiots next to me?  Erase it
If any of this is important, it'll follow us like karma stuck in honey bee wax, no way to escape an obit
Right there in front of backward minds of the most ungrateful among us, they hung an innocent guy
Hangman was the guilty party & that was no fabrication of Truth, judge's cool execution on the fly.

Dreamer gets the authority to wake up or remain dead asleep with no clue that it’s all a chimera tale
Of origins & final destinations in a fog of ignorance about what happened before the sex & love fail
Think therefore you are here & now, fearless or hiding from shadows that never disappear in daylight
In the corner of the eye of a beholder, shadow of shape & form morph the Earth plane like a box kite.

Disguised more inside the head than outside of the whole persona, body & soul, skintight, skin deep
Skintight like snare, tom-toms & floor tom by the bass drums, without which there’s no Rhythm beat
Plugged into the electric outlet but the juice has been leaking out of the bottom, red hots to overheat
Everything on the red hots, hot peppers, relish, onions, mustard, ketchup on a poppy seed bun heap.

Nothing better than the memory of this when you can’t get one, nowhere in sight of the radius of Me
Wind and fire making the most of the vacuum of air between oceans of salt H2O, funky words skippy
Plows put down, land gone fallow leaving your mother wondering where she’s gonna get the vittles
Out the hogs chitlins and the black eyed peas there’s a concert in the pigpen, it’s called high heaven.

Happiness is hidden up in there because the bad boys & girls want it & can’t have it, not my peaches
Extinction of the souls is all that there ever was for them, never got that last cold glass of lemonade
I think I’ll try makin’ a pitcher of my own brew, I’ll know the magic spell it’ll cast upon the psyches
Glisten in darkness, impossible cascade of royal purple & cherry red, ending ultraviolet & infrared.

Stay with me, follow the lead, it’s sour & sweet when you mate & then find that it’s a ruse, a sham
Painting of the unreal, the imaginary scenes of a Kodak film of negatives morphing into a grand slam
Over the fence in deep centerfield, it’s too far to catch even for the tallest gargantuan ball player mit
Three strikes, three outs, shut-out three to zip at three o’clock, all for one of the trinities on the spit.
Free or not, you live, you die, you breathe deeply, free or behind the pens bars, rigor mortis sets in
You all can’t remember your friends and family dying and leaving pretty corpses in the casket/coffin
Freedom from Earth is all they for, the spirit’s so out of sight it appears to be long gone, beyond it all
Foam of the salty sea, molten core of the hole in the middle of Earth, makes an orbital rockin’ ball.

If you are God, you’ve gotten lost in the universe, can’t find The Way back to home base, cornered
Between all four of them, the ceiling and the floor, it’s a rat trap, a mouse trap, way too human bed
It’s what happens when you forget the things you should recall, the mystics blow minds into heavens
Or hell fire below, 2 options, here or there, it’s the sum of all inquiry about everything, NOTHING!

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, 9-ONE-ONE, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Crippled the gods and ghouls comin’ for my soul, immuned to idiocy, wrote this while jammin’ to the tunes right here Harvey @ https://youtu.be/PCjhgiVnYDs?si=l0PKm5vZCzbnTF-I }
